TORN? I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you - TopicsExpress


TORN? I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you. Do not be as the horse or as the mule which have no understanding, whose trappings include bit and bridle to hold them in check... Psalm 32:8-9 When one becomes an adopted son or daughter of God through Christ Jesus, (the Spirit of adoption), one comes to slowly realise that obeying God is no longer a matter of choice; it is not something we do only when we feel like it or if it only makes sense to us to do so; we need to practice it at all times, especially when we don’t particularly feel like it or understand it. As a new friend reminded me recently: Righteousness is Life… Our obedience is a form of trust, just as trust is faith; when we trust, especially during those times when our own head and heart are our very worst enemies; we are saying to our Heavenly Father: “I am completely relying upon your ability to accomplish your good and perfect will, (which includes my on-going sanctification, personal holiness), no matter how I feel or think today to the contrary, or how bad or how hopeless my circumstances may appear to my mind, heart, or eye. I trust you. I have faith in you to do for me as your adopted child exactly as you promise in your Word.” Yesterday I admitted that I could find no love in my heart for those who had terrorised France, that I could not even begin to hope to find love in the future for those who had made a bomb out of a ten year old child; today I began praying for the strength and love to begin doing that very thing; it seemed such an empty worded prayer, it seemed even less than genuine, hollow, forced even; but that is how such prayers begin, that is also what it feels like to be trying to do the impossible in your own strength; but I believe the Lord will bring this prayer to be; I believe I will one day begin to genuinely love all those who terrorise us because I am sure the Lord will show me how deceived they are by Satan; and after all, I am commanded to love my enemy, to pray for them, to genuinely desire to see them blessed with salvation. Forgiveness may not be easy, but hatred is for suckers! Was it wrong of me to state my inability yesterday? Maybe. Maybe not. I will leave that between me and my Lord. It is, however, wrong of me to make a decision never to forgive another whatever he or she has done since I have been forgiven for all my sin by the Father of Light through His Son Jesus Christ. I have a better teacher than that. Shalom-Agape agd
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 02:12:53 +0000

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