TOPIC: TO WHOM MUCH IS GIVEN…MUCH IS ALSO EXPECTED. -THE SCRIPTURE FOR TODAY- “For if after they have escaped the pollution of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the later end is worse with them than the beginning. For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them. But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, the dog is turned to his own vomit again, and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire….2ND PETER 2:20-22. -WHAT I RECEIVED OF THE LORD ON THIS MATTER- May I remind us the price that heaven paid for the salvation of mankind? What happened in summary is that our Creator, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, sent down His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to earth, made to Him to become flesh even as we are, and compelled Him to die a shameful and painful death on the Cross at Calvary – for you, for me…and for all humanity. So, He that has the very key of death in His possession submitted Himself to the same death. And He did it just for a singular reason – to save us from sin and then to reconcile us to His Father - even the Father of all that are truly saved. And by His grace many, including my person, have cashed in on this heavenly opportunity, and are saved thereby – even from sin. And when we were thus saved, we were also reconciled unto a sinless God, to become members of His sinless family – the family of God. But because we that are saved still live in the human flesh, our loving Daddy in heaven has also provided us with the gift of sanctification whereby we may be able to walk here even as He walks there….for as He is so must all that are saved be even in this life. Unfortunately, many that are thus saved do see their salvation as a license to continue in sin. They tell themselves that the grace of our Lord came that we that are saved may continue in the very sins we were saved from, but this time without eternal consequences. Satan, the father of liars, manipulates them to interpret what Christ wrought on Calvary as a design by heaven to make sin lawful once one is saved. To them, salvation is a platform where one can sin without consequences. But some that still have some conscience will try to take the moderate position – that when we continue in sin as believers we end up losing our “rewards” in heaven. But what these rewards are they cannot define. Indeed, in trying to talk about this reward thing many have written volumes of books – deceiving themselves and struggling to deceive others. And their followers are reeling in all manners of sin and sinful pleasures; but at the same time expecting themselves just to lose some “rewards” in heaven – that is, in their heaven! Satan indeed is wicked. And there is also another group who specialize in deliberate misinterpretation of certain words and phrases found in the Epistles of Apostle Paul. They do so by painstakingly picking out some words of Paul that they believe justifies them in their sin and sinful ways. Indeed Apostle Peter had this to say about this group of people… ”And account that the long suffering of our Lord is salvation, even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you: as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also other scriptures, unto their own destruction. Ye therefore beloved, seeing you know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own steadfastness”…2ND PETER 3:15-17. Yes, my beloved, some even in the days of the apostles did manifest this wickedness. They wrestled with the some words used by Paul in his epistles, all in a hopeless effort to justify themselves in sin and in impunity. They speak volumes about grace – but only as a cloak for believers to continue in sin and in all manners of compromise. But just as Peter warned in that scripture, so I also warn all of us – to avoid those that peddle these dangerous wares . Salvation is the most expensive commodity in heaven and in earth –and we cannot throw it away with our eyes wide open. Beware. And for all who still desire to make heaven at last, here is the truth. The reward for those who continue in sin and sinful pleasures after salvation is hell fire at last. And the further truth is their case will even be worse than those who never received Christ at all. The eternal judgment we all have read about in the scriptures will start right inside, not outside, the house of God. And scarcely shall the righteous be saved! This is the word of God. Brethren, it will be better that one never accepted Christ at all than for that person to do so and still continue in sin for which Christ paid such an awful price. Indeed it shall be such a terrible day for those believers who live in betrayal of Christ and of His salvation. As far as heaven is concerned, those that do such are worse than Adam and Eve – for both folks even hid themselves when they sinned against God. Brethren, believers that continue in sin and justify themselves therein are worse the Judas Iscariot. Let us not forget that Judas Iscariot was not indwelt by the Holy Ghost when he betrayed Christ. But you who is supposedly the temple of the living God, you in whom the Holy Ghost indwells – for you to continue again in sin and continue to justify yourself therein, is a most grievous thing to heaven. The Spirit of God in us is holy and pure – and He will never be associated with sin and sinful pleasures. Those who call the Holy Ghost and continue in their sinful ways are openly challenging the authority of God…and the consequences are eternal. Today is the day of salvation. Today is the day of repentance. Do not harden your hearts as in the case of our fathers in the wilderness. If our loving Daddy did not spare them of old, He will not spare us. He is the same God yesterday, today and forever. He or she who has ears to hear, let him or her hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying to His Church this very day.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 22:04:44 +0000

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