TOWARDS BETTER OPPORTUNITY FOR NIGERIAN YOUTH BY #COMRADE_SHETTIMA_UMAR Comradeshettimaumar@gmail I have a mission To Promote & Propagate the Ideals of Peaceful Co-Existence, Social Justice, Religious Harmony, Ethnic Tolerance, Unity in Diversity & Love for One Nigeria. I have a vision to work for a truly united Nigeria where tribe and religion dont matter but merit does, Will you join me? The future of Nigeria belongs to the youths who are the leaders of tomorrow, They have tremendous roles to play towards National development and integration, Unfortunately they were not given the necessary attentions by the authorities concerned in incorporating them into the process of #National_Development. Because of the importance of involvement of youths and their ability to make positive changes, the United Nations in 1985 drew the attention of the global community on the important roles of young people which prompted declaration of that year as international youth year for development and peace. From available statistics, especially the recent census figures, Nigeria has a youthful population of about 80millon which is about 60pecent of her population. Of this youthful population, more than 70 percent are said to be unemployed even after obtaining relevant work experiences and acquiring other qualifications for the job. The danger of unemployment and idleness after rising can be better imagine. We are living witnesses to how our youths roam around the streets in search of what to do in order to survive. Some even out of frustration take into negative vices like engaging in criminality and drug abuse as a result of idleness. As more graduates are churned out from the high institution, they enter the labour market searching for an elusive non-existing job even after completing the mandatory national youth service programme. Although there are progammes on youth development initiated by past governments and non-governmental organizations, a lot has to be done in the area of youth empowerment to ensure a bright future for youth towards safer and secured society. Some agencies have indeed made some noticeable impact towards addressing the problems of youths’ unemployment but yet more and more need to be done. For instance, the Center for Youth Development Project a non –governmental body has continued to champion the cause and advancement of youth through the developmental and leadership training while some corporate organizations have also engaged the youths in worthwhile exercises and programmes that can prepare them to be self-reliant or become employable in competitive environment. A clear example is Shell Intensive Training programme, designed to develop the skill of young Nigeria graduates and technicians to prepare them for employment in the oil industry. From the government the National Poverty Eradication Programme (NAPEP) which was initiated by the Obasanjos administration to provide jobs for the youths has witnessed employment of youths in different sectors of the economy but many are still crying that the government should do more. It is necessary to call on the Federal Ministry of Youth Development to be proactive in its responsibilities. Since it is the supervisory ministry overseeing the National Youth Service Corps, it should evolve a programme that could absolve and engage youth corpers in nation building even after their discharge from the one-year youth service. A soft loan can be guaranteed by government for youth corps members who wish to be self- employed after providing business plan and acquiring basic skills for the ventures. With these developments not only would they be actively engaged in businesses they may also be employers of labour. The proposed Youth Development Fund which is under the youth empowerment programme would be very timely in this regards especially in providing finances for the young people who have bright entrepreneurial ideas and initiative can boost the economic development of our great nation. The mandate of the ministry of youth should not only be concerned on promoting the physical, mental, and Socio-economic development of the Nigerian youth but also to protect their right and the enhancement of their welfare for self actualization through job creation and skill acquisition. A situation where youths after several years of acquiring education could not get jobs, necessitate some of the negative vices the country has continued to witness in recent times like armed robberies, cultism, prostitution, drug addition, hostage taking, gangsterism and lawlessness. Governments at all level should ensure that more funds are provided in their annual budget for youth development programmes that can lead to job opportunity for them. More skill acquisition centers should be established to encourage youths to develop their talents and reduce the dependence on white-collar jobs. Go-to-Farm policy can also be attractive if it is well packaged. This will also ensure mass-food production and other allied products from agricultural outputs. When the youths are empowered with skills, education and jobs, the rate of poverty in our country would be reduced likewise level of criminality. With your support, I shall one day make it. Thank you. Signed: Comrade Shettima Umar Concerned Citizen NATIONAL SECRETARY GENERAL -National Association of Nigerian Comrades (NANC) PRESIDENT - National Union of Borno State Students (NUBOSS) - Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Bauchi Chapter For: #NIGERIAN_YOUTH
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 11:12:39 +0000

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