***TOUCH HEAVEN *** PASTOR ADEKUNLE ADEBAYO. PRAYER POINTS. IN JESUS NAME; *Lord I thank you for the grace to witness another day. *Lord have mercy on me and cleanse me of my sin. *Every invisible wound in my life, be healed now by the power of God. *Evil prophecy over my life and family, be canceled by fire and by the blood of the lamb.(Jeremiah 23:32). *All strange fire in me, be purged out by the fire of God. *All spiritual hands transfusing my blood, be withered today by fire and thunder. *Every spiritual river polluting my life at will, dry up now from source. *Every stranger in my belly, be terminated now. *The Holy spirit establish a great testimony in my life this week.(Psalm 78:5). PROPHETIC DECLARATIONS. *In this tenth month, you will not experience calamity. *Henceforth, you will be accepted for good anywhere you go. *Heaven of blessing and honour open up for your life. *Every fire of retrogression in your life be swallow by the fire of God. *All invisible wound in your life receive the power of healing now.(Jeremiah 30:17). *Your life begin to operate in the place of safety. *The power that made Esther enter into the palace in the month of Tebeth, hold you and take it to your palace now. *Your life enter the palace where you will be fulfilled now. *Every veil covering the entrance of your palace is torn by the fire of God. *Every unprofitable shoe that has prevented your life from knowing the way to the palace is destroyed now by the power of God. *The way to your palace will not grow weed. *This month is declared your month of gladness. (Zechariah 8:19). SERMON. PASTOR ADEKUNLE ADEBAYO. TOPIC: I WILL ENTER MY PALACE. TEXT: Esther 2:16. God has a plan for every life and that is why He has provided a palace for every man.Every life has been destined to enter a palace and any life that fails to enter his palace will end up in disaster. The fact that you have not entered your palace does not mean you will not enter it because God has a plan for you.You are in this position right now because God wants to bring something out of it, like in the case of Lazarus in the book of John 11:1-44. Gods palace has nothing to do with your age.(Jesus started his ministry at the age of 23). WHAT IS A PALACE? *A palace is a place of honour and respect. *A palace is a place of change and decoration. *It is a home of blessing . *Its a place where suffering comes to an end. *A palace is a place where your gift and talent is celebrated. *A palace is a place where your trial become your messenger. PRINCIPLES OF THE PALACE . As a child of God, you go into the palace to OCCUPY.Occupy stands for: *O-Organized lifestyle. *C-Credible character. *C-Clean and shave vessel.(Genesis 41:14) *P-Personal development. *Y-Yield not to temptation. PRAYER POINTS. *Lord,take me to the palace of upliftment and elevation. *I will not end the journey of my life at the gate of the palace. THANKS FOR BEING A PART OF TODAYS SERVICE, GOD BLESS YOU AND HAVE A WONDERFUL WEEK AHEAD.
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 12:14:36 +0000

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