TOPIC: SOUL WINNING: TEXT: MATT. 10:1-36 - TopicsExpress


TOPIC: SOUL WINNING: TEXT: MATT. 10:1-36 MEMORY VERSE: MATT. 10:32 “Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess before my Father which is in heaven.” COURAGE IN EVANGELISM: MATT. 10:6-8 Evangelism and soul winning for Christ is not optional for believers. It is a mandate passed down by Christ to all who profess Him as Lord and Savior, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Christians can witness effectively with boldness in the face of all difficulties. Christ made it known that there might be persecution for those who witness, not withstanding, all that is needful is boldness to confront the situation. In the early ministry of the Apostles, their success in evangelism was basically as a result of their boldness to stand persecution and fierce trials (Acts 4:23-32). The disciple needed this courage to witness and speak for Christ. Throughout our Christian life, we too will need to pray for the boldness to overcome our fear of embarrassment, rejection, and criticisms through a fresh in filling of the Holy Spirit to enable us speak about Jesus Christ with boldness. IN THE MIDST OF TRIALS: MATT. 10:16-24 When Jesus sent his disciples on a mission of preaching the glad tidings of the Kingdom, they were to go into the towns and villages of the Israelites, declaring “the Kingdom of heaven is at hand”, healing the sick and casting out demons. For this cause, Christ made known to them some of the things that are likely to befall them. He stated that they will be hated by the enemies and persecuted also, and that they will be hated for His name sake. Also He said, for bearing the witness of the kingdom, the authorities will hand them over to the council and have them beaten with rod, not withstanding all that is expected of us in the midst of such trials and tribulations is to rejoice and be glad, for so persecuted they the prophets that were before us (Matt. 5:11-12). We should bear in mind that persecution is the lot of all those who seek to live according to God’s standard of righteousness by making soul winning a business. But when we experience such suffering, we should rejoice, for those who suffer for the sake of the kingdom of God, God imparts the most/highest blessing (1Cor. 1:5-6). In verse 24, Christ emphasized that Christian life consist of the combination of sufferings which must be considered as sharing or partnership with Christ in suffering. Beloved, we need to ask the Lord for courage to witness to enable us share and partake in the blessing of soul winning. TRUSTING GOD IN MISSION: MATT. 10:25-26. Evangelism is a mission with a divine and unique purpose; it involves our total identification with Christ and trusting god at all times. It is sometimes necessary to ask ourselves if we are identified with Christ. Does the world see us as His disciples or followers? Can they tell that we have been with Jesus? Christ had a lot of oppositions in His days. On several occasions the Jews sought for His life to slay Him. Likewise, as we engage ourselves in soul winning, strong oppositions will emerge but courage and trust in the Lord of the business will give victory. Also, God’s providential care extends to all who evangelize the world with the gospel of the kingdom, that every single hair of their head is protected by God Himself. Win a soul this year for the Lord, add a soul to the kingdom and receive the blessing. Amen! Please share your views with the group after reading. And if you have not watched this video:> WHERE WOULD YOU GO FROM HERE? Please do it now and share it to your friends, it is very important. God bless you
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 22:00:20 +0000

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