TOWN OF FAIR HAVEN, VERMONT SELECT BOARD WATER AND SEWER COMMISSIONERS LIQUOR COMMISSIONERS--CEMETERY CCOMMISSIONERS MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 16, 2013 Members Present: Christopher Cole, Bob Richards, Jeff Sheldon, Claire Stanley, Dave Ward Others Present: Glen Roberts, Stephan Taylor, Tammy Taylor, Sean Galvin, Ray Phillips, Recorder Wilma DeSpain, Town Manager Herb Durfee CALL TO ORDER Select Board Chair Christopher Cole called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. and asked everyone to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA No amendments to the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Select Sheldon moved to approve the Select Board minutes of September 3, 2013. Second by Select Ward. All voted aye. PUBLIC COMMENT No Public Comment. DEPARTMENT HEAD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS Durfee said the Police Department and Public Works Department reports are in their folders. He will e-mail his report to them. He reported the River Street pump station project is well underway. A couple more weeks may see it finished. a. Slatington, PA: Slatington, PA is planning a 150-year celebration and has issued an invitation to Fair Haven to be a “Sister City”. They will have an anniversary parade, August 16, 2014. b. Town &AFSCME Local 1201 Contract: The Master Contract is up for renewal. Issues related to this will be discussed in Executive Session. c. Blasting/Explosive Demolition Ordinance: Durfee provided a copy of a draft ordinance. He said if there is interest by the board he would work on it to make it more of a noticing ordinance. After some discussion, it was agreed that Durfee should at least rework the draft for the board to decide whether or not they would move forward with such an ordinance. d. Announcements: Durfee reminded the board of Saturday’s hazardous waste collection at the Transfer Station. Rutland Regional Planning Commission received a grant to help the Town complete its culvert inventory, including GPS points and mapping. He announced “Front Porch Forum” is now available in the Town. Durfee reported FPF is a conversation-type of on-line format that can be used as another method of informing the public on Town-related issues. Once FPF has 100 members in Fair Haven, they will “turn on” the forum. NEW BUSINESS a. Heating Oil Bids: Two local bids were received--Local Fuel, Inc. (Fair Haven) and Champlain Valley Fuels (Middlebury). Sheldon moved to award the bid to Local Fuel, Inc. Second by Richards. The motion carried 4-0-1 with Stanley abstaining. Cemetery Deed: Tena Carmody requests two grave sites in Lot 88, Section 11, Cedar Grove Cemetery. Motion by Sheldon to grant the request. Second by Ward. All voted aye. Donna Carter: Due to a leak in her hot water heater and that none of the water entered the Town sewer system, Carter requested an abatement on the sewer portion amount of her bill above her average sewer bill. Motion by Richards to abate Carter’s sewer bill amount that is above her average sewer bill. Second by Sheldon. All voted aye. Stephen & Tammy Taylor’s Wastewater Allocation: The Taylor’s requested an increase in their sewer allocation and additional 285 gallons per day to 505 gallons per day because the VT Wastewater Division required them to include infiltration as part of their state wastewater permit application. After discussion, Sheldon moved to amend the Taylor’s sewage gallons per day from 220 gpd to 505 gpd. Second by Richards. All voted aye. VLTC Draft 2014 Municipal Policy: Durfee asked if board members had any additional input into VLCT draft 2014 municipal policy document besides the comments he already sent. No further insight was offered. Water and Sewer Rates: Durfee presented the board with an updated Water & Sewer Scheduled of Rates and Fees. He indicated that the only changes were to the rates based on the adoption of the Sewer/Water Budget back in July. Sheldon moved to approve the schedule of rates and fees effective July 1, 2013 as recommended by the Manager. Second by Stanley. All voted aye. Efficiency VT Follow-up: Durfee reported that he met with officials from Efficiency VT. He said there may be several projects may want to undertake, including the replacement of street light bulbs with LED lamps. Efficiency VT indicated it was well worth the upfront capital investment given the long-term energy savings. The board discussed having the Energy Committee take on some of the work suggested by Efficiency VT according to their guidebook. Durfee also said that the Town should proceed with the level of energy audit Efficiency VT wants to undertake with the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Again, there may be energy efficiencies that could be realized. The board agreed the WWTF should be audited. OLD BUSINESS Jane Ellis Water Bill: Given Ellis’ request to abate her sewer bill due to her reporting that her backyard spigot was vandalized, Durfee reviewed her latest bill and found that her water usage was 3 times greater than her average use. Based on past action, the board typically agrees to abate the sewer portion of bill above the average use. Ward moved to abate the amount of the sewer portion of the Jane Ellis bill greater than the average amount. Second by Stanley. All voted aye. ROUNDTABLE Sheldon asked if there is any information on the hydro dam project at this time. Richards asked if we have to do any investigation related to the blast. Richards also asked how the Town addresses police services (e.g., attending court) beyond the hours contracted with Benson. There will be organizational meetings for both the Democrats and Republicans Thursday night. The manager reported the painting is finally finished. He plans now to get the carpet cleaned in the Selectboard meeting room and in the former probate room. REVIEW OF FINANCE REPORTS Several larger bills have been paid, including a quarterly payment to the school, a bond payment, and an appropriation amount, leaving a balance in the checkbook of $54,833.07. WARRANT Stanley moved to pay the warrant as follows: Payroll--$28,430.95; General Fund--$608,050.41 Second by Sheldon. All voted aye. EXECUTIVE SESSIONS Stanley made a motion to go into Executive Session at 8:19 p.m. with the Town Manager to discuss the Union Contract. Second by Richards. All voted aye. At 9:20 p.m. Stanley moved to return to regular session. Second by Ward. No action taken. Ward moved to go into Executive Session with the Town Manager at 9:20 p.m. to discuss a personnel issue (pending grievance). Second by Richards. All voted aye. At 9:32 p.m. Stanley moved to come out of Executive Session. Second by Ward. All voted aye. Richards moved to have a letter containing the board’s decision be drafted and sent to the grievant by the Town Manager. Second by Stanley. All voted aye. ADJOURNMENT Richards moved to adjourn at 9:33 p.m. Second by Stanley. The meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, ___________________________ Wilma B. DeSpain Claire Stanley, Clerk
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 19:30:08 +0000

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