[TRANS] SHINees interview with Sina Weibo in March cr:dorothealy, - TopicsExpress


[TRANS] SHINees interview with Sina Weibo in March cr:dorothealy, shina weibo ~admin Aya◘ Six years into their debut, this rookie group that SM Entertainment Company created, grew up to become seniors in the various fields that theyve entered. Just like the quintet’s name, SHINee which means people who receive light, Onew, Jonghyun, Key, Minho and Taemin, have not only captured the hearts of many fans in Korea, their popularity overseas is also something they should be proud of too. Although in the next few years their main focus will be Japanese market, as this world tour takes off, it will give fans in various places an opportunity to see their idols up close. Not too long ago, SHINee 2014 Festival Tour was held in Beijing. Apart from seeing SHINee who has always been hardworking, we also witnessed a group of boys on their road to maturity. Using this chance, they have agreed to an exclusive interview conducted by Sina. Leader Onew had likened the group to a volcano. What then has this ever-ready group experienced in the past year and is thankful for? What are their plans for 2014? Let’s find out the answers to these questions. Section 1: 6 Years of Growth, Not Forgetting their Initial Mindset Before 2013 ended, on the 2000th day of their debut, SHINee received the ‘Best Artist of the Year Award’ at the 2013 Melon Music Awards. This hard earned award caused them to cry on stage for a few moments. While receiving the award, leader Onew trembled as he said his speech, Thank you Mr Lee Soo Man, for creating a group like SHINee. Furthermore, thank you to the parents of each member. We will continue to work hard and be a group that lives up to the name of this award, and also, thank you to the fans. 2008 marked the year SHINee debuted. Back then, they were merely in their adolescent years as middle schoolers and high schoolers. Based off their youthful and cute image, they sang “Replay” which sparked off their popularity as the nation’s little brother group. But as they grew older, they became more adventurous, their later albums showed styles which depict their explosive growth. As mentioned when they debuted, they are a contemporary band, leading in areas such as music, dance and trends; their footwork and vocal talents are some things that are recognised by many. High-level choreographies accompanied by live singing in their performances, are what they have achieved through endless practice. SHINee will officially start their third round of tours this coming 8th March in Seoul. Apart from the extra practices that the members are having, they have also personally participated in the design and layout of their stage to better perfect the experience given to their concert goers. There will of course be special stages as hinted by the members, as to what it is, we will only know then! Firstly, please greet your fans in Sina. SHINee: Dear friends in Sina, hello we are SHINee. Onew: Hi everyone, I’m Onew. Taemin: Hi everyone, I’m Taemin. Jonghyun: Hi everyone, I’m Jonghyun. Minho: Hi everyone, I’m Minho. Jonghyun: Hello everyone, it has been a long while since we last met. We are SHINee; from now on, we will share many short stories with everyone. I hope you all will have more interest in us. Last year, you guys were given a large award, can you share with us how you felt at that moment? Did the company hold a celebration party for you? Jonghyun: We were very happy. Firstly, because the members and all of SHINee’s staff as well as SM’s staff have worked very hard together. To receive such a prestigious award, it made us all really glad, so we had a large gathering that day. Minho: Yes, we gathered for a meal…also, the most important thing is that this award is the first prestigious award that we have ever gotten since our debut, so it holds a very special meaning to us. Unknowingly, SHINee has already debuted for 6 years. Seeing seniors who are still actively promoting, what are your thoughts when you see them? Jonghyun: Firstly, having members promoting together is meaningful to us because we get to discuss new concepts and themes, after which we get to practice together and that is a lot of fun. Thus, we would like to continue being on stage and use music to interact with our audiences. Seeing both seniors and juniors alike will also cause us to think that indeed, we have been singers for quite some time already. Minho: That’s why whenever we are preparing to show everyone a new side of us, to present to everyone a better image, our practice time lengthens and so does the frequency of the practices. While practicing, we are always thinking of doing our best too. Whenever we see SHINee’s stages, it’s all done very well. Will the members take part in the costume design as well? Taemin: Right now, a lot of our opinions are being taken in for suggestions. Just like how during discussions everyone would share their own opinions. Please say a few words to the fans who are anticipating your concert. Jonghyun: We are practicing diligently right now so that we will be able to put on a meaningful show for everyone in a concert hall that is fully packed. Please anticipate it a lot, we wish that everyone and their friends will be able to come for our concert and scream and have fun as heartily as possible. Section 2: Fans are the waves that power us Apart from album promotions, the members are busily going to different parts of the world to prepare for their concerts. In addition to the practices and other events, they hardly have any resting time. Other than their working hours, these men are known to spend their time at home. The happiest thing for them is to stay in the dorm and sleep. Maybe this is the sad truth about being an idol, behind all the glitter and glam that we usually see. However, after being in the playing field for so long, they have received many fans’ love and affection. To continue on this path is probably the best way they can reciprocate what they have received. Whilst talking about China, apart from its cuisine that the members remember fondly, the greatest impression that they have gotten are the passionate fans. They have used waves to describe their Chinese fans. Fans who are always progressing forward, are what spurs them on to improve and also their biggest motivation. For their Chinese audience, the members have been learning Mandarin and also practicing Chinese songs. All these let us see their heartfelt sincerity. SHINee recently held a fan meeting in China, were there any memorable impressions that you have gathered about China or the fans? Jonghyun: This time while we had the fan meeting tour in China, we had a Q&A session regarding the country. Through this segment, I felt that we have gained a greater understanding of China and also, the distance between us and China seemed to have shortened. Furthermore, it felt as though we had a lot of interactions with the fans, that’s why I had the greatest impression of the Q&A session. Minho: When we went to Beijing and Shanghai, the fans from both regions made videos for us. They used Korean to say that theyve have been waiting for us for a long time, and made a photo collage in the video. That surprised us. The handmade videos were really touching for me. Can you use a sentence to describe your Chinese fans? What is the reason behind it? Jonghyun: Let’s invite our leader Onew to do a summary on that. Onew: They are like waves. Jonghyun: Waves? Jonghyun: Surging. Onew: Receding. Jonghyun: Surging. Onew: Receding. Onew: Seeing their immense response, it really feels like a wave, there’s a sensation of being carried up and down by waves. Jonghyun: They were really passionate, there were even Chinese fans who immerse themselves in the music together with us. They portrayed their happiness like a wave upon seeing us. If there’s a chance for you to tour Beijing leisurely, where would you like to go the most? What would you like to eat the most? Jonghyun: If it’s Beijing, it’s definitely the Peking Duck. Onew: Wow~ Yes, definitely. Jonghyun: If we are going to Beijing, I can eat as I cut the Peking Duck. Minho: Eat as you cut? Jonghyun: Yes. Minho: When I was young, I went to the Great Wall of China. I personally like it a lot. Back then I was still young, so I didn’t get to travel too far. Therefore, if there’s a chance for me to go again, I definitely need to walk further to explore, with Jonghyun hyung. Jonghyun: Back then, you went with me too. Minho: I wish to go back once more. Jonghyun: Umm... If I go with Minho… Minho: If that’s the case, Taemin will go with me. Jonghyun: Back then, Taemin was there too, the three of us went together… Taemin: I like Sichuan better. Jonghyun: So you want to go to Sichuan? We’ve already said to go to Beijing. Minho: When we climb the Great Wall of China, Sichan will appear before we reach the peak. Taemin: Really… Jonghyun: We can make it to Sichuan? Taemin: We should definitely go there once. Among the members, who knows the highest number of Chinese phrases and who has the most accurate pronunciation? Jonghyun: Key has the best pronunciation. Onew: Yes. Jonghyun: Such a pity he is unable to take part in this interview with us today. Minho: Yes.. Jonghyun: Key’s language abilities are astonishing. Onew: Yes. Minho: But I feel that Onew hyung’s pronunciation is very good too. Jonghyun: This time at our Chinese fan meetings, Onew hyung performed a Chinese song. When we heard his Chinese pronunciation, we all got a shock. Onew: Wait a minute, let me think for a moment. Jonghyun: Are you thinking of the lyrics? Onew: While we listened to it, we felt that it was pretty good, but we don’t know how it was for the Chinese fans after they have listened to it. We’ve heard that Jonghyun was born in the Year of the Horse. In China, we have a tradition whereby if you are born in a particular zodiac year, and it is the year of that zodiac now, you have to wear red clothes to avoid bad luck. Does Jonghyun have any special preparations? Jonghyun: Oh~ There’s such a tradition like this too. Specifically, there are no definite traditions like this in Korea. But this year is indeed my zodiac year. But because my zodiac belongs to the White Horse, and I’ve heard that this year, the White Horses will be very successful so I’m looking forward to it too. However, having heard that in China you have to wear red to celebrate your zodiac year, I should start preparing some red items from now on, such as red socks or red underwear. SHINee: Oh~~~ Jonghyun: By doing so, I’ll definitely have something red wherever I go and good luck will come~ Taemin: Yes~ Section 3: Blossoming in many areas In order to sustain popularity and relevance, artists in the Korean entertainment industry often jump between different fields of the industry. However, a certain level of capability is required to progress in all fields. As for SHINee, apart from dabbling in the music field with their album sales, each member has their own share of activities, be it acting in television dramas, appearing in variety programmes, or singing for OSTs. They continue to challenge themselves, allowing the public to see how dynamic and versatile they are. In terms of television dramas, apart from cameo appearances, Minho has played the main actor in “Salamander Guru and The Shadows”, and in 2012, he acted in “To The Beautiful You” together with Sulli. That not only helped him on his road to becoming an actor, it also helped to inject some fresh faces in the acting field. In 2013, “Medical Top Team” was introduced, where Minho acted with his seniors. Meanwhile, Taemin took part in “Dating Agency: Cyrano”, displaying his acting skills. Where variety programmes are concerned, SHINee had shows such as “Hello Baby” and “One Fine Day”. Through these shows, they displayed to us a different image from what we usually see of the shining boys. It showed us that behind it all, this group of boys are a group that will daydream, will be lazy and dazed yet at the same time, these boys are very much real. Furthermore just last year, “We Got Married” gave us the chance to see how SHINee’s youngest member, Taemin became a man and took on responsibilities in the household. Although that programme has already ended, Taemin, who’s thoughtful of his fans, expressed his gratefulness and apologies once again to those who were upset by the programme. In addition, this year Onew has participated in the recording of “Laws of the Jungle”. Most people would recognise this programme to be one that is difficult for artists because they would need to go through certain hikes and trails which are not easily walkable, and they would have to come into contact with certain wild animals, of which in some cases, they would have to eat those animals too. To decide to participate in the recording of this programme must not have been an easy decision for Onew. Onew has appeared on “Laws of the Jungle”, what made you join this recording? Jonghyun: Onew hyung went away excitedly for his recording didn’t he? Onew: Yes, we carried the recording in a very interesting manner. Although we were lacking food in the forest, it seems like it gave me an opportunity to be closer to other people. Jonghyun: With who? Onew: With a lot of other people who took part in the recording. There were a lot of problems to be considered. Also by living together, loyalty and teamwork seemed to have increased within us. Jonghyun: You grew stronger. Onew: Yes, I grew stronger. Among the members, Minho has acted in the most dramas, which aspect do you think you are the most charming in? Minho: There are two areas. Jonghyun: Yes, both are charming. Minho: If it’s about being charming, that would definitely be when I’m on the stage, when I can feel the fans’ support and cheers, that’s the most charming moment. Also, while acting, be it when I’m standing in front of the cameras, or when I’m monitoring my acting, when I think about how the public will give me more encouragement and support after watching the show, it will motivate me more, and I will think of presenting myself in a better image for everyone while filming. Although you possess good acting skills, do you think of challenging yourself more? Minho: Of course. If there’s a good opportunity, I would like to try out more roles. I want to become an actor who is able to connect with fans better through the roles that I pick. Taemin has just concluded his nine months of virtual marriage, what kind of thoughts do you have about it? Taemin: Through the nine months of virtual marriage, I’ve gained a lot of experiences, and there’s a feeling of coming back from a short term vacation. Although I feel apologetic to the fans during that period, I wish that everyone will continue to support me as I have returned. Normally, how do you all spend your time in the dorm? Jonghyun: That would of course be talking to the people who are in the dorm. How about Onew? Onew: Yes, if it’s the dorm, most of the time I’m sleeping. Apart from sleeping, it seems like I don’t do anything else. Jonghyun: That’s right. Minho: That’s true. Every time I see Onew hyung, he’s always sleeping. If it’s me, I’ll be watching television programmes. In your dorm, is there anyone who sleepwalks, sleep talks or has other habits? Jonghyun: If it’s sleepwalking and sleep talking… Talking about this reminds me of Onew hyung. Minho: I also feel that Onew hyung sleepwalks often. Taemin: Why not have Onew hyung say something about it? Jonghyun: Onew hyung knows that he himself sleepwalks right? Onew: I know. Jonghyun: Although we can’t demonstrate it, because everyone is talking about it, please elaborate. Onew: Although I’m awake, I realise that I’m not in my bed. Jonghyun: Because you sleep too much and like to move about as you sleep, therefore you keep falling off your bed. Likewise, if you were sleeping on the sofa, as you sleep you’d eventually fall off. You’re that kind of person. Onew: Yes, it’s quite serious. Jonghyun: Yes…That’s right. Minho: It is very serious indeed. Jonghyun: It wasn’t like this last time though. In the dorm, be it cooking meals or ensuring the cleanliness of the dorm, are they all done by the members? Minho: No, we usually tidy up our own rooms, but because we have a housekeeper now, she will help with the cleaning of the dorm and cook our meals. Among the members, who love animals the most? Jonghyun: Animals? Taemin especially loves animals, doesn’t he? Taemin: Although I don’t usually express the fact that I love animals, I really really love them. But it can’t be helped that I can’t bring the animals for walks often. In fact, I do keep animals on my own, but I’ve heard that not many fans know that, because I’ve never mentioned it before. Jonghyun: However, whenever Taemin sees animals such as puppies, he would squat down and play with them. Seeing him play with them happily, makes me feel that he really loves animals. Section 4: Letting go of Stress and Anticipating the Future Although they are considered seniors in the company, their average age is only in its early twenties. In private, these five men are actually amiable people, and their favorite food are the rice cakes and assorted skewered food sold at road side stalls. Having leisure activities which consist of only sleeping and watching TV, these men spend the rest of their time practicing for their performances. No matter how hard their choreography is, with multiple practices day after day, they will eventually overcome it. Even though there is a never ending appearance of new groups in the entertainment industry, being seniors, they still gave their juniors many blessings. Of course, with a certain amount of pressure comes the motivation to improve, whilst facing pressure from internal and external factors, they understand that the most important point is to be themselves. As much as the others are doing well, they still have to stay true to their own style. Following the path that the company’s seniors, TVXQ and Super Junior have paved nicely for them, SHINee’s path can be said to be smooth sailing. However, being comfortable with their current state has never been their aim, and thus, the main reason to enter the Japanese market is to achieve a bigger advancement. Whilst talking about their plans for 2014, apart from the opening concert in Seoul, will be the upcoming world tour. This time, they have included South America within their map as well. To the fans who adore them, this is said to be an excellent piece of news. Of course, fans will be looking forward to their comeback as well, anticipating charms which are unique to SHINee. Till now, SHINee has released many albums. The fans have a high expectation towards the next album. Regarding this kind of expectation and the fan’s waiting, do you feel some kind of burden? Jonghyun: How should I put this across? We feel burdened that there is a need to showcase new content, but to us, we see it more as a kind of motivation than a burden. To a certain extent, a sense of being burdened and thinking deeply will produce better music; therefore feeling burdened is still necessary. If we were to say that we are not burdened, that would definitely be a lie. Onew: Yes. Minho: It acts as a very good stimulant. SHINee’s songs and dances always seem to display a high level of difficulty. Aren’t they difficult to you? Jonghyun: No doubt they are difficult. But the more difficult the choreography is, the more diligent we will be in practicing. We feel that we should express the uniqueness of SHINee through dance to everyone. Fans will feel satisfied too and we want to know if the public is also anticipating our high-level performance, so we would be more focused while practicing. Minho: Even if we practice till our bodies fall apart. Jonghyun: Actually, our bodies have already fallen apart. Minho: Yes. Minho: But we will still practice very hard. Ever since you have debuted, have you personally visited the road side stalls? Which food and drinks do you like the best? Taemin: We have yet to visit them even once. Jonghyun: Taemin, not even once? Actually before we debuted, Taemin and I used to eat chrysanthemum biscuits at Dongdaemun quite often. Taemin: That’s right. Jonghyun: But after we have debuted, we didn’t really have any chance to eat them anymore. Taemin: After debuting, no, I can’t say that it’s something that we have eaten together. It’s just something that we casually buy whenever we walk past it. I like the type of food that’s on skewers. Jonghyun: I had that not too long ago. Minho: Ddeokbokki. Jonghyun: Ddeokbokki too. Minho: Soondae is also a roadside food. Onew: That’s very delicious. Taemin: Onew, don’t you have anything you like? Onew: I like skewered chicken. Jonghyun: Yes, skewered chicken counts too. Onew: Regardless, I like those skewered types. Jonghyun: There are a lot of them being sold by the roadsides. Onew: Right? They are all skewered. Jonghyun: Skewered~ Among the members, who’s the most baby-faced? Minho: It shouldn’t be Onew hyung right? Jonghyun: Because he’s the oldest. Taemin: Me? Jonghyun: You are the youngest one, that’s why. Taemin: That’s right. Jonghyun: I feel that it’s myself. It feels like all our members look like they are younger than their own age. Taemin: That’s right, that’s right. Jonghyun: Onew hyung is already 26 years old yet he looks younger than that. Taemin also belongs to the type of people who look younger when compared to those who are of the same age as him. Jonghyun: Maybe it’s because I’m already 25 years old, but Minho looks like he’s slightly older than he currently is right now. Minho: I look my age. Jonghyun: Yes, just nice! But Key looks like he’s slightly older? Minho: Just because he’s not here… Jonghyun: Although, come to think of it, because we can’t lie during interviews, it does seem like these four members present here are definitely baby-faced. Minho: Let’s decide to not comment on it. Not only do you have many schedules when you are in Korea, you are also busy with overseas schedules. Is there any way to ensure your body is in a good condition? Onew: Body condition, no matter what because we have to practice… during training, it seems like our body condition is better, right? Jonghyun: So recently your body condition improved? Onew: No, seems like it went down a little… Jonghyun: Because there were too many practices? Onew: Yes. Minho: It will improve again. Jonghyun: That’s right, it will improve immediately. Taemin: Also, the members will do sports or some training exercise individually. Using these methods is easier for us to manage our body condition, so it helps a lot with live performances… If you are to use one word to describe SHINee? Jonghyun: Please describe it for a while. Minho: In one sentence. Jonghyun: Starting from the leader. Onew: The opening of a volcano. Jonghyun: Ah? Opening of a volcano…why? Onew: Because it feels like it will erupt anytime. Minho: Wow~ Jonghyun: Going to erupt immediately. Minho: Or the moment before it erupts? Onew: Yes. Jonghyun: So that’s how it is… Taemin: SHINee is like…the weather… Jonghyun: Why? Taemin: Everyone has their own personalities; it’s something that is essential to Earth. If I describe it as a rainbow, it feels like it’s lacking in some areas so I used weather instead. Jonghyun: Just like how there are different types of weathers. Taemin: Yes. Jonghyun: SHINee is… Minho: You have never thought of it before? Jonghyun: Like family… Minho: Oh~ Like family. Why? Jonghyun: Like family… Taemin: You have to explain it well. Jonghyun: Just like family members. Minho: SHINee is… Minho: Like a charger. Jonghyun: Charger? Minho: Yes. Because whenever I think about the many fans and friends that are always by our side, it feels like a charger. Please say something about SHINee’s upcoming plans. SHINee: Just as we mentioned earlier, we are planning to have a concert in Korea. This concert will be part of our world tour, inclusive of South America. Not only that, we will also be planning to visit other countries. If only we get to see our Chinese fans more quickly, that would be great. Lastly, please give a closing statement for Sina’s users. Onew: From here on, please support SHINee. We will be meeting you soon with a better image. With that, it has been contemporary band, shining SHINee. Thank you.
Posted on: Sat, 31 May 2014 00:33:48 +0000

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