TOTOO po ba eto sis /////AWARENESS: So SAD....SWA ULTIMATE IS A - TopicsExpress


TOTOO po ba eto sis /////AWARENESS: So SAD....SWA ULTIMATE IS A SCAM. Accrd to DTI,there are some violation that is why swa is a pyramiding. They are not registered in the Philippines and not even SEC registered. SORRY SA MADAANAN NG POST NA TO PERO BASAHIN NYO NA LNG. SWA or Supreme Wealth Alliance is one of the most popular online networking we have these days. My Facebook page is teeming with posts about SWA, I’m sure so is yours. What is SWA? SWA is the typical networking group. You pay $55.00 or about P2,310.00 in order to join. They have two “perfect” pay plan systems which you could choose from. One pay plan pays you $70.00 for every six people you refer (directly or indirectly) and the other pay plan pays you $20.00 for every 1st, 5th, 6th, and 8th (onwards) person you recruit. You can view their pay plans in their website. On SWA’s website, it would seem that these two pay plan systems are the only means for you to earn with them. Obscured is another way of “earning” – that is, selling their ebooks. SWA, according to their website, has a library of ebooks and other digital resources which would coach you how to be financially successful. Upon signing up, you will have access to these ebooks. You can sell these ebooks too and you can earn commissions by doing that. But is it a legitimate business? I wrote an article earlier about how to determine whether a networking scheme is illegal or not. You can read it here. In that article, I pointed out some salient indicators that could tell us whether or not a networking group is a scam. We’ll use those indicators to determine if SWA is a scam. First indicator, business focus. What is the main focus of SWA? Is it recruitment or the selling of their products. SWA’s focus is recruitment. You can tell that from their website as well as the Facebook statuses of the SWA members. Their main selling point is recruitment not their ebooks. Why not their ebooks? Because they know very well that their ebooks are not very marketable. It is recruitment that is marketable to them. Some may argue that ebooks are one of the best selling digital products today. That is true. But not all ebooks are marketable. The ebooks which are really in demand are fiction ebooks like those of John Grisham and other fiction writers and not business ebooks like those being endorsed by SWA. In the various listings of bestselling ebooks (here, here, and here), you can see that all the bestsellers are fiction ebooks. There are no business ebooks so how do you expect to sell those business ebooks by SWA? So really, their main focus is recruitment. Besides, SWA is not a publisher, is SWA hiring authors to write ebooks for them? Nor is SWA tied up with a known publisher or any publisher for that matter. So how can we even be sure that SWA has the rights to those ebooks. Further, there are millions of free online resources tackling the same business techniques and approaches which their ebooks and their other digital resources offer. So again, how can you sell SWA’s ebooks if the Internet is teeming with similar resources which are free. So what is wrong if their focus is recruitment? That makes their business illegal. The DTI (Department of Trade and Industry), as well as the Anti-Pyramiding Task Force, states that …the test to determine whether or not there is a violation [of the Consumer Act] is whether the scheme involves an investment (entry fee and purchase of goods, or purchase of goods alone) for the opportunity to receive earnings primarily from recruiting, rather that from sales. If so, then there is a violation of law. Clearly the, SWA’s business model is a scam: you invest P2,300.00 to join, then you earn by receiving commissions from the entry fees of those you subsequently recruit – again, you can’t earn from those ebooks! Your primary income after joining SWA, and as even advertised by their FB posts, comes from recruitment. Another indicator is to determine whether or not the business is registered here in the Philippines. If it is registered here in the Philippines then that means it can do business here. In SWA’s website, it says that it is a registered corporation in Belize since 2012. But it is not registered in the Philippines as a corporation (not SEC registered, you can confirm that at SEC’s website). So how can it even conduct business here legally? It does not have any business office here as well so if things go awry in the business of SWA, how can the claimants sue SWA? Go to Belize, perhaps? Further, in SWA’s website, how come the full copies of its articles of incorporation as well as its by laws are not posted? How will we know what specific type of business is SWA allowed to engage in? How will we know who are its accountable officers? Are they Filipinos too? Very dubious indeed that these items are missing from the site. And I find it sad that bloggers like this guy believes that all he need as proof of SWA’s legitimacy is a scanned copy of the cover page of SW
Posted on: Wed, 05 Feb 2014 13:22:23 +0000

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