[TRANS] K RUSH Vol. 8 - VIXX’s Group Interview Outstanding - TopicsExpress


[TRANS] K RUSH Vol. 8 - VIXX’s Group Interview Outstanding Teamwork! What’s The Secret Behind VIXX’s Great Relationship? -In the first page, you guys made a relationship map. What’s the reason you picked these relationship titles? N: First off, if I’m considered to be VIXX’s mom, then Ravi would be the eldest son, Hongbin would be the second son, and Hyuk would definitely be the youngest, right? And just like I said, Leo, who’s the same age as me, is a special friend that I want to be with till I die, and Ken’s an ahjumma (mid-aged lady), not an ahjusshi (mid-aged man), that lives nearby. (Laughter) Ken: Because N hyung is the mom of VIXX~ Hyuk: But since he’s not our real mom, should he be considered our aunt? (Laughter) Ravi: To me, N hyung feels like a real brother that’s connected by blood rather than a mom. Maybe it’s because we’re together 24 hours, but I feel like I have a true brother-like relationship with the members. Hyuk: Ravi hyung has a younger sister in reality, but he really likes his younger sister. It’s to the point where you could go over ‘younger sister love’ and call him a fool for his younger sister. Although I have an older sister, the affection that Ravi hyung gives towards his younger sister is really deep. Ravi: But since Hyuk is the youngest in his family and in VIXX, you can feel the vibes of him being the youngest even though he doesn’t act cute. Hongbin: He’s a cute dongsaeng even though he doesn’t show any cute acts (laughter). But Hyuk and I share the fact that we both like movies, and our comedic senses have similar points as well. Ken: Although he thinks that he isn’t cute, don’t worry about it, because from the hyungs’ view, our youngest is cute enough (laughter). Leo: Well since he’s a baby. Hongbin: Then if we were to compare Leo to something, it would be the troop leader (person in charge), right? Hyuk: Me too me too! I place a vote on him being the troop leader! Ken: Although he’s strict like a troop leader, I think Leo hyung is someone who actually overflows in emotions. Hongbin: Because my house was nearby Ken hyung’s, I normally knew him from before. We had friends that we both knew too. So I feel like it’s really fascinating for us to be promoting together as VIXX like this. Ken: Hongbin is a flower boy and I feel happy, because we get noticed just if I’m standing near him (laughter). Also, since Ravi is skilled for his age, he’s someone who knows when to draw a line at things that shouldn’t be done. Leo: Although he’s the same age as Hongbin who seems like a child on the inside and on the outside, there are times when Ravi looks old. Ravi: From what I’ve seen, Ken hyung is older than me, but he’s cute. (Laughter) -After finding out each of your individual relationship titles, is there something you wish that this person would change? Leo: Alright, Hyuk, you go first. Hyuk: Uh… Let’s see, this isn’t really a complaint, but I hope that Leo hyung would hurry and show me movies through the computer. Because my computer isn’t in great condition right now, I’ve been borrowing Leo hyung’s. It’s already been 1~2 months since I told him that I wanted to watch some movie, but he still hasn’t shown me it. Leo: Sorry, sorry. It’s because I was too lazy to download the movie. Alright, I’ll make sure to download it today and show it to you. Hongbin: I have something to say to Ravi. When we’re done with practices, let’s go together! You always stay after and practice by yourself, and then once you come home, you turn on music and exercise, so I keep waking up because of the sound! Even though I understand that you’re working hard with practicing… Ravi: Sorry. Next time, I’ll exercise without music on! Hyuk: What about the rest of you guys? Is there anything you wish we would fix? N: Since everyone’s working really hard, there’s nothing for me! Leo: I can’t think of anything now, but I’ll quietly tell you it when I think of it later (laughter). - A Big Image Transformation Through ‘On and On’! - Your comeback song, ‘On and On’, gave a strong impression with its motifs of vampires, but I feel like it would take a long time to prepare before going on stage? N: Although our clothes or hair don’t take that long, it took a long time for the make-up to be complete. Ravi: If you add in the time it takes for our manicures to dry, I think it took around 4 hours. - I heard that you guys went for an image of aristocratic vampires, but in order to complete the song, what did you use as references? Ken: I studied and gained ideas while looking at the aristocratic vampires from the manga, ‘Noblesse’. Hongbin: For expressions or ways to fixate my gaze, I watched the movie ‘Twilight’ and used it as a reference! - I believe that this stage required more teamwork than shown in the past due to its acrobatic choreography, so what did VIXX gain through this song? Leo: Since this album received more responses than any of our past albums, I was really happy. We constantly practiced, and checked each other’s small things like expressions or hand movements, along with checking each other’s line ups. We shared a lot of our opinions with each other, and since we pushed ourselves harder towards practicing, the time we used in practicing was long. Hyuk: Although we believe the results are at an acceptable point for the amount of work put into it, I hope that you would all like it too! - Now that I think about it, N and Hongbin were really into Anipang during the last interview, so is there anything you’ve been doing lately? N: There’s a game called ‘I Love Cafe’, but it’s a storyline where the main character becomes a barista and runs a cafe. The game was really fun, so I’m really into that now. But studying Japanese is more fun lately! Ken: For me, it’s playing the piano and studying English! Both are fun. Leo: I recently started learning how to compose. Because it’s fun, I want to hurry up and master composition. Ravi: I was studying how to write and compose songs prior to our debut, so I usually write songs during my own time. I’ve been absorbed with that. Hongbin: For me, it’s photography (laughter). But I wondered if it wouldn’t be really helpful for me since I’m doing music, which is why I started recently learning how to play the guitar. This is quite hard even if it’s fun! - By the time this issue gets published, you will probably be done with your first solo live in Japan. What are your ambitions for it? Ravi: The live stage we did in Japan last time was really short and went by quickly, so we didn’t have much of a chance to enjoy the stage, which is why I want to enjoy it to my heart’s content this time. What are some jokes that work in Japan recently? - There’s a TV ad where a cram school teacher goes ‘When are you going to do it?’ ‘Right now!’, and that’s been a big hit lately. Hongbin: That seems good, I’ll have to do it during the live! Ravi: Al~right, I’ll have to memorize it. Look forward to it! - kor to eng trans. cr; akdongs @ tumblr | jpn to kor trans. cr; naver blog ; take out with full credits
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 21:42:17 +0000

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