TRIBALISM IN NIGERIA: (POLITICIANS THE BENEFACTORS, ORDINARY NIGERIANS THE LOSERS). The inability of the delegates to agree on the percentage of derivation to be paid to the oil-producing states forced the National Conference to adjourn to today Wendesday. We shall bring you the update tomorrow Tursday....Paffcomm ...................................................................................... FROM THE PAFFCOMMS ARCHIVES TRIBALISM IN NIGERIA: (POLITICIANS THE BENEFACTORS, ORDINARY NIGERIANS THE LOSERS). There are no doubts that the Nigeria is very endowed with natural resources and able bodied men and women some whose ancestors were used to build other continents in the era of slavery. Nigeria controls a good proportion of world’s natural resources such as oil, minerals and some even of rare variety. The environment has for centuries been endowed with huge forests, natural foods and fruits, huge rivers, waterfalls and generally un-disturbed environment. Moreover changes in the global spectrum have changed the political, economic and social dispensation in Nigeria. Many would blame colonialism and neo-colonialism for the mess in Nigeria, but even then a close examination of Nigeria’s leadership leaves a lot to be desired. Before the coming of the colonialists Nigeria ethnic groups lived in their own distinct areas with their own cultures, i.e. language, customs, myths of origin, even migrate and inter marry etc. The communities lived free from each other, save for some conflict over water and pasture for livestock. When the British came, they brought with them the principle amalgamation and divide and rule. They magnified differences amongst the various communities/ tribes, instigating clashes whereby each community distrusted and fought the other. This served as the breeding ground for negative tribal stereotypes which then became embedded in popular belief. This situation of suspicion persisted till the time when independence was realized in 1960, at which point tribal suspicions shot up as the three major parties was created along tribal lines. Then began the squabbling over power that brought crises that rocked the fragile democracy and followed by the unpopular coup that was staged which finally triggered counter coup that resulted to war and ended with no winner no vanquished as they proclaimed. The next administration constituded by the winners of the war started favouring the partners that fought along with them during the war. This favouritism manifested itself in greater government expenditures for social infrastructure, corruption benefits to fellow tribesmen, privileged access to government and parastatal jobs. The war partners in the other hand, despite holding some key positions in the government, were largely discriminated against, while only complaints from war losers could elicit intimidation and even assassinations in return. As time goes on tribalism found its footing and became embedded in Nigeria polity. Tribalism in Nigeria is indeed a major stumbling block to democracy as well as socio-economic development. It persists since it provides an avenue via which state goodies and favours trickle down from those in power to their tribesmen. Therefore, loyalty to tribe is given ever greater relevance than loyalty to the country. Tribalism is truly diabolical. As a servant, it exhibits the sedate friendliness of a cat but as a master it unleashes the brutal terror of a tiger. Even so, we continue to court it and nurture it. As our servant, we argue that through it, we will get better jobs, better schools, better hospitals, and better roads. We contend that charity must begin at home where “our” people consume the morning milk and the rest can wait until the cows are milked in the evening. We state that only through it can we thrive more than the “others” because of it we are superior and above “them” but without it “we” will sink and drown. As our master, tribalism makes it okay to demean and denigrate others as ajokuta mamu omi, uncircumcised, ofe mmanu etc. We turn others into cockroaches, monsters. We find them a truly dehumanized mask to wear so that we will not be pricked by our consciences when we raise our machetes to chop off their heads or shoot our arrows or guns to pierce their bodies. As our master, moreover, tribalism makes it okay for some to steal because they are our thieves, some to murder because they are our defenders, some to maim because they are our warriors and others to loot and pillage because they are ours. They are us and we are them and if they are under attack we must, as one, come to their aid. Tribalism is responsible for a lot of ills such as underdevelopment, corruption, rigging of elections and violence/civil war. There is also no meritocracy as people are given jobs based on tribe regardless of having low qualifications. Hence the inefficient use of available skills. The exploitation of natural resources also takes a tribal angle, with resources in some areas being ignored or being under utilized. Bad governance and lack of accountability is also linked to tribalism as people will never question a government run by their tribesmen: even if it makes mistakes they remain supportive of it firmly and blindly.The reverse is also true. This means that even if a government does well it will receive daily unnecessary criticism from the ethnic groups not in the power. We all remember when we were growing up and one or both of our parents would occasionally make snide and derogatory remarks about members of other communities don’t we? Well that’s how most of us are introduced to this evil beast called tribalism. This is the reason that our country lags behind despite having very good resources both human and physical. The British colonial masters in order to make Nigeria easier to govern adopted a divide and rule policy and it worked a bit too well considering that over 50 yrs later we are as divided as the colonialists wanted us to be only that they are long gone. At independence the founding fathers for reasons of selfishness adopted and even improved on the divide and rule policy to entrench themselves deeper into power and to ensure they always remained in charge at the expense of the masses. They have created a feeling whereby people feel that the only way a community will develop is to rally behind one leader who will then use his position to bargain on behalf of his tribesmen. Hence we have a conglomeration of tribal chiefs masquerading as national leaders and it is this very individual’s who are key decision makers in this country when their only qualification is their tribe. No wonder the country is in the dumps so to speak.The only thing they are good at is inciting ethnic groups against each other by making statements like “ if we do not unite and vote as a block we will be finished” when in reality it is they and not their people who will be finished whatever that means. They are behaving like they are a super-breed yet we are the ones who vote them into power. How can an employee lord over his boss, I think this has now gone on long enough in Nigeria and its time we all took matters into our hands by voting for competent leaders who can get the job done. There are no haphazard coincidences in life and we basically reap what we sow and if we want real meaningful change and a better life for the majority we must change the way we vote and confront this tribal beats head on to save our country. Tribalism of our countrymen and women leave much of slippery ground which will make it an uphill task to deal with presently. Not to say that the term unemployment is the relative language of those who know nobody or do not have kinsmen in an organisation. Because, job acquisition is all about whom you know. Without such contacts know and be aware, your search will take you well into your retirement age. Have you not witnessed instances where no vacancy has been advertised boldly but “some” potential job seekers are engaged? Again, vacancies in most organisations are concealed awaiting the graduation of a certain ethnic groups woman or gentleman. If you doubt this, check the security services, the financial institutions, the Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies. They look similar to the nuclear family or village roll call list. Therefore, you need to struggle to gain employment in order to hold down a place for your children, kith and kin as well as ethnic groups men and women and cronies. Tribalism had the potential to damage Nigerias economic prospects in the future. When people start looking at each other from a tribal point of view, and you are not employed because of your own credentials, then it starts affecting productivity, If I am employing someone because they come from a particular tribe and not because they are qualified, then the results would be disastrous for an organisation or nation. Tribalism is rampant throughout the public sector, where it is about who you know. Each morning the poorest of the poor in Ibadan, Enugu, Kano etc, leave their houses to go and look for any opportunity and often times they return home to their wives and kids empty handed yet these poor are almost always the first to respond to war cries by the politicians who are responsible for the mess we are in. it is truly a sad situation when you love the one responsible for your suffering, truly sad. The region I am from has for many times voted for one family or their endorsement and this block voting has begotten the region nothing but abject poverty for the most part even the other region out perform us economically. Yet my tribesman is almost a religion in the area and his supporters are amongst the most intolerant people who can’t stand you criticizing their man even though they claim to be democrats. The same scenario seems to be developing in every community and states and ethnic groups with each trying to deify one of their own so that they can take a stab at the high office and then eat the national cake for themselves or four good years. Unless and until we face this tribal issue head on the next election could produce such severe carnage that it will make the post election violence we witnessed look like a walk in the park. We want to be proud to be Nigeria again and it pains my heart when liberators of yesterday have undergone a metamorphosis into the oppressors of today. I couldn’t help but notice how our past leaders respond to foreign critics or envoys critism of tribalism and corruption in Nigeria. there responds is always that Nigeria is a sovereign state and that basically their opinions are not welcome yet when they were in opposition or were nobody they used to love foreign envoys who spoke out in their favor. How sovereign are we when they have to run outside the country to beg for money for food, medicines, government expenditure etc. Its time we all admit to ourselves that we have probably the most selfish leaders anywhere and we just need a fresh start to put this country back on track. When I hear politicians who deliberately use tribalism as a political weapon (as part of their long-term strategy to dominate Nigerian society permanently), cynically bemoaning the rise of tribalism in our country. A look at African nations that have experienced serious internal conflict, such as: the Ivory Coast; Chad; Sudan; DR Congo; Burundi; Rwanda; Kenya; and Zimbabwe, should show us why we must never tolerate those who promote tribalism in our country. Tribalism poses the single biggest threat to the long-term survival of the Nigerian and those who are guilty of engaging in it are enemies of our country and its people. We must never tolerate such individuals in the politics of our nation – and above all we must speak out boldly against them whenever the opportunity to do so arises. No one who knows the history of our country will fail to appreciate just how lucky we have been, that our country has remained united, thus far – despite the threat to its cohesion posed by the determined efforts of the tribal-supremacist politicians in our midst. It is important, in discussing the issue of tribalism in our country, to distinguish between the vast majority of ordinary Nigerians (who don’t care one jot where their fellow citizens hail from), and the few tribal-supremacists in our nation: made up largely of the progeny of the ruling elites of our pre-colonial feudal past (who can be found in every tribe in Nigeria) who think that their own particular tribe is superior to every other tribe in Nigeria. The change we need will start with me and you and we all need to stop looking at each other through tribal lenses but as partners in Nigeria to develop our country. Admittance is always the first step to recovery and we all need to admit that this is a tribal society and we have todeal with it otherwise we might one day hack each other so badly that it will be impossible for us to live together again and hence the country would breakdown into smaller units like has happened in so many other places in the world. We are not special and though we are unique as individuals and as a nation if we don’t deal with this tribal beast we will be in real trouble. For me all we need is a commission on tribalism and everything else will surely fall into place. Corruption, nepotism, cronyism and all other ills will be much easier to deal withand eradicate if we are united. Imagine ordinary trial of a corrupt officer is complicated by the tribal issue with some seeing it as revenge while others look at it as victimization. Look at the tribal clashes with one group claiming they were reacting and another claiming they were defending themselves. Nobody is looking at the issues as criminal once the tribal equation is brought into play. Everybody is justifying their wrongdoing and the culture of impunity is also contributing in complicating issues with some seemingly believing that they will neverbe held to account no matter what. Fellow Nigerians! Our beloved Jesus Christ and Prophet Muhammad spoke out very harshly against tribalism many years ago and we should be in the forefront of the fight against tribalism in this country and more importantly we should not allow the enemies of Nigerian to use our ethnic diversity as a community in Nigerian to divide us for their benefit. We are all Equal as Muslims and Christians and United we will stand and divided we will fall there is no other way. Paffcomm https://facebook/groups/paff.789/ Paffcomm paffcomm
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 09:39:09 +0000

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