TOPIC: Examine Yourself Monday 13, October 2014 TEXT: JOB - TopicsExpress


TOPIC: Examine Yourself Monday 13, October 2014 TEXT: JOB 31:33-40 Key Verse: “If my land cry against me, or that the furrows likewise thereof complain; If I have eaten the fruits thereof without money, or have caused the owners thereof to lose their life” (Job 31:38,39). It is said that clear conscience fears no accusation. Whatever we do as believers, our conscience must be pure. This is the gist of our text today. In his reflections over the flood of calamities that had befallen him, Job had continued to search himself, asking questions where he must have gone wrong to attract the afflictions. Since his persecution began, he has continued to receive miserable visitors, who claimed to be his friends. They also claimed to have come to commiserate with him. But their uncharitable and unguarded utterances, rather than soothe Job’s aching nerves, pierced him more like deadly arrows. They had serially accused Job of unrighteousness, the consequence of which, according to them, had been the avalanche of his afflictions. Remember, Job had, in a single swoop, lost all his cattle, children and other material wealth and was bodily afflicted with an unknown skin disease. But, in all these, he maintained his integrity. He was sure that the righteous God does not dispense unrighteous judgment. His confidence in God did not wane even at the darkest hour of his life. Job’s reflection of his dealings with God encouraged him; and it is a challenge to every believer. Believers must realize that there are many afflictions that come when they hide their iniquities or cover their transgressions as Adam did. Are you enmeshed in dirty deals, contracts or other messy and questionable transactions? You must maintain clean hands and pure conscience to enable you stand boldly in the days of trouble. Believers must also borrow a leaf from Job’s consistent life of righteousness even when circumstances dictate otherwise, knowing that cross- bearing and ‘light afflictions’ are the hallmarks of true discipleship. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: He who goes to equity must go with clean hands.
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 07:03:05 +0000

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