TREVO>> HEALTH FOCUS INGREDIENTS DIGESTIVE AND GASTROINTESTINAL HEALTH Alfalfa Leaf This perennial herb provides beta-carotene and vitamins C, E, and K. Alfalfa not only helps keep calcium in bones, it helps keep calcium out of the linings of arteries. The properties of alfalfa leaf are helpful in maintaining kidney, liver, and urinary tracthealth. It is known as an excellent body detoxifier. Aloe Vera Gel The health and nutrition benefits of aloe vera gel are well documented. Aloe vera provides the bodywith 200 health-promoting compounds, including 20 minerals, 18 amino acids, and 12 vitamins. Its properties help maintain a healthy digestive system and a natural energy level. Aloe vera is also beneficial in maintaining immune system health. Amalaki The fruit of the Amalaki tree is part of the Ayurvedic pharmacopeia. For centuries, it has been used as a potent rejuvenative for the entire body. Its properties appear to stimulate the production of red blood cells, enhance cellular regeneration, increase lean body mass, and support proper function of the liver, spleen heart and lungs. Amalaki fruit also is a rich source of antioxidants and helps to maintain a healthy blood sugar level. Apple Apples are a source of both soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber such as pectin helps to prevent cholesterol buildup in the lining of blood vessel walls, thus providing excellent cardiovascular health support. The insoluble fiber in apples provides bulk in the intestinal tract, holding water to cleanse and move food quickly through the digestive system. Apples are also a rich source of vitamins A and C as well as calcium and potassium. Asparagus Asparagus is a nutrient-dense food which is high in folic acid and is a good source of potassium, fiber,and vitamins A, B6, C, and E. It also contains useful amounts of calcium, magnesium and iodine. Asparagus has no fat, contains no cholesterol, and is low in sodium. The exceptional antioxidant properties of asparagus promote the maintenance of heart health,digestive system health, and immune system health. Bacopa Bacopa has been revered for centuries in the Ayurvedic herbal traditions of India for its ability to enhance clear thinking and support memory function. Traditionally, bacopa extract is reported to be a “brain tonic.“ The phytochemicals found in the bacopa leaves include alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids, beta-sitosterol and betulic acid. A powerful antioxidant, bacopa helps maintain the structural and functional integrity of the membranes surrounding the mitochondria, a portion of cellular DNA that can degenerate with age. It also protects gastrointestinal health by raising mucosal defensive factors. Barley Grass Barley grass is the leaf portion of the barley plant. It is high in calcium, iron, all essential amino acids, antioxidant vitamins C and E, flavonoids, vitamin B12, and a number of enzymes and minerals. The properties of barley grass support cardiovascular and intestinal health as well as joint health. Betaine-HCL Betaine hydrochloride is also known as hydrochloric acid (HCL) or stomach acid. This plant-based nutrient helps the body digest food by breaking up fats and proteins. Healthy stomach acid is needed for a healthy digestive tract. If you have low stomach acid, even the most nutrient-rich foods cannot be properly digested. Bromelain Bromelain is an enzyme derived from the pineapple plant. More than 200 scientific papers have been written about bromelain since it was first introduced as a health-boosting substance in 1957. Much of the research has focused on its anti-inflammatory effects, but bromelain also offers very beneficial digestive system support as well as a myriad of other healthful benefits. Brussels Sprouts Brussels sprouts are loaded with vitamin A, folic acid, potassium, and calcium. Plus, this cruciferous vegetable is an excellent source of fiber. Brussels sprouts are also extremely high in Vitamin C, which is a potent antioxidant. Its nutritional properties are beneficial in the maintenance of digestive health as well as immune system health, and regulation of both blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Burdock Root This herb found throughout Europe and Asia is a rich source of copper, iron, manganese, sulfur, biotin, zinc, iron, amino acids, mucilage, and vitamins B1, B6, B12, and E. Burdock is a strong detoxifier with powerful hormone-balancing benefits. Its properties support increased circulation to the skin, helping to detoxify skin tissue. This purification helps relieve some cleansing burdens from the kidneys and liver. Burdock also contains a carbohydrate called inulin, which strengthens the liver. Cabbage Cabbage, a cruciferous vegetable, is a potent source of vitamin C, fiber, potassium, and other nutrients. The phytonutrient compounds in cabbage signal the body’s genes to increase production of enzymes involved in detoxification, the cleansing process through which our bodies eliminate harmful compounds. Cat’s Claw Cat’s claw is a natural extract of the inner bark of Uncaria tomentosa, an exciting herbal discovery from the Peruvian Rainforest. Also called Una de Gato, the cat’s claw herb has been used for hundreds of years by the native Ashanica Indians. Cat’s claw has long been used to support the immune system and promote kidney health. It also appears to be beneficial in the maintenance of joint health and may offer analgesic properties. Cauliflower Cauliflower, a cruciferous vegetable, contains allicin,which provides powerful heart health support, and selenium, a chemical that works well with vitamin C to strengthen the immune system. Cauliflower can also help to maintain healthy cholesterol levels. The B vitamin folic acid, which is needed for cell growth and replication, is also found in cauliflower. Cauliflower is a rich source of fiber. Chlorella Chlorella, a single-celled algae, gets its name from the high amount of chlorophyll it possesses. Chlorella contains more chlorophyll per gram than any other plant. Chlorophyll is a highly effective nutrient that naturally cleanses the bowel and other elimination systems such as the liver and the blood. Chlorella’s properties also support enhanced immune system health, and even helps balance the body’s pH and blood sugar levels. Flaxseed Oil Flaxseed oil is rich in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an Omega-3 essential fatty acid that offers powerful support for heart health. Additionally, it helps support the maintenance of healthy cholesterol levels. Flaxseed oil also provides anti-inflammatory joint health support and even helps support digestive health. Goji Fruit Found in Tibet and Mongolia, goji berries contain more protein than whole wheat, more beta carotene than carrots, and 500 times more vitamin C by weight than oranges. Goji is known as the “longevity fruit“ because it contains powerful antioxidants that help defend against premature aging and fight free radical damage. It appears to stimulate the release of human growth hormone (hGH), sometimes called the “youth hormone.” The nutritional properties of goji fruit also support a healthy immune system, digestive system, cardiovascular system, and even liver and kidney health. Hawthorne Berry The hawthorne berry bush, found in Europe, North Africa, and Western Asia, is a rich source of antioxidant bioflavonoids. This remarkable herb offers powerful support for heart and circulatory system health. It also appears to be beneficial to digestive system health and the maintenance of healthy sleep patterns. Hawthorne berry also helps support the maintenance of healthy cholesterol levels. L-Arginine Arginine is one of the 20 amino acids that constitute protein. Some of arginine’s health benefits include immune system support, cardiovascular system support, and weight management support. Arginine also appears to be of benefit in male fertility and aids in liver detoxification. L-Cystine Cystine, another amino acid, plays an important role in the body’s detoxification process and helps protect the liver from harmful toxins. It also aids in the production of collagen and is remarkably beneficial in the growth of strong nails, skin, and hair. Cystine is also a powerful antioxidant. It offers cardiovascular system support and even promotes fat burning. L-Histidine Histidine is an amino acid that is beneficial in maintaining the myelin sheaths that protect the body nerve cells. Additionally, it is needed for the production of both red and white blood cells. Histidine provides powerful autoimmune system support, and is used for the growth and repair of tissues. It also offers benefit to digestive health. L-Methionine Another amino acid, methionine is a powerful antioxidant required for both nucleic acid formation and collagen formation. Methionine helps protect the nervous system and supports liver function. It also supports cardiovascular system health. Methionine is utilized in the production of choline, a vital nutrient for the brain. L-Ornithine The amino acid ornithine is necessary for proper immune system and liver function. Additionally, it promotes healing and repair of damaged skin and connective tissue. L-Serine The amino acid serine is required for proper metabolism of fats and fatty acids and is also used in the growth of muscle tissue. It helps maintain a healthy immune system and aids in the production of immunoglobulin and antibodies. L-Threonine Another amino acid, threonine is important in the formation of collagen and elastin. It helps prevent fatty acid build-up in the liver and maintains proper protein balance in the body. Threonine also supports immune system health by aiding in the production of antibodies. Lemon Although lemons are often thought of as acidic, they are very beneficial in supporting digestive system health. They also offer powerful support for respiratory system health. Lemons are a rich source of vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, and potassium. Manganese Manganese is an essential trace mineral required to manufacture enzymes necessary for the metabolism of proteins and fat. It also supports immune system health as well as healthy blood sugar balance. Manganese is involved in the production of cellular energy, reproduction and bone growth. This micronutrient activates the enzymes responsible for DNA and RNA production. Milk Thistle A nutrient-rich herb, milk thistle helps keep the liver, which is the toxic waste disposal plant of the body, healthy and nourished. It also helps boost immune system and heart health, and provides powerful antioxidant protection. Milk thistle is a rich source of tocopherol sterols, essential fatty acids, linoleic acid,and beta carotene as well as calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, and zinc. Molybdenum A naturally occurring, plant-derived trace mineral. It supports normal growth and development. Molybdenum is a key component in many enzyme systems, including enzymes involved in detoxification. N-Acetyl-L-cysteine The amino acid cysteine is one of the key components in all living things. It has been shown to increase levels of the antioxidant glutathione, it supportsMdigestive health, and it may even play an important role in the communication between immune system cells. N-Acetyl-L-cysteine is believed to play a role in the normal growth rate of hair and may offer antiaging benefits to the skin. The body also uses this amino acid to produce taurine, another amino acid. Niacin (Vitamin B-3) Niacin, or vitamin B3, combines with other B vitamins to release energy in the cells. It helps regulate circulation, hormones, glucose, and hydrochloric acid in the body. Niacin also works closely with riboflavin (vitamin B2) and pyridoxine (vitamin B6) to promote healthy skin and keep the nervous and digestive systems running smoothly. NONI Noni fruit, which is native to the South Pacific, is an excellent source of nutrients including vitamin C,niacin, potassium, vitamin A, calcium, and sodium.Research has identified the presence of 10 essential vitamins, 7 dietary minerals, and 18 amino acids in noni. It supports healthy blood sugar levels and digestive system health as well as enhanced immune system health. Noni is also beneficial in supporting autoimmune system and joint health. ONION Onions offer a wealth of health benefits, including the support of digestive, respiratory, and autoimmune system health. Onions are A rich source of flavonoids,substances known to provide support of cardiovascular health. They also support the maintenance of healthy blood pressure levels, as well as healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels. PAPAYA Papaya fruit is a rich source of antioxidant nutrients such as carotenes, vitamin C, vitamin A, and flavonoids as well as the B vitamins folate and pantothenic acid. It also provides the benefits of potassium, magnesium, and fiber. Together, these nutrients support cardiovascular health, digestive system health, and immune system support as well as autoimmune system and eye health support. The active properties of papaya fruit even offer potent anti-inflammatory benefits. PAU d’ARCO The inner bark of the pau d’arco tree found in the rain forests of Latin America offers a rich source of nutrients. As an immune system booster, it ranks alongside echinacea. It also possesses potent antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-fungal properties. Pau d’arco supports digestive system health as well as autoimmune system health. PEAR Pears provide a potent source of vitamin B2, C, E, copper, and potassium. They also contain more pectin, a water-soluble fiber, than apples. An antioxidantrich fruit, the nutritional properties of pears provide effective support for intestinal and cardiovascular health, as well as healthy cholesterol levels. POTASSIUM All cells, tissues, and organs in the body rely on this mineral to function properly. Potassium helps regulate the balance of fluids and minerals in cells, and also facilitates the transmission of nerve impulses. It is required for normal body growth, supports the growth of muscle tissue, and even helps metabolize carbohydrates. Potassium also supports kidney function and heart health. SCHIZANDRA Schizandra fruit is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine for its adaptogenic properties and as a restorative remedy for immune enhancement. Traditionally used for enhancing the energy of theNkidney and liver, schizandra is known for supporting central nervous system health and memory. It also appears to enhance both mental and physical capabilities. SEA BUCKTHORN Sea buckthorn is a winter-hardy shrub containing 190 bio-active components. It is a rich source of vitamins E and C, beta-carotene, unsaturated fatty acids, essential amino acids, and flavonoids. Sea buckthorn’s nutritional properties benefit the support of cardiovascular health as well as digestive system and immune system health. SPINACH Spinach contains at least 13 different flavonoid compounds that function as antioxidants. These compounds also provide powerful autoimmune system support. Spinach is a potent source of vitamins K and A as well as manganese, folate, and magnesium. Its properties offer outstanding support for bones, the cardiovascular and digestive systems, brain function,and even eye health. STAR FRUIT Star fruit, also known as the star apple or carambola, is a bright yellow fruit native to Indonesia and Malaysia. Its more notable health benefits include support of cardiovascular and bowel health. Star fruit is rich in vitamin C as well as fiber, and provides powerful antioxidant activity STEVIA Stevia is an herb native to Paraguay and Brazil. It is nutrient-rich, containing substantial amounts of calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, zinc, rutin, vitamin A, vitamin C, and over 100 phytonutrients. Stevia helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels and also supports digestive system health. TAURINE Taurine is a non-essential amino acid that supports heart muscle strength as well as eye health. It is the key component of bile, which is needed for the digestion of fats and is vital for the proper utilization of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium.Taurine helps support mental function as well as proper neurological function. TURMERIC Turmeric is a perennial shrub grown in India and other tropical areas of Asia. The health benefits of this antioxidant-rich herb lie in the active ingredient curcumin which helps support heart, liver, and digestive system health. Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory benefits also help support joint health. WHEAT GRASS Wheatgrass is young sprouted wheat one to two weeks of age, and is an excellent source of fiber. It is high in chlorophyll, calcium, vitamins C and E, B vitamins, magnesium, and potassium. Some 17 amino acids can be found in wheatgrass, including essential amino acids. Wheat grass helps support gastrointestinal health, cellular health, and autoimmune system health. YELLOW DOCK Yellow Dock is a plant grown abundantly throughout North America. Rich in calcium, iron, and vitamins A and C, it supports healthy bladder,kidney, and liver function. ZINC Zinc is a mineral that is vital to healthy living. It helps strengthen the immune system and supports a healthy white blood cell count. Zinc aids in the body’s absorption of minerals, including calcium, and also supports good digestive health. trevocorporate/product/scienceingredients/
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 14:47:30 +0000

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