TRAFFIC CALMING AT GRANGE NATIONAL SCHOOL Standing in the name of - TopicsExpress


TRAFFIC CALMING AT GRANGE NATIONAL SCHOOL Standing in the name of Cllr. William Paton That Carlow County Council undertake immediate action to provide traffic calming measures and a safe pedestrian crossing point at Grange National School. The response from the Council was as follows: Grange school is located in a rural location on the R418 regional road where the measured 85 percentile speed is in excess of 80 km/h and the average daily traffic volume is 4000 vehicles. There is restricted speed zone at the location of 60km/h but this is violated by 79% or road users. Traffic calming is a feature of the approaches to urban locations where the intention is to reduce vehicular speeds in areas where the risk of traffic accidents is much greater having regard to pedestrian movements a greater concentration of junctions with associated turning movements. The primary feature of traffic calming is to reduce the effective width of the road and in doing so to signal to drivers that vehicle speeds should similarly be reduced. Grange school is not a suitable location for traffic calming treatment as it is located in a rural location where the expectation of drivers is to be able to drive at speeds around 80 km/h. Not withstanding the above there is an issue related to traffic at school opening and closing times that has to be addressed. To a great degree this has arisen because of the recently increased numbers attending the school. The solution to the problem cannot be resolved by Carlow County Council, it will require a joint response from both the Council and the school authorities. To this end the engineer for the municipal district will assess the situation at the peak times for school activities and will arrange to meet the school authorities to develop a solution jointly.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 15:14:51 +0000

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