TPP = “LARGEST CORPORATE POWER GRAB YOU’VE NEVER HEARD OF” — Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) Article by Steve Rendall in FAIR — Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting TPP = WILL REDUCE THE SOVEREIGNTY OF (AND FREEDOM IN) THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TPP = Enshrine AIPAC-WALL STREET CORPORATE CONTROL OVER NATIONS TPP = CORPORATIONS DECIDE ON Environment + Intellectual Property + FINANCE = BIG STEP TO ONE CENTRAL BANKSTER CONTROL TPP = White House rushing it through Congress with secret “fast track” process = LIKE CLINTON-NAFTA DESTROYED 10s of MILLIONS OF MIDDLE CLASS JOBS TPP = US media keeps its HORRIBLE TRAITS HIDDEN! TPP = NAFTA = Sold on Promise of New Jobs + Increased Exports TPP = NAFTA = Increase US Trade Deficits + Lowered Wages in USA TPP = “stealthy delivery mechanism for policies that could not survive public scrutiny” – EVEN IS AIPAC-WALL STREET OWNED AND OPERATED USA CONGRESS! TPP = 2 OF 26 CHAPTERS Cover traditional trade matters TPP = Corporate Trojan Horse = 24 CHAPTERS OF CORP TAKEOVER + 1% TPP = Grandiose new Privileges for SUPER-RICH and Corporations TPP = Permanent LIMITS ON constraints government regulations. TPP = LOCK IN TAX-DODGING SCAMS INTO GLOBAL AGREEMENT concisepolitics/2015/01/09/tpp-largest-corporate-power-grab-youve-never-heard-of/
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 05:19:26 +0000

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