TOPIC OF THE DAY: { Hebrews 13:8 - Jesus Christ the same - TopicsExpress


TOPIC OF THE DAY: { Hebrews 13:8 - Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and for ever. } We are living in the 21st century. And so many things have changed in our world from century to century. I am 60 years old born in 1953, and have seen much progress from my childhood to womanhood. There are new schools of thought in science, education, psychology, health. biology and in many other fields and professions. And new religions have been formed and new doctrines fashioned after the 21st century modern day age. I personally have no problem with progress but what disturbs me is how some people try to make it seem like Gods doctrine is to old and needs to be revamped. What I mean is they act like God must play catch up. I have listen to many so called teachers and preachers of the gospel in my age. And many try to be very articulate and elaborate in their words while sharing the gospel with others. There are some who set up workshops to teach the gospel. Then there are some who use visuals and audio products to get the hearers attention. Then I have heard a few Pastors say they must allow the young people in the church to have rap gospel and borrow other things from the world to keep them interested to stay in church. Many feel there must be new ways and techniques to teach the 21st century believers. All of this change but Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever!! Listen sin has not changed its nature since Adam and Eve fell into it after disobeying God in the garden of Eden. The devil does not educate his demons and umps each passing century by creating new techniques on how to tempt anyone to sin. Even the devil has not changed his ways. Jesus made that clear when he rebuked some Jews who sought to kill him during his age.{ John 8:44 } He told them that their father was the devil. Jesus said the devil was the father of lusts and lies. And he was a murderer from the beginning. The devil has stayed true to form over the centuries to date. So why must Jesus play catch up to mans educational techniques, doctrines, and wisdom? How can an eternal God be to old fashioned? All mankind is living by a calender created by God. Their biological clock is ticking and the Lord knows when it will stop functioning. And it will not be fixed or repaired. To many believe they know how to do things better than God but mans wisdom is futile. Gods foolishness is wiser than men.{ I Corinthians 1:25 } The wisdom of the whole world is foolishness with God.{ I Corinthians 18 - 20 } There were a few resurrections during Jesus ministry. Lazarus was one of them but he still had to pass out of this world. Jesus is the only resurrection who still lives today in our 21st century. Because death could not hold him. No matter how much progress men may achieve it is old to the Lord. For he is an eternal God! It does not require new ways of teaching to win souls for the kingdom of God. All one needs to do is to be, Called, Anointed, by God, and Instructed by the Holy Spirit. Then the gospel must be preached!{ Romans 10:13 - 15 } God has not changed his formula to win souls for his kingdom. So preachers and teachers stand on the word of God, cry loud and spare not!!
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 14:32:13 +0000

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