TOPIC: THE VICTORIOUS CHRISTIAN LIVING PART TWO TEXT: ROM. 8-1-13 Many great men of old and in this generation found it easy to destroy the enemy outside but many at times unable to conquer themselves because of the flesh. They always discover that they continue doing what they do not want to do at times in secret or in the open- Eph.5:12; Rom.7:19-20; ps.19:12. Today, we want to study access through which the flesh operates, knowing the danger involved and how to deal with it. Outlines 1. THE TOOLS OF THE 2. DANGERS OF COOPERATING WITH THE FLESH 3. FIGTH THE FLESH NOW THE TOOLS OF THE FLESH The flesh cooperates with the ears and the eyes which are the gateways of the flesh to the soul in decision-making. Once they accept the offer of the flesh, it manipulates and designs how to execute the sinful act. The heart dictates to other organs of the body on what to do such as hands, tongue and mouth the legs, to achieve the desires of the flesh – Job 29:11, 42:5; Pro. 23:7; Matt. 9:4, 15:19 DANGERS OF COOPERATING WITH THE FLESH The flesh always desires to go into sin and the reward of sin is death. In fact, the fruit of corruption will be produced in the life of those who agree with the flesh or carnality. They will later discover that the flesh does not profit but brings disappointment. Rom. 7:18-20; Rom 8:13; Jam. 1:15; Ezek. 18:20; Gal. 6:7-8; Pro. 22:8; Hos. 8:7 FIGHT THE FLESH NOW What does God expect you to do with the flesh? Though God is willing to help you over come the flesh, there are certain things that He expects you to do. These include: i. Reject the demands of the flesh – Rom. 13:147; Gal. 5:16 ii. Mortify the flesh – 1 Pt. 2:11; Gal. 5:16; 1 Cor. 9:27 iii. Keep the flesh under subjection to the Holy Spirit – Rom. 6:6 iv. Abstain from its lust – 1 Thess. 4:3-5 v. Make no provision to satisfy lust - Gal. 5:24 vi. Flee from danger zone areas – 2 Tim. 2:22 vii. Amputate any offending members of your body – Matt. 5:29; Jn. 15:5
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 09:29:39 +0000

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