TRADITIONAL/ SPIRITUAL HEALER DR MOUSA l am Dr mousa a traditional healer with special spiritual powers that can be used to get what you desire without negative consequences to you nor any of your love ones. My services will not give you bad karma or any other unwanted side- effects. I can help you make the difficulties that you know now nothing more than a distant memory. My spells are customized for each client\s particular needs for that reason you need to contact me first to let you know if i can help you and how. All my work is guaranteed to be effective, powerful, private and confidential. i have different types of muthi that can help you in any kind of traditional problems you may have and i do all kinds of prayers. I have experience in African traditional healing Witchcraft problems Herbal medicine The spiritual healer Spell caster: bring back lost lover, love spells,marriage/relationship related problems,divorce, reverse curse, black magic,bad luck, evil spirit, black magic Psychic African rituals or Witchcraft Psychic powers All Problems are solved in every short period of time With the most effective spell SERVICES LOVE Is your love life falling apart? Do you want your love to grow stronger? Is your partner losing interest in you? It’s not too late to fix your love life. We offer solutions to take care of all your love life. We strengthen bonds in all love relationships and marriage. We create loyalty and everlasting love between couples. We recover love and happiness when relationships break down. We bring back your lost love. We help you look for the best suitable partner when you can’t break the cycle of loneliness. We help to keep your partner faithful and loyal to you. We create everlasting love between couples. BUSINESS AND FINANCES Do you want to keep your business at the top? Do you want to obliterate your competitors? We offer solutions that will keep your business growing from strength to strength. We enable you to Increase your wealth tremendously Attraction of clients for your business. Success in all business undertakings and performance. Counteract competition - Finding good everlasting friends. THE SPIRIT WORLD We detect cases of ill luck, negative influences or dishonor toward the ancestors. We also help get rid of bad and evil spirits that may attack you or your home. We prepare individualized concoctions for protection from individuals of evil intent. OTHER SERVICES We also specialize in the following - Success and progress in work, jobs, job applications and promotions. - All kinds of legal issues, like divorce and inheritance cases. - Increasing the odds in winning lawsuits - All kinds of reconciliations. - Protection against enemies and diseases. - Development of intelligence. - Retaining a strong memory and increasing your learning ability. - Passing all kinds of exams - General protection and removal of bad spirits - Protection of your family and children. Dr Mousa Cell: +27733398502 Office: 0318360566 Website: Situated in Durban
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 21:02:19 +0000

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