TOWARDS A JUST PEACE AND EQUITABLE PROGRESS? The Executive Department following the initiative of the Benigno C. Aquino administration signed the Comprehensive Agreement on Bangasamoro (CAB) represented mainly by the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) leadership in Malacanang Palace yesterday. With much fun fare, the event was hailed as a historic undertaking to promote peace, economic development and equitable progress in the core region of Muslim Mindanao. The MILF is a breakaway faction of then mainstream Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF), after the latter signed a separate peace agreement with the Corazon C. Aquino administration. This subsequent led to the creation of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) in 1990 with the MNLF leadership assuming leadership role. ARMM received varying levels of support from the subsequent administration of President Fidel V. Ramos, Joseph Estrada and Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. During the period, the MILF waged war against the national government in pursuit of their demand for independence and cessation from the Republic of the Philippines. With the operation of the Bangsamoro framework agreement, the demand was subsequently negotiated and reduced to expanded autonomy with characteristics of a sub-state in the core region. Corresponding details of political, economic and social provisions along the boundaries of the 1987 Constitution were adopted in the CAB. At this stage of the peace process, the national government represented by a competent peace panel is still reaching out to factions of the old MNLF, under Nur Misuari. As new breakaway groups from the MILF i.e. the Bangsamoro Freedom Fighters continue to wage war. The National Government has closed the prospect of negotiations with the Abu Sayaff, a small group engaged in criminal activities with linkages to international terrorist groups. The Peace Process Following the prescriptions of the Bangsamoro framework of agreement, the peace process will require an organic law that will be legislated and approved by the Philippine Congress as a priority bill with the auspices of a Transitional Committee. Upon passage of the organic law, the ARMM structure will be replaced by a new body politic, initially with officials appointed by President Benigno C. Aquino III, until such time an election is held for the purpose. The core areas will hold a plebiscite to decide whether they want to be included or not in the proposed Bangsamoro region or sub-state? Based on Malacanang press releases, the new Aquino administration aims to accomplish the process by 2016. Constitutional Provisions Under the 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines, Section 15 authorizes the creation of only two ( 2 ) autonomous regions, one for Muslim Mindanao and the other for the Cordilleras as distinct territorial and political subdivisions of the Republic of the Philippines. Furthermore, the composition and condition for creation of the autonomous regions are; (1) it shall consist of provinces, cities and municipalities that share common and distinctive historical and cultural heritage, economic and social structures, and other relevant characteristics, and (2) the creation of an autonomous region shall be accomplished within the framework of the Constitution and subject to the national sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of the Philippines. Effectively, this declaration prohibits secession, dismemberment of any territory or derogation of Philippine sovereignty. Any provision suggesting the creation or operation of a sub-state will be marked as unconstitutional and therefore unenforceable under Philippine law. Lets Give Peace A Chance Peace is the primary component of sustained economic development and equitable progress in any country or region. Personal and community advancement is within reach as the dividend of peace, development and progress. The seeds of revolt will surely diminish and the pursuit of individual happiness becomes the focus, for no rationale man would prefer conflict to a life of peace and prosperity. The long history of bloody conflict that ensued in Mindanao has caused thousands of lives and wasted opportunities for socioeconomic advancement. The recent conflict in Zamboanga City vividly showed how peace and progress could be snatched and bring untold hardships to many innocent people... all in pursuit of some political ideas. Comparatively, where understanding and tolerance, peaceful negotiations and the rule of law are pursued to advance common interests: the enjoyment of peace and prosperity is apparent. Such circumstances has advanced the quality of life of people with diverse cultural backgrounds and ethic beliefs, from Singapore to Turkey, so why not in Mindanao? Unfortunately, in this land of bountiful resources and many opportunities is yet to be realized. As responsible and concerned citizens, lets promote a higher degree of openness, understanding and tolerance as starting point of this new struggle for peace and progress. Truth and Purpose Poor governance across generations has led to underdevelopment, poverty and ignorance for many in Mindanao, creating cultural hostility, lawlessness and conditions for revolt. History and reality also points to foreign intervention i.e. Malaysian design to create chaos in Southern Philippines as strategic buffer to Philippine claim to Sabah. For some perplexing reasons, the past leaderships invited their participation as broker and even honor the Malaysian Prime Minister to witness a new understanding with a warring faction in Mindanao. The ARMM as a government structure was declared by President Benigno Aquino as a failed experiment even before it could redeem itself! Was the ARMM not been instrumental in bringing about relative peace in Mindanao for a decade? Could the real cause of its alleged failure be traced to the poor standard of leadership and governance? The systemic and structural failure of the national leadership and ill-practices seem to have reverberated and mimicked in the ARMM. Will the new leadership structure and systems to be legislated under the Bangsamoro Organic Act be no different from ARMM without real reforms? Regardless of greater autonomy with increased functions and allocation of resources? Will the risks of this new experiment avoid the prospect of a conflagration of events as competing groups firm up their respective positions? Hard and difficult questions abound and to celebrate the event as a historic undertaking towards peace and progress may be too early and presumptive. Certainly, it will take the wisdom, understanding and hard work of many more good men and women to make it happen. But given an inch closer to peace is worth pondering about. Lets give peace a chance !
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 05:35:46 +0000

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