TRANSITION IN ACTION: INCIDENT COMMAND WORKSHOP FOR AFGHAN TRAINERS Kabul, July 2014. Afghan trainers have made a circle around a table and learn about “On scene incident command coordination and cooperation of emergency services” in a five-day workshop. The main goal of the workshop is to train police officers at the Police Staff College so they can train other colleagues and police personnel in the future. In addition to that, the workshop is designed to develop leadership skills and competencies specific to on-side command and control of an emergency or disaster response, to improve emergency/disaster management and planning capacities within the Afghan police organisations along with contributing to the improvement of the interaction between the police and the public and as well as to improve multidisciplinary (horizontal cooperation and coordination between the Afghan Emergency Services and their international counterparts). Captain Mohibullah Alikhail, a trainer of the Staff College and one of the participants of the workshop says: “In emergency cases we definitely need to cooperate with different units and departments of the Afghan police in order to avoid huge damages and loss.” The Incident command workshop focuses on scenarios. The students are trained through scenarios where they are using table-top training equipment. Additionally, international guidelines for incident management and introduction to incident command, decision making, chain of command, co-operation and co-ordination between emergency agencies are part of the workshop. Colonel Atta Mohammad, Head of Tactical Operations Unit within the Staff College who is responsible for tactical training courses believes: “Such workshops will benefit the Afghan police. For incident command we need the cooperation of different police units in order to make action plans. This is what we discuss in this workshop. We will be able to deliver the next training courses ourselves.” - See more at:
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 06:03:58 +0000

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