TOPIC: PUT YE ON OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST: AND MAKE NO PROVISION FOR THE FLESH. -THE WORD- Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: (for until the law of sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed where there is no law). Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam’s transgression, who is the figure of Him that was to come. But not as the offense, so also is the free gift. For if through the offense of one man many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift of grace which by one Man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many. And not as it was by one that sinned, so is the gift: for the judgment was by one man unto condemnation, but the free gift is of many unto justification. For if by one man’s offense death reigned by one; much more so they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by One, Jesus Christ. Therefore as by offense of one judgment came upon all men unto condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification in life. For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous. Moreover the law entered that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace much more abounded. That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.. “ROMANS 5:12-21’’.. -THE MESSAGE- Our heavenly Daddy formed man in His own very image- physically and yet spiritually- to look like Him both in physic and in sinlessness, in purity, in Holiness and even in love. Daddy created man to have fellowship with man. Inside the man created by God was also the woman. And our loving Daddy named the man He formed Adam and gave him dominion over all His creation. He did not even stop there: He went further to establish a similitude of the heavenly paradise on earth and called it the Garden of Aden. And into this Garden He put the man He created, pulled the woman out of the man, and yet brought the man and the woman together to enjoy heavenly bliss even on earth – as husband and wife. Adam was to name his Eve – who was to become the mother of all living. That is how we all began. Any other story is of man – induced by satan, the author of lies and of distortion. But this Adam sinned against Daddy, Who cursed Him, and drove him out of the Garden even with his wife Eve. And it is written that Adam went on to father children, and his children to father other children, and so on and so forth. He evidently became the father of mankind. And as it is written, all the descendants of Adam must inherit his sin and the attendant curse – irrespective of whether they sin or not. This is what is called imputation of sin, and it as simple as that. And no amount of righteous living could deliver mankind from this adamic sin and curse. But our righteous Daddy is not the author of confusion, as some have made Him to look like by their pernicious and pervasive ways. He was determined to restore mankind to His original intentions. And because the first man did not by any means merit whatever he received from God, God also purposed in His heart to restore man, but not by merit of any kind. He purposed that man would yet be reconciled to Him, this time by faith – which simply means to believe that He is and that He is a Rewarder of whosoever would diligently seek Him. The reconciliation began in the same Old Testament. Therein some folks made it back to God by faith. Abel did and got slain by his brother Cain. One Enoch also did and Daddy took him straight to heaven as a sort of encouragement to others. Noah followed the footsteps of Enoch and was rewarded, but in a different way. By faith he condemned the then world, and became the heir of the righteousness which is by faith. Abraham, who was to become the father of all true children of God, also walked by faith. He believed God, and it was counted unto him as righteousness. And to reconcile more folks unto Himself, Daddy introduced the law even in the days of Moses. But this law only succeeded in making sin even more sinful: and instead of reconciling mankind to Daddy, it even made it more difficult for man to access to walk in true righteousness. For under the law, whosoever must please Daddy must live by ALL the laws, without exception. And it was almost impossible for many to make it. Even Moses to whom the law was given also fell fowl of the same law – and nearly missed it. People of God, let it firmly be established here and now, that from Adam, even to Moses and his law, as far as the prophets - the singular purpose of God was to bring man to live as Adam before he sinned. His heartbeat was to cause man to live above sin, to walk in His holiness and in His righteousness – and to enjoy the heavenly life even here on earth. And the truth is this: that from Enoch and to Moses, even to the days of the prophets, those who succeeded in pleasing Daddy, even by faith, did live and died in His righteousness and Holiness. There was nothing like living by faith and yet living in sin. That would have been a total mockery of the plans and purpose of God for man in the first place. But Daddy did not relent. He was determined to fully restore man to His original plan and purpose. And His final plan was to send Himself in the form of His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to die for sin, even without sin – so that as many as would accept what His Christ would accomplish on Calvary would automatically enter into a new relationship with Him – the relationship of Father and son. So Jesus came, lived a sinless life, was slain, buried – and on the third day He resurrected, and is now sited right hand of our Daddy in heaven – waiting rather impatiently till His enemies are made His footstool. And who are His enemies? Are they not sin and death? Men and brethren, when Jesus came in the flesh, He established His doctrines. And His doctrines states that the consequences of man returning to sin is eternal damnation. Indeed, His doctrines can be best described as the definition of His righteousness. That is to say, when one claims that he or she has accepted Christ as Lord and Savior, his or her life must subsequently become a day by day manifestation of the doctrines of the same Christ. Of course these doctrines are the commandments of His Daddy, even our Daddy in heaven. In His doctrines, Jesus established how those who would become His followers must live. Yes, those who would walk with Christ shall do so by faith. But as far Jesus is concerned, living by faith in Him must also be interpreted to mean living day by day by His doctrines. To him, whosoever must lay claim to His righteousness by faith must also manifest His doctrines in his or her daily life. And at death, Jesus sealed His doctrines with His blood and gave birth to the New Testament. The Holy Ghost was later to further explain these doctrines through what we today know as the Epistles. Men and brethren, all that we read today as the Epistles are just explanations of the doctrines of Christ, no more no less. What the Holy Ghost did was to enable the writer of these Epistles to further break down the doctrines of Christ, and to explain how it operates under the indwelling of the Holy Ghost. This Holy Ghost is also the Spirit of Christ. And whatever the Holy Ghost gives is what He receives from Christ. The duty of the Holy Ghost is to further the doctrines of Christ and to establish it in the hearts of the followers of Christ. Men and brethren, the Holy Ghost is holy and can never be associated with sin. The Holy Ghost did not come to introduce a new Doctrine. Therefore there is no Gospel according to the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost only came to enforce and establish the Doctrines of Christ in the hearts of believers in Christ. And neither Apostle Paul, nor indeed any other Apostle of our Lord Jesus Christ, can claim that the Holy Ghost instructed him to write a new Doctrine for the Church of Jesus Christ. The truth is this: whatever is found in any of the Epistles that is contrary to the Doctrines of Christ must be cast aside and trampled upon. But I can vouch by the Holy Ghost that are no such contradictions – except those created by the pervert teachings of some men and women. Therefore, people of God, those that claim that Apostle Paul wrote that believers in Christ can continue in sin that the grace of our Lord may shield them are on their own. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ is given to help folks to accept Christ and His finished work – and then to live thereafter according to His Doctrines. Those that interpret some writings of Paul to suggest that a believer can continue to sin and still make heaven at last are enemies of the Cross of our Lord. Those who interpret some writings of Paul and John, to mean that a believer cannot commit sin – that it is the flesh of the believer that commits sin while his or her spirit of permanently saved – they are the sole architects of their teachings. The Holy Ghost has nothing to do with that. Men and brethren, the Doctrines of our Lord cover the entire Bible, without exception. Therefore true Christianity is a manifestation of the entire scripture, from Genesis to Revelation, in the day to day life a man or woman who has already accepted Christ as Lord and Savior. When we accept Christ as Lord and Savior we overcome the imputation of sin, and we step into the imputation of righteousness. And when we step into the imputation of righteousness, we begin to live in the same righteousness. Therefore, whosoever claims that he or she is walking in imputation of righteousness, and continues in sin and sinful pleasures, for which Christ died, and who refuses to repent but justifies himself or herself thereof, that person has fallen from grace – that person has lost the imputation of righteousness – that person is bound for hell fire if he or she dies in that state. This is the Doctrine of Christ. That also is the word of God. Men and brethren, ONLY OUR HEAVENLY DADDY IS JUSTIFIED AT ALL TIMES AND IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCE. No living is justified at all times and in all circumstances. Justification in Christ Jesus is the remission of our PAST SINS and no more. No believer is justified in continuing sin. We are justified once to continue in that state of justification by faith, enabled by grace. Let us not readily forget, that Enoch was justified by faith, and Daddy took him alive to heaven; because his life was pleasing to Daddy. Papa Noah was also justified by faith, and he died living in holiness and righteousness. Abraham was justified by faith and he died walking in the righteousness of the same faith. Justification in Christ is also by faith, and that faith also means to believe in Christ and to live in His righteousness and holiness. Men and brethren, let no one be deceived by certain false annotations to the scriptures. Any such annotation that contradicts the clear and simple Doctrines of Christ is the imagination of whoever wrote them. Let us not fall victims of men and women who struggle with words and phrase in the Bible in order to justify their sinful lifestyles even as believers. Nobody and nothing tainted with sin will enter heaven. Our Daddy in heaven is holy, and only holy folks will dwell with Him at last. So be ye holy even as He is holy. Brethren, the second coming of Christ, which is imminent, is to rapture a sanctified Church, a Church not tainted with sin - a Church without spot or wrinkle. Do not be deceived by enemies of righteousness who peddle satanic doctrines world-wide. They may be very popular and rich, but it will all end here. They may even perform miracles, yet it does not matter. There end is already determined. This gospel is not about miracles or about perishable things, or even about philosophies of faith or principle of this or that – this Gospel is about the Doctrines of Christ, about the souls of men and women. Whoever has ears to hear let him or her hear what the Spirit of the living God is saying to His Church. Brethren, I lay no claim to any other knowledge of our God and of His Christ other than that which I learnt from His word by the help of the Holy Ghost. Yes, I have striven to be led in all I did so far as a believer. However, on many occasions I have fallen short of Daddy’s expectations. But on all such occasioned I have managed to pick up the pieces, and His grace has always been available to cause me to find the path of life again. I have never left myself to continue in sin hoping that the grace of our Lord will come and take me away from sin – the very sin He died for, the very sin He saved me from. I count it that i have not received the grace of God in vain. What about you? The end of the matter is this: the soul that sinneth shall die. If one continues in sin, even after salvation, he or she will die spiritually. And when spiritual death occurs, that person becomes reprobate. Today some of our pulpits world-wide are held captive by men and women with reprobate minds. They preach all manners of things as the gospel of Christ. And they have many and ever increasing followers. These are the last days. Do not say that you were not told. Men and brethren, we must all live ready, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light. Let all who name the name of our Daddy depart from iniquity. It is well with all lovers of Christ and of His appearing.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 05:45:36 +0000

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