TOURISM MONTH IN ANTIQUE…MAS MASADYA GID MAN BY LEAH MARLIE PAGUNSAN-TAMBANILLO The 2014 World Tourism Month was celebrated in the province of Antique with events and activities that recognize the economic, cultural and social benefits usually created by travel and tourism. This year’s celebration is globally being held under the theme Tourism and Community Development - focusing on the ability of tourism to empower people and provide them with skills to achieve change in their local communities. On September 1, the Antique Provincial Tourism Office started the celebration with a simple launching ceremony wherein a rationale of the month-long celebration was discussed by SP Member and Chairman, Committee on Tourism, Hon. Victor R. Condez. Mrs. Juliana O. Cepe, the current Provincial Planning and Development Coordinator and at the same time, the Action Officer of the Provincial Tourism Office reported on the past activities of the Office as well as its proposed plans and programs for the betterment of the Tourism Industry in Antique. Also, during that launching ceremony, which was held simultaneously with the Monday morning Flag Raising Ceremony, SB Member of the Municipality of Laua-an, Hon. Noel B. Alamis, an OKM composer and writer sung “Probinsiyana Gwapa”, one of his signature songs that luckily is now recorded in the Platinum videoke bars. September 15 was allocated for the Conference for MAPEH teachers, song writers, dancers, arts connoisseurs and culture enthusiasts wherein local songs and dances were featured or discussed. Miss Ma. Felicia M. Flores spoke on the history and development of local songs in the Province while Mr. John Francis Gabawa introduced the “registered” local dances. The output of this Conference resulted to a Showcase of Local Songs and Dances held last September 27 at the EBJ Memorial Gym wherein several OKM composers and singers performed, namely Miss Beth Bendol-Lamigas, currently employed at the LGU-Libertad and composer of the Libertad Municipal Theme Song; Mr. Florentino Egida, currently employed at the Tourism Office as Head of the Historical, Cultural and Arts Section, with Lindsay Karl Hernaez; Mr. Romeo “Katz” Amerila, the composer of Antique Banwa nga Hamili, the Antique Provincial Theme Song; Mr. Noel Tabo-tabo; SB Noel B. Alamis and Mr. Sammy Rubido. Local dances that were featured and performed by the dancers/students of Belison National School of Performing Arts were the following: Escopiton, Yano, Soryano, salidsid, Urukay, Haplik, Regoniza, Kandang-kandang and Kuratsa. Dancers from LGU-Sebaste also performed their local dance named “Barok”. The finale of the Showcase was the song and dance by the Kabugwason Theatrical Troupe of Belison National School. It must be noted that BNS is the Center for Culture and Arts, besides of course from being the Center of Excellence in the whole Province of Antique. It was an afternoon where every man, woman and child who attended and witnessed the showcase was fulfilled, satisfied and well-informed. Honored guest from the Regional Office of the Department of Tourism, Mr. Rene Cortum, who came in behalf of the Regional director Atty. Helen J. Catalbas who happened to be in Europe, congratulated the APTO and commended the people of Antique for having not only beauty spots and splendid natural endowments but also, they possessed the best tourism products above anything else, and that is the hospitable, warm and loving Antiquenos. “I will never ignore it, because my heart was captured by an Antiquena,”he said. Also featured during the month-long celebration was the Historical and Cultural (Mock) Tour which featured the existing and potential tourist destinations in the towns of Hamtic,and San Jose and different barangays of the two towns like Brgy. Maybato, Brgy. San Pedro and Brgy. 4 (for San Jose) and Brgy. Malandog (for Hamtic.) This was held last September 16 and was attended by several municipal tourism officers from different towns of Antique, tour operators, SB Chairmen of the Committee on Tourism, Culture and Arts of each town, students, historians and the staff and personnel of the Provincial Tourism Office. Below is the tour package which the “mock tourists” visited. This writer acted as the “tour guide” with the able assistance of Mr. Bernard Capanas, another staff from the APTO: HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL TOUR FOR TOURISM MONTH SEPTEMBER 16, 2014 RECOMMENDED PLACES TO VISIT: EBJ Freedom Park, San Jose de Buenavista, Antique Former Governor and local hero of Antique Evelio Javier was shot down by six hooded men on February 11, 1986 on this very spot, thus the park was named after him. ON that fateful day, he was waiting for the results of the canvass of votes during that year Snap Presidential Election, an electoral contest between Ferdinand Marcos and Ninoy Aquino’s widow, Corazon C. Aquino when six armed men, alighting from a jeep, opened fire unto him. He run towards the stairs of the new capitol, but selfless man that he was, he thought otherwise, so he criss-crossed the plaza and fell into a pond, the killers still on pursuit. He crossed the street and went inside a bathroom, were one of the men cornered him and finished him off. His tragic death was mourned, not only by his beloved Antiquenos but by the whole Philippines as well. IT also awakened the minds and hearts of the Filipino people and in one big way, it led into the now famous EDSA people power revolution, that bloodless revolution that unseat Marcos and toppled him down. His Bronze statue erected at the Park was sculpted by national artist Napoleon Abueva and it seems to welcome visitors and Antiquenos into the heart of San Jose de Buenavista; The Old capitol This was built during the American period and it now shelters the offices of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan, the Vice Governor, the Provincial Assessor, the Bureau of Deeds and the Museo Antiqueno cum EBJ Gallery. The Antique Hall of Justice used this as its offices and chambers way back in the 1980s. Museo Antiqueño cum EBJ Gallery Located at the ground floor of the Old Capitol, the Museo Antiqueño showcases the “very life” of the Antiqueño, some of its artifacts, native gowns, and other valuable things that any Antiqueno may treasure.; inside the Museum is the EBJ Gallery which preserves the things/mementoes of Evelio – his letters, pictures, favourite shirts,favourite boots. etc St. Joseph’s Cathedral Just across the Park and the two capitols is the St. Joseph Cathedral, built in 1766 by the Augustinian friars. This was one of the two churches (the other one is in Hamtic) that they built after the one in Maybato was destroyed and burned by the Moro pirates. Modern-day parishioners presently re-touched this cathedral but one can still see remnants of the stones used in the old walls/stairway going up the present-day convent. Bones of the departed “Hermana/hermanos during the old days when Spain ruled the Province are buried at the altar, alongside with the first bishop of the diocese of Antique, His Excellency Cornelius de Witt. Latest addition to the beauty of the Cathedral is the Garden of Saints, where statues of some of the famous Saints are erected. EBJ’s Old Residence, @ La Granja Hills Built in the early 1970s, this semi-concrete double storey house was Evelio B. Javier’s place of residence during his term as governor of Antique. Knowing him to be a “beyond-office-hours” governor, he would accommodate visitors and capitol employees in the wide terrace of this house even beyond 5:00 p.m. Here, they used to serve “mackerel parties”. This house also served as the first office of then PPDC of Antique, Eng’r Nava and this was also the billeting area of candidates for the Lin-ay kang Antique…The house is set amidst fruit trees and ornamental plants which the late governor planted himself. After he left the Governorship and before he and his family (wife Precious and two sons, Giddy and David)left for the America (where he studied at Harvard) he transferred his KABRAW LIBRARY which was first “housed” at the new capitol, in this house. His collection of books and best sellers are still in-tact in this old residence… The Binirayan Stadium/sports complex This was one of Evelio’s priority/dream projects which came into fruition thru the help of government officials, students and private individuals. This was an example of where DAGYAW comes handy. The Binirayan Sports Complex was carved out of a hill named La Granja and was one of the government’s project which started with minimal budget and 100% cooperation from all sectors. Lumang Simbahan, in Brgy. San Pedro This is the ruins of the Church built by the Augustinian missionaries during the Spanish times. Its roof was burned when the priest’s pet monkey played with matches and from then on, it has remained unfinished. It was only in 1998 when Fr. Jose Glicerio “Gigi” Geremia, assigned to the parish of San Pedro, tried to restore the spiritual value of this historical landmark. Architect Harold Tating (former Tourism Officer of Antique) and his sister Katherine Tating-Marsden implemented the plan of beautifying the interior of the grotto of our Lady of Lourdes. It was on February 11, 2002 during the Feast Day of Our Lady of Lourdes and the World day for the Sick when Antique Bishop Romulo T. dela Cruz presided Mass and blessed the grotto inside the old church, now called “Lumang Simbahan”. Presently, there is a “sepulchre” for the Dead Christ used every Good Friday (right wing of the Old Church) and the Shrine of the Divine Mercy (left wing)with statues of Sr. Faustina, Pope John Paul II and the Divine Mercy image of the Lord Jesus Christ. A perfect venue for meditation and prayers and for garden weddings, too. Brgy. Maybato, San Jose Brgy. Maybato then was known as “Tubigon” or swampy….but there was one part that hardened and thus it was ideal for the construction of a building. This was the part where the Augustinian friars built the very first church in “Hantique”. This was a very big church made of blocks of stones called “sillera” which came from a mine in Mexico. This was brought into the shore of nearby Malandog River by big galleons that used to have trading relations with the natives. Because of this Big Stone Church, “Tubigon” was known all over the “province” and even beyond, like the Cagayancillo and Cuyo Islands and Palawan.They would refer to the place as “sa may bato nga simbahan” and in due time, it was named or called “Maybato”. Unluckily, the Big Stone Church was attacked by Moro Pirates and its walls were destroyed and its roofs were burned. They took away the big bronze bell. The Moro pirates had not gone farther than 100 meters away when the ship they were riding begun to sink and witnesses would tell stories that even when the boat was sinking, they could hear the ringing of the big bronze bell. Afraid that the Pirates might come back, the people, led by the priests “retreated” to a higher place north of Tubigon. They named this place “Buenavista” because of the beautiful sceneries that can be seen from that hill. They consecrated the place to St. Joseph, the husband of Mother Mary thus the name “San Jose de Buenavista” was conceived. The Augustinians left the destroyed stone church and built two Churches in San Jose (now the St. Joseph Cathedral) and the one in Hamtic. The remaining stone walls in Maybato was left as ruins and vines begun to grown abundantly since 1766 until now. It is still there, just waiting for visitors and to be praised or hailed as the “abuy-abuy kang Kristyanismo sa Antique. Malandog, Hamtic Malandog is the oldest barangay in the Philippines because this was where the ten Bornean Datus established their first settlement sometime in 1212, after discovering that this was a place of abundance of root crops and marine products. This was also the “point” where Binirayan Festival, celebrated every December in the Province of Antique commences and where the re-enactment of the barter of Panay and the early Malay settlement is staged by local actors. Hamtic town / plaza The old Hamtic chapel used during the Spanish days, was converted into present-day cemetery; This was an old church actually, one of the two churches built by the Augustinians after the big stone church in Brgy. Maybato was destroyed by Moro pirates but was re-touched by the present-day parishioners for the commemoration of the 400 years of Christianity in Antique (1581). The Patron Saint of this Church is Sta. Monica and is believed to be miraculous, particularly in hearing novenas pertaining to erring husbands and ill-behaved sons. General Leandro Fullon, the commanding general of all Filipino forces in the Visayas during the revolution against Spain was born in Hamtic, Antique on March 13, 1877. He triumphed against the Spaniards but surrendered to the American forces on March 22, 1901 and became the first appointed provincial governor of Antique. He died at the young age of 27 and his mortal remains lie, dedicated and honoured in this place, the Gen. Leandro Fullon National Shrine. (location: Brgy. 4)The façade of the old Governor’s Mansion (Spanish period); The Satertuate Residence (ruins); Gella-Azurin Mansion ; The Gabaldon Pillars The façade – what remains of the Governor’s mansion (back of the New Capitol); it depicts the early Spanish architecture particularly the style of its balconies that “spreads out” into the street the Satertuate were the Americans who were among the passengers of the S/S Thomas and became teachers during the early days of the American occupation; The Gella- Azurin Mansion is the last “bahay-na –bato” still used as a residence; it is estimated to be 200 years old as this was purchased by Dr.Azurin, son-in-law of then Gov. Vicente Gella in 1936 but during that time, it was estimated to be 120 years old. Meaning, it was built around 1825; During the Japanese occupation, all the big stone houses in the area were bombed but luckily, the Gella-Azurin Mansion was spared. This was also used as an infirmary or a hospital during the war. The floor tiles are still intact and the blocks of stones used as its foundation still holds the whole structure. The great grandson of the owner, Mr. Alez Azurin tells stories of “remnants” of three periods that passed through this “bahay-na-bato”, he and his other brothers and sisters were born and grew up in this big stone house. The old Gabaldon Pillars @ Baybay Elem. School, or the old “San Jose Central School” could still be seen in this oldest elementary school in Antique (built in 1901),underneath it was the Japanese tunnel that went out into the sea, used as “hiding place” during the Japanese occupation; Old Spanish Parola by the shore of Brgy. 4 This was used as “palngat” by the fishermen and sailors that passed by San Jose waters. After a tiresome day, one can relax and watch the sunset from this point Prepared by Leah Marlie Pagunsan-Tambanillo Admin Aide III Critiqued and Checked by Florentino H. Egida Historical, Cultural /Arts Section Head Another “fun” activity which became part of the World Tourism Month celebration in Antique was the Fun Run 2014 which was held last September 24 @ 5:00 o’clock in the morning. This was spearheaded by SP Condez and the Search and Rescue Association led by SB Member of Hamtic, Hon. Pio Jessielito C. Sumande. The activity gathered almost 250 participants from different sectors like the PNP, Coast Guard, government employees, students from University of Antique and St. Anthony’s College and various groups and organizations. It started from the First Malay Settlement Marker in Brgy. Malandog, Hamtic and had its Finish Line at the EBJ Freedom Park in San Jose de Buenavista. After the Fun Run, participants joined in the latest dance/exercise craze Zumba which is a dance fitness program created by Colombian dancer and choreographer Alberto Beto Perez during the 1990s. Top 30 finishers of the Fun Run were awarded tokens and the Top Three (3) finishers, both for Male and Female were given cash prizes. These activities, all in all, highlighted the World Tourism Month and made the slogan “Mas Masadya sa Antique” realistic. These also reached the Tourism’s goal of highlighting tourism awareness and sensitize the public of the importance of the province’s tourism products. It is hoped that these undertakings will be a venue to offer to visitors and tourists to have a memorable and enjoyable stay and may also help local tourists become “better able to communicate to others just how special Antique is. And, they get to appreciate and get a better understanding of the FUN, AFFORDABLE and EXCITING attractions available on their doorstep. On another perspective, tourism activities such as these will bring additional income to the place and its residents and thus, may benefit the community.# .
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 05:31:20 +0000

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