TRAVELING WITHIN - PLEASE BE PATIENT & TAKE YOUR TIME Dhyan is to make the attention stay there. This Form, being so beautiful, attracts the attention; and this attraction, when fully developed, gives the attention the power to stay there. So long as dhyan is incomplete, the soul goes that far with the help of repetition, but comes back. When one has merged his petty self in it and lost his I-ness, then the Radiant Form talks as we talk here outside, and replies to enquiries and guides him to the higher regions. The sweet bell sound exercises its magnetic influence and the soul commences the spiritual journey, the Master giving the necessary help and guidance and, step by step, taking him to the Creator in Sach Khand. All this depends primarily on the disciples love and effort. It can neither be purchased nor had for the asking. One has to detach himself from his possessions . . . his own body and mind; and, doing all his worldly durites, be detached in attachment, be in the world and yet not worldly. (Pp. 320-321) it is not difficult for the Master to take a soul upward, but premature uplifting causes harm. Just as fine silk cloth, when spread upon a thorny hedge, is torn to pieces if suddenly pulled away, so the soul, entangled in the thorns of karma, which penetrate every cell in the body, must be gradually purified by the Masters love. By his grace the soul is freed from these thorns and the karma is slowly sifted out from every cell in the body. You will get everything you wish - things more wonderful and remarkable than you ever dreamed of. He who has to give you all, is sitting inside, in the third eye. (pg. 277) (Sawan Singh. Spiritual Gems. RSSB 1958-1996.) Sawan makes very good points here. First off, he teaches us that focused attention leads to Dhyan - seeing the Inner Light and Inner Radiant Form of the Teacher (Gurudev). Dhyan in turn guides us inside through the Astral, Causal and Mental Regions until we reach Sach Khand - the Pure Positive Spiritual Regions of Soul and God. The second point he makes is that we need to be patient in our growth and inner exploration. The beauty of this path is that the Teacher - outer and inner - being an expression of the Spiritual Shabda Current, knows the right pace for us to unfold. Its easy to want to go fast and see all sorts of sights and sounds within. But if we get too much too fast, it can unbalance us - even leading to mental illness (or become one of those folks yelling at people in airports and on street corners about the Truth of Shabda!). We need to unfold at a pace that is in accord with our karmas, as well as our ability as human beings to process the inner data and experiences, and still lead balanced human lives. Indeed, one of our spiritual tests as we grow is to download the spiritual information into our brains and central nervous systems, translate it into a language our conscious mind can understand, and then digest it and assimilate it into our lives - while still remaining centered, rational, fully alive human beings. As the Moody Blues sing, its all a question of balance. All my appreciation in the LightSong of Eternal Love, Michael - Michaels Blog
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 16:31:18 +0000

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