TOPIC FOR TODAY: Uncovering The Mystery of Unconditional - TopicsExpress


TOPIC FOR TODAY: Uncovering The Mystery of Unconditional Love. Unconditional love is not an emotion, its our core state of being. Love in this context is synonymous with harmony and equilibrium, the synthesis of the polar opposites of duality created in the mind, which hide the magnificent intelligent order and harmony inherent to the universe around us from our awareness. The universe in which we exist is also unconditional in this sense, you never get challenge without support, and every single experience is geared for your growth. KNOWING this experientially is the true meaning of the word faith as used in a spiritual context....... When we trigger emotion (due to an imbalanced perception) it is superimposed on our core state of love which is constant, obscuring it from our direct perception/conscious awareness. When we balance or neutralise the emotion - perception, if we ever do, we return to our core unconditional state. This is possible with every experience in every moment. I must add here that it is not possible to remain in a constant state of unconditionality, that would defeat our growth. Instead, every time we get emotional (due to an imbalanced perception and underlying limiting belief) and then manage to balance our perception and return to unconditional love in the moment, we gain wisdom, update the underlying belief and are more present and empowered to live more fulfilling lives. With repetition of this response to emotion, limiting beliefs will be updated, and seeking the balanced perspective becomes "first instinct" on triggering emotion. The magnitude of our emotions will decrease too, since we are no longer investing in them, and the more often we can balance our perception of polarity the more we accelerate our growth. For us as individuals it really is all about creating joy and fulfillment through living an inspired, empowered, abundant and meaningful life. Graham Burwise ;
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 11:05:32 +0000

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