TRAINING ON ELABORATION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES (RES) POLICY IN THE REPUBLIC OF TAJIKISTAN 28 Oct 2014 Dushanbe: October 28th, 2014. Training on “Education of officials from relevant ministries and agencies of the Republic of Tajikistan on issues related to elaboration and implementation of the renewable energy sources (RES) policy” was conducted through October 29 to 31 in Dushanbe city. Participants had represented 11 Ministries and Agencies. The main objective of the training was to increase the level of awareness of governmental officials in the field of sustainable development and use of RES, including the legal framework, which forms the basis for the RES development. Proposed trainings for small hydropower specialists are targeted to tackle the issues related to scarcity of experts, hence building the in-country capacity and ensuring sustainable operation of small hydropower plants and other renewable energy sources, where such approach shall ensure sustainable energy for rural and remote areas. As Ms. Rafika Musaeva, the Chairman of the Association of Power Engineers of the Republic of Tajikistan, says: “Tajikistan is one of the regional and global leaders on potential reserves of economically effective, renewable and environment-friendly resources. Nowadays, Tajikistan uses only 4% of it’s’ hydropower potential and only 1% for other renewable energy sources”. Ms. Musaeva mentions: “Along with development of large and medium hydropower, development of renewable (small) energy is becoming increasingly relevant. It is linked with many factors, such as: the need for decentralized power supply in the remote mountainous regions, diversification of available energy sources, as well as environmental protection. Small hydro might be the key factor, which would unlock the potential of rural mountainous regions of Tajikistan, reduce poverty level and accelerate processes for achievement of the Millennium Development Goals”. In the course of the training, participants were presented sessions on energy resources, non-traditional and renewable energy sources and their impact on the environment, their role in local and global economic development, as well as on the main global trends on engagement of RES into economical activities. Participants were also presented with the aspects of management mechanisms, development and effective use of small hydro, including procedures for obtaining permits for installation and commission of power utilities, operating on renewable energy sources, as well as technical requirements for grid connection of small hydropower plants and national energy-saving and energy-efficiency standards of the Republic of Tajikistan. The participants have also paid a visit to the laboratory of experimental base “Clean Energy”, under Tajik Technical University named after M.S. Osimi. They got familiarized with various types of power units generating units, operating on renewable sources such as hydropower, solar, wind and geothermal energy. It is worth underlining that the training was arranged and held in cooperation with the Association of Power Engineers of the Republic of Tajikistan, within the framework of UNDP/GEF project “Technology Transfer and Market Development for Small-Hydropower in Tajikistan”. Said project aims at improving access to renewable energy in rural regions for the purpose of poverty reduction and triggering economic development. The expected outcome of the project is reduction of the use of conventional biomass and fossil fuels for power and other energy needs, as well as reduction of greenhouse gas emissions into atmosphere.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 07:10:13 +0000

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