TRANSPARENCY ALERT: Whew. (This is long, so for you short - TopicsExpress


TRANSPARENCY ALERT: Whew. (This is long, so for you short status people, SCROLL ON) This is a season of dreams for me. Not a dream here or a dream there. But for the past three days, every time I close my eyes to sleep (or even awake), its like one long, continuous, uninterrupted movie. I arise from the dream at a certain point only to pick back up right where I left off. With that being said... its been an interesting, eye opening while sleeping experience. OKAY, heres the spiritual part Im gonna release: At a certain point, while living in my house HE tells me its crucial that its time for me to move. So, while moving, other people come in and try to distract me, terrorize me, anything to keep me from moving from this house. Some tell me this is a perfectly good house. Others say, Where am I gonna live if you move? But Im determined. I put my work clothes on and get to hustling. I realize as Im moving large and small pieces of furniture away, the walls of the house are decayed in certain spots. I rip the carpet up only to find another layer of dirty carpet and matting. The wallpaper had hid spray-painted messages on the walls of certain rooms. Every room in the house has some type of damage and/or ruin in it. I stand at the top of the stairs and I thought to myself, All this time, Ive been fighting to stay here but HE has been telling me its time to move out of this place. IF I stay here, its gonna take MAJOR renovations, money and clean up to make this work. I love this place but I gotta go. So I made the conscious decision. Its time to move out of the old, familiar place and go on to the new. Hallelujah. Then. HE called me into a room. In this room was everyone who had been attempting to hinder me from moving out of this old place. HE encouraged me to stop bickering back and forth with them and start commanding them to get out. Everybody started leaving and as they left I told them to take their stuff with them. They all started leaving but one person refused to go. HE told me, That one is the ring leader. Hes the one who made all the rest of them come in your house and cause all the damage you saw earlier. Hes really strong but together we are stronger. If you tell him directly to stop, hes not gonna do it. Hes too cunning for that. But at your word, I AM going to bind him up with this super duct tape. He wont be able to move or speak and together we will kick him out of your place for good. So I quickly agreed and asked HE to bind up the strong man. HE did it so fast and efficiently that I was amazed. What truly got me was how much stronger the duct tape was than the guy. The ring leader was so wrapped up in the SUPER of HE that he could no longer move or speak. So together, HE and I picked up the guy and threw him out of my house. Hallelujah! The strongman has been kicked out of my life and sin has no authority. Its bound by the supernatural ability of Christ in me. Then. As I looked around for one last time and was ready to go... He said, Not so fast. It is time to go but you have one closet you left untouched. I told He... Oh I know. Those are the things Im taking with me when I move. As I walked toward the closet, I began to see all sorts of things within my closet. I saw old clothes I hadnt worn since I was a teenager. There were plastic boxes filled with old christmas ornaments and stuffed animals. Even as I looked, some of those old toys began to come alive and speak to me, urging me to pick them up and play with them again. I was so torn. As I looked at this closet, I realized some of my (so called) prized possessions where mixed up with this mass of clutter. I knew (or I felt anyway) the only way I would be able to find my prize was to stop and go through everything in the closet. I didnt even turn around to know HE was looking at me. HE told me In order to move to the next place you have to leave all of that behind. What???? How can I leave it all behind? I began to open up some of the boxes and look at the possessions inside. There were statues of angels, but most of the wings were broken off. Pieces of jewelry beckoned my attention but were missing stones or clasps. Clothes, shoes, knick knacks, stuff! All the while, more and more stuffed animals were coming alive and begging me to pick them up to play with them again. I said to myself (even in the dream) I know what that is trying to make me play with it. Im not going to pick up old dead habits and sins. Instantly, the stuffed animals disappeared. BUT. The old stuff was still there. HE told me it was time for me to just walk away. But it made me sad. HE told me it was to be thrown away. But I said some of this is good stuff, shouldnt I sell it or give it away? Everything HE said, I had an argument against. I couldnt bear to leave the things in my closet. I thought, Yard sale. Instantly, people came to look over my stuff. But I couldnt bear to let them pick up my stuff. Especially when I knew most of it was junk and old and broken. So I told them you dont want my junk. As I was sitting, contemplating the choices of what to take and what not to take, HE said it was time to go. So I grabbed 3 boxes. In one box I put purses. In another I put shoes and in the 3rd box I cant recall. I picked them up and carried them all. As HE and I were going along, I noticed HE was talking to some people and called me over to talk to them as well. I was really getting into the conversation with them when all of a sudden, one of the women was distracted. I couldnt figure out what she was distracted by until I looked at what she was looking at. She was distracted from the Words HE and I were saying by the purses in my box! Is this a Chanel? Oh I just love Prada. Ive never seen a purse that looks like that. Did you add the extra pockets and compartments? OH MY HE! I just looked at HE and was stunned. This is why I didnt want you to bring anything from your old closet. Not only are you carrying an unnecessary burden but in one of those burdens you dont even know what you are carrying. AND your burdens are a distraction to others when WE are trying to get them to understand why they are walking this path. I woke up. Crying and disoriented. But grateful. Extremely grateful. HE showed me my house. I moved out the old. I moving toward the new. Progress is being made. Im moving forward. I threw the strongman out. With HEs help. I still have work to do. I have some messes to throw out. NOT sort out. I have some burdens I have to put down. For GOODNESS sake. And mine and yours. HE and I have work to do. To be continued... #eyeswideshutandopened
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 14:33:14 +0000

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