TOPIC: GOTTA BREAK THE SILENCE Timeless, I don’t usually - TopicsExpress


TOPIC: GOTTA BREAK THE SILENCE Timeless, I don’t usually confide in people but I have to ask for some advice. I’ve been with my husband for 12 years, married for seven and have a five-year-old child together. The past 12 years of my life was amazing. I am faithful to him, I cook for him, clean for him, take care of him and treat him how a queen must treat her king; he treats me like a queen in return. Lately I noticed a slight changed in his behaviour: he comes home later than usual and eats a lot less now. Being the good woman that I am I didn’t ask him anything about the change in his behaviour because I didn’t want to have an uncalled for argument. Every six months I clean out his underwear drawer to surprise him with new ones. He gets excited each time and puts on a show to show me how they each fit. Cleaning out the drawer this time, I found some condoms and women’s jewelry. How strange is that? I know the condoms are not for me because in our seven years of marriage we never use a condom and I know the jewellery is not for me because I am a Seventh Day Adventist and I don’t wear jewellery. I was so upset that I stood there in front the dresser jumping to conclusions. I threw out his old boxers and placed the new ones in as planned, and put the jewellery and condoms on top so that he will see that I saw them. When my husband got home that evening I was in the living room watching news. I kept my calm and acted normal. He sat by me and together we watched the news. He then got up and asked me to join him in shower but I was so upset that I refused. When he finished his bath I went upstairs to the room to see his reaction. Would you believe that he acted like he did not notice the new underwear nor the condoms and jewellery? Now am extra mad because I did not get my show or an explanation. It’s been two weeks and he has barely spoken to me. Now am furious because he won’t even try to talk to me. I am not the nagging type and I never accused my husband of cheating on me. I really don’t want to be the first to bring up the conversation between us, which I know will result in an argument. I am tired of the silence between my husband and I so therefore I need some advice. Should I ask him about my findings? Should I automatically assume that he’s cheating? Or Should I continue to live in silence?
Posted on: Sun, 27 Apr 2014 17:30:11 +0000

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