TRIALS TEACH US DEPENDENCY AND HUMILITY! Mankind does not automatically go God’s way; it is usually quite the opposite (Isa 55:8). However, trials often times reveal the error of our own ways and lead us to a place of greater dependency upon God. As we are humbled, we tend to seek the Lord’s way more diligently. We are more willing to cooperate with Him and yield to Him. We recognize how desperately we need to depend upon Him–and upon His strength, wisdom, leading and power. God tests us and humbles us through trials (Deut 8:16). But He also uses the hard times to remind us that all good things, all success, all fruitfulness are only because of God’s grace, love and power (Deut8:17,18;Jas1:17). Let us remember these things, lest our own pride ever cause us to think that our success in life is of our own doing. Paul was used mightily by God. But he was given a physical trial to ensure that he would not think too highly of himself, or be “exalted above measure” (2Cor12:7-10). As God does mighty works through us, trials remind us that we have no true spiritual strength apart from God’s great grace and enablement. Remember always brethren, that it is His grace that carry us everyday. Praise the Lord!
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 08:30:32 +0000

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