TOPIC: WHO IS A CHRISTIAN The questions are often asked “Who - TopicsExpress


TOPIC: WHO IS A CHRISTIAN The questions are often asked “Who is a Christian? How do I know a Christian? Does every Mathew, Mark, Luke and John go for a Christian? Is everyone who raises up his hand in response to a preacher’s call to repentance a Christian? Does everybody who passes through the church isle to altar go for a Christian? Are all those in church pews during church services Christian?... Who is a Christian? Finally you may ask “Am I a Christian? A soul winner on evangelism met a drunk staggering down a lane. In his attempt to help him discover the true purpose of living, he asked “Are you a Christian? “The answer came quick and sharp “What do you think I am? A pagan?” this is the pitiful point. A brilliant preacher full of energy and zeal got the pass mark of his congregation. But his life at home show a pattern of pride and jealousy found in the fallen angel, Lucifer. A gifted and talented lady-soloist sings like an angel and prays like a prophetess but she talks and acts with thunder and volcano in her voice. Her red-hot temper, contentiousness and confusion are marks of her presence at home or at work. Are these Christians? A Niagara of stormy words in an indication of the absence of Christ from the heart. Being a Christian is not a new label, it is a new life. The word Christian first occurred in the New Testament. It was not in the Old Testament. “The disciples were called Christians first in Antioch” (Acts 11:26). From this first use of the word, the true meaning and significance of the word became clear. Disciples were called Christians. ‘Disciple’ is a prominent word in the New Testament. It did not have any place in the Jewish religion. One of the Disciples in Antioch referred to as a Christian was “in the Jews’ religion” (Galatians 1:13) before he became a Christian. He had been living by the Mosaic code of ordinance, “touch not, taste not, handle not”, the ceremonial washing in holy water and ignorance of true discipleship and Christianity. Christianity centre’s on Jesus Christ. His life and His light. A Christian, therefore, is the person who lives the life of Christ as revealed in the New Testament. The New Testament opens with Jesus Christ who saves from sin (Mathew 1:21) and close with Jesus Christ, the king who will come quickly (Revelation 22:20). Christ dies to make you a Christian. He did not have to die to make you a church-goer; you can do that on your own. But you cannot overcome sin in your human nature. Christ died to suffer for you: Through Christ’s merit, if you confess your sins and ask for pardon and grace you will be forgiven. Peace and joy will come into your heart. You will never be the same again. Christ died to make you live: Through His meritorious sacrifice, a love relationship is established between you and God. Christ died to give you a heart, life and love like His: You can only enjoy a new heart at the expense of another. The Christian’s life radiates the beauty of Christ and of His lifestyle-humility, obedience, love, integrity, and newness of life. Check up to see if you are a Christian. If not, why not? “Be not deceived, God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (Galatians 6:7). Remember that “not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven, but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 7:21). Ask for pardon from God in the name of Jesus. There is only one Mediator between God and man, and He is the man Christ Jesus (I Timothy 2:5). Believe God for His mercy, Changed and transformed, you can begin to live a Christian life. Now? 1. Pray everyday, especially before you go out in the morning and before you sleep in the evening. 2. Read the Bible everyday especially in the morning before you begin the day and, before you sleep in the evening. 3. Fellowship with Bible believing Christians. 4. Be conscious of the presence of Jesus EVERYTIME. Therefore do not do whatever will displease Him. NB: Like my Page if you havent done so to see more inspirational updates!
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 11:00:15 +0000

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