TRANSGENDER PUBLIC RESTROOMS IN CALIFORNIA TO BEGIN AT THE KINDERGARDEN LEVEL......THIS IS LITERALLY INSANE!! The law, the first of its kind in the nation, drew the wrath of state Assemblyman Tim Donnelly. Donnelly, in a WND column, wrote: Allowing teenage boys and girls in the same locker room, showering side by side, is a bad idea. In fact, AB 1266 is a recipe for disaster. This will take the normal hormonal battles raging inside every teenager and pour gasoline onto those simmering coals. The right to privacy enjoyed by every student will be replaced by the right to be ogled. While trying to address a concern of less than 2 percent of the population, California is now forcibly violating the rights of the other 98 percent. Many of the parents I have heard from within the last few days have literally pulled their kids out of public schools and have enrolled them in homeschool and private school programs. My boys, who went back to the public school after many years away, will not be returning. It is completely unreasonable to expect teenagers, who are uncomfortable with themselves at this age, to accept this level of privacy invasion. After all, in the Capitol building, not only do they not allow men in the women’s bathroom, the women must enter a code to access their restrooms. Read more at wnd/2013/10/revolt-over-gender-bending-bathrooms/#YPpWdyozebfwXsLd.99
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 00:51:11 +0000

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