#TPPANoWay rocked the world this week – spawning solidarity - TopicsExpress


#TPPANoWay rocked the world this week – spawning solidarity actions in Japan and California, USA and a total of 16 protest actions throughout Aotearoa aka New Zealand. TPPA’ trended throughout the events and messages from supporters worldwide poured in thick and fast, including touching messages from Malaysia, Canada, the United States, and our Aussie cousins! While many publications and media outlets covered yesterday’s actions, none so far have aggregated the hashtag content so our media team is collaborating to bring together various independent media sources into this one post. (The content featured here will grow over the course of the next few days.) The #TPPANoWay crowd gathers at what was once the site of Occupy 2.0 Queen Street; the 2nd of 4 autonomous occupations of Tamaki Makaurau aka Auckland City. The march was huge and very exciting, to see so many Aucklanders taking over Queen Street to exercise their democratic rights. Outside the USA consulate on Commerce Street at the bottom of Queen Street, New Zealanders made their feelings known, with cries of “Shame, Shame!” echoing throughout downtown Auckland. (Note: while Occupy Media around the globe give coverage to all political groups who oppose tyrannical Government policies and are consequently & similarly victimised by the corporate media, we do not endorse any particular party for elections as some of the biggest issues we face occur above the political process and are beyond the reach of the Beehive, no matter who inhabits it.) After the final speakers, the crowd began to naturally disperse, drawing a peaceful close to a successful event. #TPPANoWay – Solidarity Statements from New Zealand Solidarity Message from National Day of Action in New Zealand To our friends on the West Coast of the US who believe that the future belongs to the people, not to the corporations, we in New Zealand send our greetings and solidarity. To our friends in US who believe that decent work and safe food is our rights, we say your struggle is our struggle too. To our friends in US who believe that global agribusinesses cannot be allowed to control the nation’s food production, we stand alongside you. To our friends in the US who see that social responsibility and protection of the environment are giving way to greed and exploitation, we join you to demand that the needs of the people and the planet come before the profits of the corporations. To our friends in the US who are determined to stop the damage that climate change causes to our communities, we will make sure that our national plays its role. To our friends whose families and communities are denied affordable medicines, housing, food and the other essentials of life, we are committed to fight against the same injustices. These are among the many challenges that confront us for the 21st century. Yet the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement and those who promote it stand for a very different vision. Their vision is a 21st century that is run by and for the major corporations, supported by the major powers. If they had to show us what they are proposing to sign, the people would never agree. That is why they are negotiating the TPPA in secret. But the tide has turned in many of the TPPA countries. Yesterday we had mobilizations in fifteen towns and cities across New Zealand saying ‘No to the TPPA’. This is unprecedented. The people have spoken. We fear that our government will not listen unless there is a groundswell in other TPPA countries that force those governments to listen as well. When we act together in solidarity, as we are today, we CAN defeat the TPPA. 29 March, 2014 Jane Kelsey, University of Auckland On behalf of Participants of 29 March National Day of Action in New Zealand #TPPANoWay – Solidarity Statements from Japan Solidarity Message from Japan To all the people of the United States of America and New Zealand gathering today, We are happy to extend our solidarity message to all of you gathering at the nation-wide rallies on 29 March.. We, here in Japan, also will hold a mass rally “It’s time to withdraw from the TPP negotiation!” on 30 March in the heart of Tokyo Metropolitan. It is important that people of the three TPP countries stand up at the same timing and raise voices against TPP. The USA is the world’s largest power and has been leading the TPP negotiations. Japan is also a large economy and is engaging in the bilateral negotiations with the US. Other TPP countries are carefully monitoring the negotiations. New Zealand is one of the key players at the end game having a sensitive interest in market access for dairy products into the US and Japan, with concerns about the critical issues of the public health care system and ISDS. The TPP negotiations couldn’t be concluded by the end of the previous year- and seems to be deadlocked now. But, we should not be off our guard and closely watch the ongoing bilateral negotiations. US President Obama is visiting Asia in April seeking results at any cost because of the coming midterm election in November. Japanese government is anxious to conclude the negotiations as early as possible, as a crucial tool to stimulate economic growth. Last year, Committees on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of the both chambers of the Japanese Diet adopted the resolution to protect present tariffs of the five sensitive farm products, public health care system and food safety, to oppose to the ISDS provision which may undermine the national interests, and to demand disclosure of information on the TPP negotiations. They also resolved that the government should withdraw from the negotiations when Japan cannot protect the five “sacred” farm products. Japanese civil organizations, labor unions, farmer’s unions, medical groups and consumer cooperatives formed a broad coalition and have been engaged in anti-TPP struggles with international allies to protect lives, livelihoods and local communities. We believe that these struggles contributed to stop the TPP negotiations to be concluded so far. Our future shouldn’t be at the mercy of global corporations. We shouldn’t overlook the fact that global corporations art trying force their standards and interests on developing countries. Let us take action against TPP together. We wish the success of your nation-wide campaigns on 29 March in New Zealand and the USA, and the further progress of your struggles. 29 March, 2014 Sponsors and supporters of the 30 March Campaign “It’s time to withdraw from the TPP negotiation!” #TPPANoWay – Solidarity Statements from the United States Solidarity message from the United States We the people of United States, the citizen activists and organizers would like to express our message of solidarity to the people of Japan and New Zealand. We stand, shoulder to shoulder with you, in your struggle against the TPP. As a show of unity we will hold a “Stop the TPP Coup” demonstration at Union Square in San Francisco on March 29th. To fully understand the consequences of TPP, one must look at the consequences of NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement, which has been in effect for 20 years. NAFTA resulted in the loss of almost 1 million American jobs, the enslavement of Mexican workers and death of Mexican farmers, increase in economic inequality, political instability, lowered safety and environmental standards. TPP has been described as NAFTA on steroids, a hundred times more powerful and more dangerous. TPP has been negotiated in complete secrecy by 600 lobbyists and corporate representatives. In the United States negotiating trade agreements is legally the responsibility of the Congress. Yet not a single one of these Democratically elected representatives have been allowed to engage in these negotiations. Those who have seen the text have been sworn to secrecy. If it weren’t for the release of the text by Wikileaks we still wouldn’t have any information. President Obama, requested Fast Track authority from Congress which would limit debate and the ability of congress to change or amend the text and would push it through very quickly. But the public rose against it and after millions of phone calls and emails ordinary citizens sent to their representatives, the Congress and the Senate refused to give him that authority. He may try it again. But we will remain vigilant. Environmental organizations, all labor Unions and many civil organizations, and farmer’s Unions are against the TPP. But in the United States, all mainstream media, 1500 newspapers, 1100 magazines, 9000 radio stations, 1500 TV stations, 2400 publishers, are owned by only 6 corporations who will profit from the TPP. So they do not provide the public with information on TPP. In fact they never discuss it. The information circulates from person to person, through activism and alternative media. More and more people are discovering that TPP exists and the moment they do, they strongly oppose it. The opposition is continuously growing. Through TPP, multinational corporations will force the lowest levels of regulations on all nations involved, regardless of their individual history, culture or tradition. Through ISDS corporations will end Democracy and establish themselves as overlords and masters, enslaving people of the 12 nations. Corporations are not human beings. They do not have a sense of humanity, they do not have dignity, they do not have honor. But the rest of us actual human beings do. And there is a lot more of us than there is of them. So together we will fight and together we will win. Let’s keep voicing our concerns and together we can show the government that this is not acceptable. March 29, 2014 Bay Area Light Brigade in San Francisco Special thanks to Martyn Bradbury, John Minto and Metiria Turei. Source: occupysavvy.wordpress/2014/03/30/tppanoway-new-zealands-message-to-the-world/
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 23:51:59 +0000

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