TOWN OF FAIR HAVEN, VERMONT SELECT BOARD WATER AND SEWER COMMISSIONERS SELECT BOARD SESSION JULY 22, 2013 Members Present: Christopher Cole, Jeff Sheldon, Bob Richards, David Ward. Absent: Claire Stanley Others Present: Lucia Suarez, Glen Roberts, John Lulek, Debi Bailey, Ron Eckler, Mike Stannard, Bud Panoushek CALL TO ORDER Select Board Chair Christopher Cole called the July 23, 2013 meeting of the Fair Haven Select Board to order at 7:05 p.m. and asked everyone to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. In the absence of the Clerk the Chair asked for a nomination for someone to serve as clerk for this meeting. Ward nominated Sheldon. Second by Richards. All voted aye and the Chair declared Sheldon to be Clerk for this meeting. AMENDMENT TO AGENDA Richards moved to amend the agenda by adding legal settlement with George Pritchard. Second by Ward. All voted aye. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Richards moved to approve the minutes of the July 8, 2013 Select Board meeting. Second by Ward. All voted aye. PUBLIC COMMENT Debi Bailey asked about the town’s participation in a crosswalk program. She also expressed concern over the abundance of grass and questioned who is responsible for maintenance around the “Welcome to Fair Haven” signs. John Lulek is also concerned about the appearance of the amount of cut grass in the park. It is in great quantity and brown. Panoushek spoke of the speed with which grass is growing just now, the thickness of it, and the resulting maintenance issues. The Chair, in addition, noted the maintenance crew is one person short at this time. Mike Stannard wanted to first acknowledge his Monday had been a very stressful day and then to publicly thank the Police Chief for his handling of a situation. PUBLIC HEARING The Public Hearing was held for the purpose of receiving comment on proposed changes relative to the park. Specifically, discussion related to prohibiting smoking in the park, enforcement problems, and whether it is necessary. Discussion included no smoking in the park at all, designated areas for smoking, no smoking during special events, problems with enforcement, also the issue of redundancy. DEPARTMENT HEADS Nothing to report. NEW BUSINESS Sewer Plant Equipment: Peter Laramie, Sewer Plant Operator, is asking the Board to approve the purchase of a new mixer for the plant. The purchase price is about $9,000. He has researched this and no other type is available that would suit the intended purpose. This equipment is necessary for plant operation. Sheldon moved to approve the purchase of the mixer. Second by Ward. All voted aye. Prichard Claim Settlement: Richards moved to authorize the Chair to sign the insurance document relative to the proposed settlement agreement between the Town of Fair Haven and George Pritchard as recommended by the attorney. Second by Sheldon. All voted aye. The agreement reads as follows: Be it resolved that the Select Board of the Town of Fair Haven resolves to approve the settlement agreement as negotiated with Plaintiff, for the purpose of resolving the differences between the parties, to avoid protracted litigation, and to achieve savings for our Taxpayers by resolving the lawsuit entitled Prichard vs. Town Of Fair Haven, Docket No. 296-4-12Rdcv, and that Christopher Cole, Select Board Chair, and Brian P. Monaghan are hereby authorized and empowered to sign all documents to effectuate the aforesaid settlement on behalf of the Town of Fair Haven. In the settlement, the insurance is liable for $5,000 and the town is liable for $500 Town Park: Richards moved to amend the park ordinance to prohibit smoking. Second by Sheldon. There was lengthy discussion on the outcome of the proposal. The Chair asked for a vote. Richards and Sheldon voted in favor of the motion. Ward and Cole opposed the motion. The motion failed due to a lack of a majority. ROUNDTABLE Richards asked if the DPW Superintendent gets paid overtime. Panoushek said he gets overtime pay when he works over 45 hours a week. It is a provision in his contract. Richards said he does not like salaried persons to receive overtime pay and he will discuss this with the Town Manager. SIGNING OF THE WARRANT Sheldon moved to pay the bills as follows: General Fund--$347,050.68; Payroll--$30,274.70 Second by Richards. Motion carried. EXECUTIVE SESSION Ward moved to go into Executive Session to discuss personnel at 8:10. Second by Richards. All voted aye. Sheldon moved to come out of Executive Session at 8:14. Second by Richards. All voted aye. No further action was taken. ADJOURNMENT Ward moved to adjourn at 8:15 p.m. Meeting adjourned. Respectively submitted, _____________________________ Wilma B. DeSpain Jeff Sheldon, Acting Clerk
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 18:22:52 +0000

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