TREBLES OF FAITH Hebrews 11:1 Faith is the music of my - TopicsExpress


TREBLES OF FAITH Hebrews 11:1 Faith is the music of my heart. I love the tune because I dont know the whole song. Each day the Choir Master teaches me how to sing, and at the end of each day I realize that I have the sweetest tune to gladden not only my heart, but the hearts of those around me. I love to sing the song of faith because, though tomorrow is not promised me, yet the song will echo still. So let me sing with each passing day, whether in the valley or on the mountain top. For in the valley, I have a better view of what is above me, while at the mountaintop I come to the realization of the Power that brought me thus far. There I am brought on eagles wings! Hence, whichever way I look, faith continues to treble and tremble her tune to my soul, and I sing! What constitutes the trebles of faith? The trebles of faith that the Silent Listener whispers to my heart are a kind of faith that cannot be voiceless. The Divine Whisperer says this faith must not be silenced. This faith murmurs with intent the note of courage. It echoes the tune of triumph. It speaks the reality of eternity and shouts the glad tidings of its soon returning Author. This faith calls upon others to join in the celestial choir. It sings of Him who is its Finisher, and raises its musical notation to embrace each promise from the heart of the Savior. This faith cannot be silenced even in death; for door of the grave was broken by the Carpenter and He declared death but temporary, yet this faith everlasting. Yes, it may sleep in the grave of dust; invisible to the human eye, yet in the silence of the grave the life of the one that yet embraced him while lingering on borrowed breath continues its ripple effects upon the tides and oceans of many a human heart. So I urge you dear friend, Let this faith be in you; That whether awake or asleep, the voice of faith will be heard still. That whether rich or poor, the treasures of faith will outpour in full. That whether sick or healthy, the benefits of faith will be evident still. That whether young or old, the immortality of faith will forever live. That whether elite or uneducated, the wisdom of faith will be applied. That whether in need or satisfied, this faith will remain content. That whether hungry or full, this faith will nourish the soul. That whether homeless or sheltered, this faith will be the roof against sin. That whether living in uncertainty or with infirmity, this faith will remain pure. Hebrews 11. Read and meditate on and through the whole chapter. Amen. Remember, the hand of the Carpenter broke the door of the grave. He unscrewed the bolts that Satan fixed. His hands still trace those hinges and pulls them down that life may no longer be hidden. Because He lives. Will you come to Him in faith? ~Beryl Joe.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 07:19:30 +0000

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