TOPIC: OUR GOD MAKES ALL THINGS BEAUTIFUL IN HIS OWN TIME. -WHAT THE WORD SAYS ABOUT THIS MATTER- “For when God made a promise to Abraham, because He could not swear by the greater, He aware by Himself, saying, surely blessing I will bless thee, and multiplying I will multiply thee. And so after he had patiently endured he obtained the promise. For men verily swear by the greater: an oath for confirmation is to them an end of all strife. Wherein God, willing more abundantly to show unto the heirs of promise the immutability of His counsel, confirmed it by oath; that by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled from refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us: Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which entereth into that within the veil; whither the Forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus, made an high priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek”…HEBREWS 6:13-20. -WHAT I RECEIVED OF THE LORD CONCERNING THIS MATTER” For we all that believe have the need of patience, pleads the scriptures, that after we have done the will of God, we might receive the promise. See Hebrews 10:36. But why must we wait, some may ask? Because He that will come will come, and will not tarry (Hebrews 10:37.) We must also remember that faithful is He Who called us into His salvation – Who will also do it. We must wait because everything from the Lord requires some patience. Men and brethren, we know by the scriptures that the love of money is the root of all evils. Now I also declare to us that impatience is the second root of all evils, even in that order. Many destinies in Christ have been destroyed, and many are on the verge of destruction, by reason of impatience. Many have wondered into all manners of sin and sinful lusts out of impatience. Many have become captives of satan and of satanic influences out of impatience. Many have given birth to premature ministries out of impatience. Brethren, godly patience is part of the fruit of the Spirit. Every true believer is the habitation of our God through the Holy Ghost. And in this Holy Ghost is embodied the character of God. And this character of God is what we call the fruit of the Spirit – even the fruit of the Holy Ghost. And one such character of God is patience. That is why the utmost of godliness is unto all patient endurance. People of God, we must learn from He Who indwells us through His Spirit. If not for the patience of God there will be no life on earth today. All through the centuries mankind has continued to provoke God, to the extent that, if not for His enduring patience, tampered by mercy, He would have longed wiped away humanity. But He endures. And this endurance eventually gave birth to our Lord Jesus Christ; His endurance allowed His only begotten Son to die shamefully at the hands of sinners, and that for those who never knew Him. This enduring nature of our heavenly Daddy has today made us, who in the past were sold out to the enemy, His sons and daughters. That is the patience of our God in summary. Men and brethren, we cannot serve God in impatience – impossible. Nothing good comes from haste. Our father Abraham waited for twenty years after the promise of God to receive the promised child, Isaac. However, in the midst of his endurance, Abraham begat Ishmael outside the promise and outside the perfect will of God. And that Ishmael only became a distortion of the perfect will of God. And up till today, the consequence of that haste is still very much with us. People of God, many believers are daily giving birth to all manners of Ishmael – in their marriages, in their businesses, even in ministry. And the tragic thing is that many will never again give birth to their Isaac – for if the foundation be destroyed, what can the righteous do? Many in the body of Christ are into all manners of error and compromise by reason of haste. And all have one excuse or the other for this madness. Some would claim age – that they are getting too old to continue waiting on the Lord. Yet we know that Moses was called by God at eighty, and he fulfilled his ministry. Some claim poverty, some even claim that they can no longer endure the shame and pain of serving the Lord. The street of impatience is inhabited by majority of believers and this is world-wide. Brethren, we must receive the grace to wait on the Lord, no matter how long it takes for Him to come. The important notice to all is this – He will come, if we faint not. The Disciples of Christ waited in Jerusalem till the descent of the Holy Ghost – and when He came, the same disciples, who were hitherto in hiding from the rampaging leaders of Israel, marched out with unprecedented boldness and changed the world for Christ. Today, many that are called into the same matter cannot wait out of impatience. A little fasting period on “a mountain” will do. And when they emerge, they emerge empty – full of human philosophy and brilliance, but lacking the Spirit – thereby rendering the work of God of no effect. Many are in wrong marriages out of impatience. And I warn all those involved that they must remain therein. Marriage according to the perfect will of God is “till death do we part”. They must remain there even if Christ tarries. Even some that are praying that their “bad” spouses will die so that they might marry the perfect will of God are living in a greater sin. That man or that woman will not die. Indeed the more you pray that prayer that worse the man or woman becomes. You must endure, yes you must – that is the cup you have taken up, and you must finish the content. There shall be no excuses whatsoever. Were you not the one who claimed that our God would grant all the desires of your heart? And now that He has so “granted” them, why are you complaining and murmuring? People of God, God would only grant the desires of our heart when such desires are in line with His perfect will. But He does allow us to walk in permissive will when we insist. And the permissive will of God will not send anybody to heaven at last. When folks, out of impatience, answer their own prayers themselves, they claim that our God has “answered” them. But take a careful look at your ways, even at your life generally – are you living as a true child of God? If you drop dead today, will you make heaven? Yes, you are making so much money, and you may even be very popular – but did our God send you into what you are doing? Have you forgotten that there is always a way that seemeth right unto men, yet it leads to eternal destruction? Yes, what you do may seem good to you and to all around you, yet you are living out a product of impatience. The greatest deception satan has planted in men is this: that he cajoles us to live a lie without ever realizing it. He makes us to continue in error as if we are walking in the perfect will of God. And many do realize their mistakes but when it is already too late to make a U-turn. Search yourselves today before it is too late. Out of impatience many cheated, and are still cheating, in various exams and tests. Many falsify their ages and other personal data to gain one advantage or the other. Many are telling all manners of lies to secure Visas to countries where God has not sent them. Many even secure some “lucrative” contracts and jobs at the expense of their souls – some sold their bodies while some sold their very conscience. Some bribe their way through. The worst sin is that some of those involved also bring in the proceeds of these unholy engagements into the house of God as “tithes” and as “offerings” – thereby polluting the sanctuary of God, and thus rendering the word of God of no effect.! All these are manifestations of impatience. And those that are involved must correct their ways before it is too late. There shall be no excuses at the gate of heaven – none whatsoever. Brethren, I am sorry to announce to us that heaven requires us to wait on the Lord even unto death! There is no excuse acceptable to heaven why we must not wait on the Lord. Our heavenly Daddy knows the end from the beginning. He knows what we are passing through waiting on Him – yes He knows. Yet, He also knows that whatever we pass through waiting on Him is necessary to prepare us for our heavenly journey. He is not wicked neither is He careless. Out of love He watched His only begotten die on the Cross like a common criminal. Out of the same love He is watching us pass through all manners of trials and temptations waiting on Him. Yet we must wait. Necessity is upon us to wait – and woe is us if we wait not. Are you among them that compete with others out of impatience, desist from today? Are you among them that fight and defend themselves, thereby ignoring the express instruction of our God that all vengeance must be His? It is time to hand it all over to the Lord. Are you among those who abort “unwanted’ pregnancies out of impatience – holding that our able God is not able to uphold them even in such situations. Let me remind us that with our God all things are possible. If you dare to wait on Him you will never regret doing that. Are running from one country to another, from one State to another, even from one city to another? You may just be a victim of impatience. You may actually be seeking for what God has already ordained for you even where you started the race. And this I add, even as Apostle James did in his epistles: “Be patience therefore brethren, unto the coming of our Lord. Behold the husbandman waited for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain. Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh. Grudge not one against another, brethren, lest ye be condemned: behold, the judge standeth before the door. Take ye brethren, the prophets, who have spoken in the name of the Lord, for an example of suffering affliction, and of patience. Behold we count them happy which endure. Ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen that end of the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy”..See James 5:7-11 Brethren, impatience will forever lead to error, and continuing error will forever lead to eternal damnation. The overriding topic of our Christian race is this: “Endure Till I come”. Will you endure? Will you wait on the Lord? Will you wait for His perfect will? Do not fall into the satanic trap of concluding that our God is slack in His ways. He is never slack. He will come, yes He will. And when He does, He will make all things beautiful in truth and indeed. Keep waiting.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 12:50:07 +0000

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