TRANSFER NAPOLES TO A REGULAR JAIL... THE POOR FILIPINO TAX PAYERS CANNOT AFFORD HER HIGH MAINTENANCE IN FORT STO DOMINGO... BESIDES, ITS SO UNJUST THAT THE VICTIMS OF NAPOLES WILL CONTINUE TO BE VICTIMIZED BY FEEDING AND SECURING THE WOMAN WHO MADE POOR FILIPINOS SUFFER IN DIRE POVERTY... MANY OF THEM EVEN DIED OF HUNGER, COZ WHAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THEIR PANGKABUHAYAN WAS STOLEN FROM THEM... BETTER USE THE MONEY SPENT FOR NAPOLES, TO IMPROVE THE CONDITION OF PUBLIC HOSPITALS AND SCHOOLS... 🐷🐷🐷 ********************************************** Napoles movement outside detention drains PNP resources—Sindac By Julliane Love De Jesus | July 8, 2014 at 8:30 pm Janet Lim-Napoles. POOL PHOTO MANILA, Philippines—The total cost for every movement of Janet Lim-Napoles outside her detention bungalow at Fort Sto. Domingo in Laguna is “draining human and material resources” of the Philippine National Police (PNP). Spending at least P120,000 for Napoles’ security forces for each trip was starting to take its toll on the PNP and the performance of its police operations according to Chief Superintendent Reuben Theodore Sindac, PNP Public Information Office chief. But despite this, Sindac said in a Tuesday press briefing that they would continue to abide by and respect the orders of the court. “It somehow affects (the PNP’s resources) but we are not complaining. It is a part of our duty to fulfill pronouncements and issuances of the court,” he said in Filipino. Since September last year, Napoles had been jailed for her serious illegal detention charges at the high-security Special Action Forces (SAF) camp in Laguna. She was initially committed to Makati City Jail but the Makati Regional Trial Court (RTC) eventually allowed her transfer. However, in March, the alleged pork barrel scam mastermind was admitted to the Ospital ng Makati to undergo a surgery removing her uterus. She was discharged after almost two months last May. Compared to Napoles, Sindac said transporting the three lawmakers held at Camp Crame was “more economical and efficient.” Detained at the PNP Custodial Center is Napoles’ co-accused Senator Jinggoy Estrada and Bong Revilla while Senator Juan Ponce Enrile is under the custody of the PNP General Hospital. “For the same number of personnel, the lesser distance that they travel, we can simply say that the expenses incurred (for senators in Camp Crame) are much less than the ones being incurred from Sta. Rosa, Laguna,” he explains.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 15:22:20 +0000

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