TRAINING CLUB MILESTONE AWARDS FOR THE WEEK The Step into Life Training Club is all about giving you attainable goals and helping keep you motivated and focused to achieve them by coming to your Step into Life sessions REGULARY!! 90% of achieving results and maintaining your fitness is TURNING UP! Once you get to class you know you will get a great work out with variety. The Step into Life Training Club is based on the total amount of time YOU have personally invested in your training. Every class you attend you are “awarded” training club points. You can reward yourself at each level with a shirt or singlet to acknowledge your commitment and dedication to your personal fitness and goals. You can see your training club points on the fortnightly reports barometer. This week’s awards go to (drum roll please…) 500 points Joanne Carter :- Jo is great to be around she has really settled into her sessions and make good gains in her progress. Jo is very consistent and has terrific technique at all her sessions at which she is very consistent. Jo is now embarking her first endurit and has started off quite well. I don’t believe she knows how good she is after such a short amount of time. Jo should very proud of herself. Well done Kara Hart :- I believe Kara is of the belief of “go hard or go home”; baring small injuries I cannot recall Kara ever doing anything by halves. She is always doing her best and has a “slight” competitive streak to her. Kara is another person starting on her first endurit and I really hope it won’t be her last because from what she puts in at her sessions she has gotten in return two fold. Keep up the effort Kara 2000 points Emily Moran :- It can be hard to describe what Emily does at her sessions so I’ll try to sum it up as best as I can. Energetic, technical, capable. Everybody enjoys having Emily at training and I think it’s because not only her personality but also because of how she manages to lead by example and to get the best from her peers. There are only a handful of members who have such a good understanding of how technique essential to great progress. Emily has been involved in many aspects of S.I.L including white water rafting, car rally, mini Olympics, endurit and Christmas parties. We are all very proud of you Emily as you should be of yourself. 3000 points Roberta Mckenzie:- Ro is our longest serving member (almost 5 years ago). I will never forget her very first session; it was a cold winters morning and there was only one other member. They went for a little warm up jog but Ro didn’t return. Eventually she did with a twisted ankle. A few months after her rehab she was ready and keen to move ahead. Ro is a well respect member of our group and willing to go the extra step for herself and members. Ro is still making progress and this testament to her desire to keep wanting more. Ro has been involved in all aspects of s.i.l and there has never been a time when she has completely missed a session without making it up. It has been a utter joy to have Ro as a key part of the group and I hope to continue training her for many sessions to come. Well done Ro you have become a true leading example of leading by example. 4000 points Peter Linnergar :- Peter is another long serving member. Peter is easily amongst the most inspirational, dedicated, hard working, reliable people in our group. His achievements both at S.I.L and outside of S.I.L are too long to list. I’m sure there have many time when Peter has thought about going easy on himself but I don’t think that’s his character. Peter is always a pleasure to train and to train with, he always keeps everyone their toes with his cheeky good nature. Peter is also among few people that knows when the time is right to get serious about his session and when he can switch off a little to relax. It’s hard to imagine S.I.L Glenbrook without Peter Linnergar helping to lead by example Tania Craig :- Tania is now only 1 of 3 people who have reached this milestone at Glenbrook (Peter, Lis ). Tania would have to be the most intense training person at our group but she disguises this very well with her good nature and bubbly personality. It’s easy to see why she was voted twice members member which testimony to highly regarded she is by her peers. Tania is always challenging herself and always encouraging other to do the same. Tania never stops giving up and stops trying her best and that’s all anyone can ask from themselves and Tania is a fine example. So if you’re looking for someone with boundless energy, enthusiasm Tania is someone you should defiantly be looking at.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 22:27:24 +0000

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