TRIALS ARE LIKE MEDICINE BY IBNUL QAYYIM AL-JAWZIYYAH (RAHIMAHULLAAH): The believer facing tribulation is like medicine, it removes such disease from him that were it to have endured, it would have destroyed him, or at the very least diminished his reward and ranking. Trials and tribulations extract that disease and prepare him to receive complete reward and lofty ranking. With this in mind it is understood that the existence of this, with respect to the believer, is better for him than its absence. The Prophet sallalahu aleihi Wa salaam said:"By the One in whose hands is my soul, there is no decree that Allah determines for the believer except that it is good for him, and this only applies to the believer. If he meets with times of ease and plentitude, he thanks Allah and that is good for him. If he meets with times of adversity, he is patient and that is good for him." Therefore trial and tribulation is from the means of Allah aiding His servant, ennobling him and granting him well being. It is for this reason that the most severely tried people were the prophets, then those closest to them, each person being tried in accordance to his religion. The believer is afflicted with tribulation to such an extent that he ends up walking on the earth with no trace of sin remaining on him.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 16:21:04 +0000

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