TRANSIT REASULT MARS IN VIRGO AND LIBRA : Mars In Virgo And Libra Mars has now entered Virgo, and will remain there until 5 February 2014. Mars is a malefic planet and causes more damage than cure at times, be it natal or mundane astrology. Mars rules Aries and Scorpio. Mrigashira, Chitra and Dhanishtha are the constellations ruled by Mars. On 2nd March, after travelling to 4th quarter of Chitra, it will turn retrograde. On 20th May, after going back to Virgo 14.57 degrees in second quarter of hast, it will turn direct. Rahu, who is giving company to both Saturn and Mars, will leave for Virgo on 13th July 2014. On 5th September Mars will leave Libra. Though Mars is termed as “Mangal” which means well being, in reality it is not so. People with exalted Mars and debilitated Mars are source of usual and at times big trouble for the society. Mars produces Mars dosha, which creates havoc in married life if not treated properly. Mars makes a man a warrior by choice and when there is no good reason to fight, the person finds the reason just for the sake of fighting, be it his or her own family or surroundings. Though there are 9 planets and 12 signs and 27 constellations, Mars alone is enough to cause ample damage which other 8 cannot rectify by their summed up powers. Conjunction of Mars with Rahu or Saturn is seen as very bad and we will be witnessing Rahu, Mars and Saturn, all three major malefic planets together in Libra till 14th July 2014. There are chances for natural and made made calamities. There will be increase in Disturbances among the people which could get serious at times, so this should be a period of caution for everyone. There will be war like situation in the world but it will cease to begin in the last moments. There are chances for fire accidents during this period, as such places closing working with fire should take care. People will tend to be more aggressive and little spark will ignite major trouble. This may be a difficult time for married couples, fights and misunderstandings are possible. There is possibility for natural calamities to occur before 14th July 2014. Jupiter will be retrograde most of the time so there will be lesser benefic things happening. Political figures will be blamed continuously and many of them will commit heinous crimes. Media persons will be committing unlawful acts. Muslim nations will be affected drastically. There will be sudden collapses of buildings and bridges. In India, we are having election festival these days and it is going to continue until lok sabha elections. This is a time for media to make the most of the political environment to gain viewership ratings. The competition is getting harder and harder by the day. The weaker one is being punished just because of lack of money and connections. Twenty crores is not even a percent of a peanut in Indian election these days. There is likely to be a minor accident of a popular politician in this span. Some influential and powerful people may fall sick of a dangerous illness. Natives who are wearing Red coral, Hessonite, Blue sapphire better remove them when Mars meets the other two. In Virgo, Mars will cross constellations of Sun, Moon, and Mars. And in Libra it will go through Mars, Rahu and Jupiter constellations. Mars will get ample time to roam in his own constellation in 2014. Virgo is a dual, feminine and an earthy sign ruled by Mercury and is its mooltrikona sign. Libra is movable, odd, cruel, masculine and an airy sign. All the three planets, Mars, Mercury and Venus are neutral towards each other. The purpose of writing about Mars transit in two signs in one article is because after moving from Virgo to Libra, Mars will get retrograde and move back in Virgo very soon. Therefore, it is going to produce effects of both signs until he finally becomes direct in Libra . This is written specifically with Mars in centre and other planets are not included. The effects will be mild or worse with respect to the role other eight plays in your chart. The general effects of this transit of Mars, from the ascendant, would be largely applicable if a native is running through Mars main period or sub period or sub-sub period. WISH YOU ALL THE BEST ...... asmcpkk
Posted on: Thu, 05 Dec 2013 06:11:16 +0000

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