TRANSLATION ( : Ukrainian - TopicsExpress


TRANSLATION ( : Ukrainian revolutionary events full of interesting phenomena , and many know-how. One of the phenomena is naypomitnyshyh sensitivity protest concerning private property and human dignity. At this time in Kiev suffered a single private boutique that was in the zone of conflict , but not humiliated any employee of the offense . In addition, a couple of broken windows in Lviv, these showcases are mafia- pro-government business. And all this while , as protesters are killed, tortured, kidnapped , destroying their movable and immovable property, strongly degrading their dignity . Its amazing, is not it? Surprisingly, especially for the European public, which perfectly familiar with vandalism protest arson of private shops and cars, breaking windows , police mug , and more. I remind you - all that has been burned or smashed by this time in Ukraine , somehow relates only to the secret government agencies and does not apply to personal. We know that the vast majority of European street zavorushok of arson and doubling of private property, one way or another , have socialist- anarchic color and corresponding password. If calling a spade a spade , it is often simple and obvious pogroms. If we talk more openly - leftist riots . The fact is that this is an old European tradition . Tradition, which is possible only in a community that has historically not experienced the true horror of the whole dark , led to the ideal experiment left in the hardest possible form , called developed socialism . That is why Ukrainian protest is not a socialist coloration , and national, in the political sense. Some Western observers Ukrainian events with a fun and understandable horror in the crowd seeking Ukrainian protesters neo-Nazi element, rather than entertain us, Ukrainian . They see that the backbone of the military confrontation with insolent authority members constitute a natural right sector and football fans , and they immediately see caricatures terrible esesivtstsi black horses Nazism. While left-wing forces in Ukraine once again proven Fantomness and mystery , because all what they can do is organize a round table discussion. But when there was a real need for the physical protection of ordinary citizens of mafia power structures, they showed complete impotence and even absence. Well, this is the specificity of Ukrainian protest - it is not only social , but also national. While we are talking of course about the political nation , not about ethnicity. If you think that Ukraine rampant Nazis , then go and roskazhit know my Hebrew friends who are of the barricades Legal sector sandwiches and tea, and help transport firewood , dumped money on warm clothes and hurl Molotov cocktails at police mafia with them. One of my friend is absolutely typical Jew Kyiv , shared Remarks - recently at the barricades, I met many great guys , and you know , for some reason they were fascists and Nazis . Meanwhile, another friend of mine Hebrew origin , activist protest began to speak with hordistyu slogan Glory to the nation . Why? Because we are all people of all backgrounds and of different nationalities feel as a team, colleagues , political community, which is able to stand together against tyranny, and lose yourself from the shackles of these residues Soviet - socialist irresponsible and naive . Given that Ukraine has forged new forms of protest and there is a new, multimillion responsible community , we can say that the terminology right - left is obsolete and invalid is able to convey the essence of what is happening . Thus, because of peoples strong aversion to socialist experience , people who are fighting to the death with the government define themselves as the right sector . But in fact, it is a sectors of civil dignity and human rights to freedom. All of us - Ukrainian Jews , Russians , Armenians , Moldavians , Belarusians and others are Ukrainian in a broad, political sense of the word. We lead the national liberation struggle of the post-Soviet Kremlins influence , fighting for their civil privacy, if you understand me . So please do not apply to us old clichés and decaying political schemes of the past. We are the people! Yes, you might , the old habit, scared to death photo of the scene where the police beat protesters , holding a plywood board , on which was painted a nasty character? So I tell you what - disable teenager paint a swastika , and he must draw it , even if it a go in the morning with his parents to sinahohy , as a form of protest against the actual system. Violate the ban - the fate of the free people. semesyuk.livejournal/470626.html
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 14:19:37 +0000

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