TRIANGLE PRAYER-LINE MINISTRY SUNDAY SERVICE * Pre-Thanksgivin Praise * November 23, 2014 《》《》《》 《》《》《》 PTL fam! Happy Sunday n Happy Holidays 2 everyone!! We r so very thankful 4 our service this evenin, 4 our pastors n our ministry. We thank GOD 4 his presence on the line, in our lives n 4 manifestin his wrks thru us. Pastor Evangelist Debbie Freeman Winkler opend the service n brght the Openin Prayer. Presiding, Min Reginald Real Love Lawson Sr. opend the flr 4 the writer 2 welcome n greet everyone with our Meet & Greet portion of the service. Thank u Sis Temeeka Sheppard, Lovingme Blessed 4 joinin us....we pray that u njoyd the service n will join us again n thank u Sis Andrea Brownning 4 bringin forth ur song of praise. Min Lawson then offerd prayer b4 openin the scripture portion of our service b4 we brght our individual scriptures....includin 1John 3:1, 4:16, Ephesians 3:4, 3:16, Psalm 1:1, 39:1, 56:4, 63:3, 8, 69:30, 90:1, 119:21, Proverbs 24:14, Matthews 5:3, 2Corinthians 16-18 n a few others....n that was the readin of GODS wrd. AMEN!! Min Lawson opend the floor 4 the testimonies. We r so very grateful 2 hear about the wrk that GOD is doin in our lives. We thank Sis Charity, Sis Temeeka, the writer n Min Lawson 4 sharin their testimonies with us. 《》《》《》 《》《》《》 Pastor Bush then ntroduced our Speaker of the Hour....our very own Pastor Klara who ntroduced her mssg, READY OR NOT, HERE I COME, with scripture from Matthew 25:1-13 (a farewell sermon of comfort). Pastor Klara speakin on wut is 2 come....tellin us we have 2 b prepared. Pastor spoke on the 10 Virgins n the righteousness of I KINGDOM READY?!?! We have 2 xamine ourselves n look at our credentials. As Christians we have laws 2 abide by n we have qualifications 2 meet. Whether we r ready or not....his arrival is imminent. Bringin the story of the groom preparin his house 4 the bride n the procession of the virgins n the bride. The procession was lit by lamps at nite n when the bridegroom was late, the lamps ran out of oil. GOD requires our time n attn that he will provide us our oil 4 our lamps. Pastor stresses that we have 2 get out of the flesh n get n2 the will of GOD 2 get wut will sustain us. Pastor spoke on the 3 parts of each n everyone of us.... 1. Natural man (sin) 2. Soul man (emotions) 3. Spiritual man (our will) Pastor spoke on Acts 8:17, Ephesians 4:31 as well. Pastor Klara reminds us that we must b mindful of our away with anger/clamour, bitterness/evil speakin, wrath n offense. We have 2 do away with the middle man n keep the door closed 2 ur emotionality....dont let the enemy get hold 2 ur emotional man. We have 2 do away with all the things that zap our oil supply so that we can keep our lamps full n receive GODS many blessings. Pastor Klara challenges us 2 take a look at ourselves n ask, Mirror, mirror on the wall, do I please the GOD of all?!?! We have 2 have the right stuff. AMEN!! We r so thankful 4 the profound n powerful mssg that Pastor Klara Hicks brght us. Surely goodness n mercy shall follow me ALL the days of my life n I will dwell in the house of the Lord 4ever (Psalm 23:6). Pastor Klara opend the flr 4 Prayer Requests n brght forth prayer 4 the snowd in families in Buffalo, 4 families, 4 the sick, 4 travelin grace n mercies, 4 Pastor Bush n Pastor Winklers continued healin, 4 everyone on the line n their families as well. Pastor We pray that u were moved by the mssg n that u were inspired by it n that u will join us again. As we will b off the line 4 the nxt wk in observation of the Thanksgivin holiday n unless there is a call 4 Emergency Prayer, we will return on nxt Tues at 11am (CST)/12pm (EST). We pray that u n ur families will have a most blessd holiday n that u will remain prayerful 4 one another, 4 our pastors n ministry as well as those on our Prayer-list. Thank u again 4 ur presence n attn n we pray that ur evenin will b MOST BLESSD!! #GODISLORD #GIVETHANXATALLTIMES COPYRIGHT CLH 2014 HAPPY THANKSGIVIN FAM!!♥ ** Ur comments/remarks n suggestions r welcomed **
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 00:58:47 +0000

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