TOPIC: IF ANY MAN OR WOMAN DOES NOT OFFEND IN WORD… -WHAT THE SCRIPTURE SAYS ABOUT THIS MATTER- “My brethren, be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation. For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body. Behold, we put bits in the horses’ mouths, that they may obey us: and we turn about their whole body. Behold also the ships, which though they be so great, and are driven of fierce winds, yet are they turned about with a very small helm, whithersoever the governor listeth. Even so the tongue is a little member, and bosteth great things. Behold now how great a matter a little fire kindleth! And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature: and it is set on fire of hell. For every kind of beasts, and of birds, and of serpents, and of things in the sea, is tamed, and has been tamed of mankind: but the tongue can no man tame: it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. Therewith bless we God, even the father: and therewith course we men, which are made after the similitude of God. Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be. Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter? Can the fig tree, my brethren, bear olive berries? Either a vine, figs? So can no fountain both yield salt water and fresh…JAMES 3:1-12. -WHAT I RECEIVED OF THE LORD CONCERNING THIS MATTER- Brethren, the Bible warns that the power of life and death are in our very mouth, even in the mouth of the righteous. Yes, the power to create and the power to destroy: both are in our very mouths, even as the righteous ones. Our heavenly Daddy created the world with words. He also created us in His image and in His likeness, and endowed us with the power to create things even with our very mouths. But many, it appears, are using this gift to destroy – even to destroy their own lives and those of others; and many are already in hell fire just by reason of the very words that came out of their mouths. The unfortunate thing here is that many that teach this matter only relate it to issues of speaking good things into our lives. They just encourage believers to speak what the word of God says and not what they feel – and they restrict this to manifestations of healing or of the good things of this life in the lives of those who speak the word of faith. They teach that we must create our world with our very mouths – focusing mainly on the world of abundance of all the good things of this life. These are no doubt good teachings. But there is much more to our words than all that, and that is the reason for this message. Men and brethren, the easiest way to defile our lives is through our words. Many believers are careful to resist all manners of sin and sinful pleasures, but they find it extremely difficult to overcome the evil that their tongues produce day in day out. With the same mouth we bless and with the same mouth we curse – we speak negative things about our fellow men and women. Some even speak wickedness all in the name of preaching the word of God! Some of the words we read every day even on social media, proceeding from the hearts of those that say that they are believers, will make even satan himself to shudder. Yet we claim that we are saved. We pour out great bitterness and venom on fellow human beings all in the name of speaking the truth. And in so doing we defile ourselves; and when we are defiled, the angels that are sent to guide us will avoid us, and we will be exposed to all manners of satanic devices. And if we continue in this vile attitude we will end up quenching the Holy Ghost, and if we die in such state we end up in hell fire. I speak the mind of the Spirit of God, I lie not. People of God, we must guard our tongues. Even on the pulpits some preachers use such vile and vulgar words that defile them and those that hear them. The same applies to what we write even as sermons. When we use vile and vulgar words, even in what we call sermons, we bring defilement on ourselves and on those that read what we write. And that is why the scriptures warn believers to beware of what they hear – and I dare say, even of what they read too. Are you one of those that mount the pulpit and pour venom on fellow preachers or even on leaders of your communities? You may think that you are doing the will of God; but I want to assure you that you are serving the course of satan. That bitterness you are pouring out is not from the Lord. Yes, the Lord demands that we hate sin with all passion, but He never taught us to also hate sinners. Hating sin and hating sinners are two worlds apart – while the former leads to heaven the latter ends one in eternal damnation. This is the word of God. We must run from every root of bitterness. We must be angry, but we must not sin thereof. It is a glorious thing to be angry at sin, and even at sinners, but we must not sin thereby. On many occasions Jesus was angry at sinners, even in the days of his flesh, yet He sinned not. He never uttered a vile word until He went to be with the Lord. Nothing that defiles can ever be associated with heaven. Let me remind those that believe; that God honors ALL the words of the righteous. This may sound strange to some of us, but that is a divine truth. Every word spoke by a righteous man or woman matters to heaven – every single word. Even when you say you are joking, God is interested in what you are saying. If only believing folks will pay attention to this very message! Brethren, there is nothing as “I was joking” in heaven. As far as heaven is concerned what the righteous says is what he or she means. This is a profound mystery in godliness. Every idle word we utter as true believers will be required of us – every idle word, nothing excepting. We all will give account of our ungodly words, especially the ones we failed to repent from. Take a closer look at your “bad” husband; take a closer look at your “bad” wife. Take another look at that “bad” child of yours. They are creations of your negative words – the venom you pour out day in day out on them all in the name correcting them. With you own mouth you have destroyed your relationships and your children’s destines. With your very mouth you have ruined the future of your children. And you will give account. Brethren, with our own mouths we have destroyed our leaders. We have poured out so much wickedness that our spiritual environment stinks. Yet we are not relenting – we are determined to “say it as it is”. We seem unstoppable. The mouth we are given to create godliness around us has become an instrument of destruction and perversion. And we claim that we are Christians – Christians indeed! Therefore today is a day for repentance. If you know all the guile you have spoken in time past, start now to repent from them, in dust and ashes. If need be you may even fast and plead for God’s mercy. All the negative words you have been uttering have been working against you and against those you spoke them against. The only ones that are not affected by the negative words of others are ONLY TRUE BELIEVERS. Every other man or woman in the street is affected by negative words spoken against him of her – and those that make such evil comments will give account. Many will be asking: but how do we avoid this terrible matter? How do we keep our mouths from marring our future and the future of others? First and foremost, we must all thirst for sanctification. Yes, it is almost impossible for any believer who is not sanctified to make heaven at last. It is only sanctification that bring a believer’s mind at per with the mind of Christ. And until we walk daily in the mind of Christ we will forever be amenable to all manners of sin and sinful lusts. And while we are praying and fasting for sanctification, we must strive not to speak when we are angry. We must keep our mouths shut when our spirit is not stirred to say something. Remember we must not contribute to every discussion. We must separate ourselves from the crowd. We must live a discrete lifestyle. Brethren, let none of us be deceived. The road to heaven is full of thorns and of thistles. Nobody can enter heaven by surprise, none. We must walk out our salvation with fear and trembling. Jesus did so in the days of His flesh. Even though He was by all means equal to God – yet He lived in daily fear of God throughout His days here with us. The Apostles also followed the footsteps of Christ and joined Him in glory. Even the prophets, including Abraham, our father – all of them lived in daily fear of God, and made heaven at last. We cannot be exceptions. I pray that we all make heaven at last, but I also pray that we all be ready to pay whatever price it will take to achieve that. And one of such prices is that we must not speak as we feel but as He leads. Remain blessed forever.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 10:14:12 +0000

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