TREM WISDOM FOR THE DAY... THE WORD WORKS So shall my word - TopicsExpress


TREM WISDOM FOR THE DAY... THE WORD WORKS So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. Isaiah 55:11 (KJV) No word of God is void of Power. Forever, Gods word is settled in Heaven. The word of God produces results. His word is errorless, infallible and unchanging. Many times the devil uses the situations and circumstances that you are facing to challenge your faith in the word of God. One thing you must settle in your heart is that the word of God works. It has never been and can never be broken. Every promise that proceeds from His mouth will surely come to pass. Heaven and earth may pass away, but not the word of God. In my few years of ministry, I have seen what men called impossible come to pass. I have seen women whose fallopian tubes were removed carry their babies; I have seen diseases doctors tagged incurable healed. Beloved, the word works. Dont give room to the lie of the devil, rather take time to remind yourself of the various promises that God has made to you and see them come to pass in your minds eye. Delay is not denial. The fact that it has not happened in the last 9 months does not mean it will not come to pass. Hang in there and hold on to the word. Another thing that can help your faith is to listen to other peoples testimonies. The reason why testimonies are shared is to strengthen your faith that the word of God works and you are further assured that what He did for one He will do for another. The Lord will surely visit you and fill your mouth with testimony. Hold on to the word of God because it shall surely come to pass. You can stake your life on it and be assured of the testimony. When it comes, feel free to share it with me. I will be glad to read from you. Further Reading: Is. 55:6-13 Daily Bible Reading: Morning Isaiah 65-66, Evening Timothy 2
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 06:51:39 +0000

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