TOSS! WARNING super long but i gotta go through EVERYTHING. A - TopicsExpress


TOSS! WARNING super long but i gotta go through EVERYTHING. A certain dr but cant mention names for legal purposes. Absolutely disgusted in the treatment I received from him. I sat down in the waiting room, he was seeing another patient as he came out and called my name he saw that I brought my 2 young children (my son 2, and my daughter 3. My son was asleep on my shoulder and my daughter was reading a magazine quietly) He frowned at me and I could tell he didnt want them there but im a single mother so had no choice but to bring them with me. Anyway, we enter his office and he sits down and straight away tells me Because of you I am late for somewhere I need to be I apologized and felt incredibly uncomfortable (I was 5 minutes late max and was waiting for him to finish with his patient before he called me) feeling very small, he asked me why I was there. Thinking once he hears why he will soften, be more understanding and help me. I told him that I would like to get onto a mental health plan in order for me to afford counselling sessions with a highly recommended counselor that I was exchanging messages with to organize a start date. He looked at me and asks why? I told him my reasons obviously it was to get help not for the heck of it. He then turns to me and says... and I quote ..look .... I really dont have time for this I have somewhere I need to be I was in complete shock I just couldnt believe I was getting sent away after I mustered all my courage to reach out for help. I then said Ok, well we will go then he then SIGHS and prints out a survey slides it across the table and tells me Youve probably filled one of these out before then sent me home. I was in his office for a total of 3 minutes perhaps even less and I felt like a massive inconvenience to him. I ruined his day by seeking help from someone who is paid to help me. Mental health is a very fragile and sensitive subject and for me to be pushed out of his office feeling smaller then when I first walked in was so wrong and so upsetting. I am so thankful this isnt my first time reaching out for help. Depression is a slippery slope sometimes you come out better sometimes its a massive roller coaster ride and I was at my low point. If that had of been my first point of contact in seeking help and reaching out I would of gone home and committed suicide. The attitude of this man was disgusting. Ive never been so upset and mad by the lack of treatment I received. I hope if anyone has a mental health issue NEVER goes to him as he will do more damage than good. This has really deterred me and I have lost all respect for that Dr. Let it be known the medical center will hear about this, and if it isnt dealt with properly and taken seriously I will take it higher and contact all newspapers and media so they know how livid I am! Novel done.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 01:44:32 +0000

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