TOPIC. NO CROSS...NO CROWN. CROSS IS A PERIOD OF suffering,trial,temptation,sorrow,adversity,a period of waiting upon the Lord. CROWN IS A PERIOD OF Joy,happiness,new song,when his glory has come upon you. IN 1 THESELONIA 2 VS 19..BIBLE says,For what is our hope,or Joy,or crown of rejoicing?is it not even you in the presence of our Lord Jesus christ at his coming? Jesus fulfiled his destiny and became the most famous man ever,because he carried the cross. Beloved,If there is no cross,there shall be no crown. In the book of Genesis chpter 37......Joseph dreamt of Eleven stars,sun and moon bowed down to him but Little did Joseph knew that before his dream would manifest,there is a cross for him to carry,and he had to go through pains. The Bible calls Abraham a friend of God,an elect,the apple of God eyes.God made promises to him,he was called the father of nation yet he was childless. Abraham carried his cross,at about 90,he was still believing God for a child,yet God calls him the father of nation. He recieved his crown eventually but couldnt run away from pain,trial,sorrow. Beloved,what is that in your Life that causes sleepless night, That makes you doubt the awsome power of the almighty, That makes you wish you are dead..there is no need for that Beloved. I have a good news and a word of faith for you this morning. IF THERE IS NO CROSS,THERE WILL BE NO CROWN, IF THERE IS NO PAIN,THERE WILL BE NO GAIN, IF THERE IS NO BREAKDOWN,THERE WILL BE NO BREAKTHROUGH, IF THERE IS NO TRIAL,THERE WILL BE NO TRIUMPH. IF THERE IS NO SORROW,THERE WILL BE NO JOY. IT IS A WAY OF LIFE BELOVED. During the period of the way of cross Beloved, There are lots of challenges of Life There are lots of pot holes, That way is full of Robot,when the Robot is red,you have no option than to wait upon the Lord,till he gives you go ahead as Robot turns green. The way is very narrow ,dirty and awkward. On that way,at times you cry,at times you mumur,atimes you complain,atimes you smile but THE GOOD NEWS IS THAT AT THE END....YOU SHALL RECIEV A CROWN. It shall be so in your Life in Jesus name. SHALLOM!
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 11:03:21 +0000

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