TRIBE - NATIVE AMERICANS Abenakis The Abenaki Indians - TopicsExpress


TRIBE - NATIVE AMERICANS Abenakis The Abenaki Indians (meaning people of the dawn) were natives of New England the advance of white settlement pushed them in Quebec. They were hunters and farmers. Alabamas Native Americans who gave their name to the state of the Alabama. The Alabamas have merged politically with their allies Coushattas. Algonquins Often confused with Indians from other tribes known as Algonquians, the Algonquins living in modern Ontario / Quebec area of Canada. Apaches Relatives of the Navajo, Apache Indians are known for their fierce military resistance against Mexicans and Americans, under the leadership of warriors like Geronimo and Cochise. Apalachees The original people of northern Florida, the Apalachee Indians were forced west and their descendants now live in Louisiana. Arapaho The Indians Arapaho Indians were from agricultural sources, when horses were introduced in the Americas, they began to follow the buffalo herds as the Sioux and Cheyenne. Arikaras Devastated by epidemics, the Arikara tribe has merged with their neighbors, the Mandan and Hidatsas. Assiniboines Relatives of the Sioux tribe, the Assiniboines were known as great hunters and traders and experts. Atakapas American Indians of the Gulf Coast, the Atakapas are known today for their contribution to zydeco music (folk music). Atikameks The Atikamekw is a tribe of Native Americans, small and traditional that still speaks their native language and live off the land. Beothuks The Beothuk or Native Americans were the original inhabitants of Newfoundland, Canada, died tragically in 1800. Blackfoot There are four tribes that make up this powerful nation of the Plains Indian: The Blackfoot (Feet Blacks) in Montana and the Siksika, Piikani, Kainai and in Canada. Caddos Native Americans of Texas and the Southern Plains, the Caddo Indians were Farmers are known to the art of ceramics. Calusas The Calusa Indians of southern Florida, they were not agricultural, but they have built technologically advanced city with windbreaks, dams, docks, and canals. Catawbas The Catawba were one of the few tribes in the south-east Indian who were not deported in Oklahoma, They have kept among other customs also the tradition of ceramics. Cayugas Members of the powerful Iroquois Confederacy, the Cayuga tribe are Native Americans the state of New York. Cherokee Original people of the American Southeast, most of the Cherokee were forcibly deported in Oklahoma along the infamous Trail of Tears. Cheyenne Plains Indians, who hunted for their survival, the buffalo, the Cheyenne have survived several massacres Americans. Chickasaw The Chickasaws were one of the many tribes of the south-eastern India that have been forced to move to Oklahoma along the Trail of Tears. Chinook Native Americans of the Northwest Pacific Chinook Indians were well-known as experienced traders. Chippewa Also known as Ojibway, Ojibwe, or Ojibwe, Chippewa tribe is one of the nations largest and powerful. Chumash Native Americans of Southern California, the Chumash were fishermen known for their particular canoe. Choctaw In the infamous forced march The Trail of Tears (Trail of Tears) up in Oklahoma, despite the Choctaw Indians had lost their homes, they gave what they had to help the victims of the Irish famine in the 1800s, and today are still admired by the Irish people. Coeur dAlene American Indians of the great plateau, Coeur dAlenes were good fishermen and traders. Comanche Relatives of the Shoshone, the Comanche Indians were divided by the Shoshone and migrated to the southern plains. Coushattas Also known as the Koasatis, the Coushattas politically merged with its allies the Alabamas. creeks Also known as the Muskogees, the Creeks was one of the most important tribes of south-east American, but most of them were forced to move to Oklahoma in 1800. Cri The Cree are one of the largest groups native to North America and have had a great impact in the history of Canada. Crows The Crow are a tribe of the plains of North America, expert horsemen and famous for their long hair. Dakota The Dakota tribe, the great Plains, is one of the largest and most known tribes of Native American nations. Gros Ventre The Gros Ventre were relatives of the Arapaho, and called Aaninin, whites Clay. Haidas Native Americans of the northwest coast, the Haida tribe is known for its huge canoes. Hidatsas Devastated by epidemics, the Hidatsa tribe merged with their neighbors, the Mandan and Arikaras. Hochunks / Winnebagos Unlike other Sioux tribes, the Hochunks not renounced their farming villages in favor of a life nomad. Hopi Known as peaceful people, the Hopi Indians are great farmers and artists. Huron / Wyandot The Wyandot, who lived on both sides of the modern US-Canadian border, they were an important tribe of traders. Illini The state of Illinois has been named so after the Illini Indians, had been decimated by the war in 1700. Innus The Montagnais and Naskapi have different tribal names, but are considered part of the same culture, Innu. Ioways Along with their cousins of Native Americans Otoe and Missouri, are the Ioways Plains Indians who hunted the great herds of buffalo. Iroquois The powerful Iroquois Confederacy were known for their fighting skills, but also for their government, which was one of the examples of representative democracy, and used as a model by the founding fathers of the United States. Kansas (KAWS) The Kansa is an Indian tribe that gave its name to the State of Kansas. Kickapoos Kickapoo tribe was very proud that he fled to Mexico rather than surrender to the Americans. Kiowa The Kiowa of the plains, migrated frequently to follow the buffalo herds that were their source of life. Kwakiutl Native Americans of the Pacific Northwest, the tribe Kwakiutl totem is known for their very high. Lakota The Lakota tribe is one of the largest and notes nations of Native Americans of the Great Plains. Lenni Lenape Lenape or Delaware Indians are considered by many the greatest Algonquian tribes. Lumbees The Lumbees are descendants of the Indians who helped the Carolina Colony Roanoake. Makah Native Americans of the Northwest Pacific, the Makah Indian whalers were known as experts. Maliseets The Maliseet were resident in the seas Canadians are known for their artistic work with the beads. Mandan The Mandan were mainly farmers, but like the other tribes of the plains, followed the buffalo herds for hunting season. Maricopas American Indians of the deserts of the American Southwest, the Maricopas were farmers, known for their elaborate tattoos. Menominees A native of Wisconsin, the Menominee tribe takes its name from their staple food, the wild rice. Miamis The Indians did not live in Miami Florida, but in the Midwest: Indiana, Illinois and Ohio. Miccosukees They are one of the tribes that made up the powerful alliance Seminole, the Miccosukees were of southern Georgia and northern Florida, later this tribe retreated into the Everglades when the Americans attacked. Micmacs The Micmac (Mikmaq or) still live in their original homeland in Nova Scotia, and are fighting for the right to fish and hunt as they taught their ancestors .. Missouris Along with their cousins the Ioway Native Americans and Otoei, Missouris are the Plains Indians who hunted the great herds of buffalo. Mojaves American Indians in the desert southwest, the Mojaves farmers were known for their elaborate tattoos. Mohawks Members of the powerful Iroquois Confederacy, the Mohawk tribe are Native Americans the state of New York. Mohegans Often confused with the Mohicans, the Mohegan were originally independent tribes, including the Pequots and Montauks. Mohicans Often confused with the Mohegans, the Mohican not extinct, but were exiled in Wisconsin. Montauk One of the many small tribes of Algonquian Native Americans from southern New England. Munsee The Munsee were residents of Long Island and New York State, but were pushed into Wisconsin and Ontario for colonial expansion. Nanticokes The Nanticoke were known to the help given to fugitive slaves, who often protected. Narragansett One of the many small tribes of Algonquian Native Americans from southern New England. Navajos The nations largest Native American in the United States, famous for their beautiful carpets. Their complex language was used as a code in World War II. Nez Perce The Nez Perce originally were fishermen, but once known horses, began to breed buffalo. Niantic One of the many small tribes of Algonquian Native Americans of southern New England. Nipmuc One of the many small tribes of Algonquian Native Americans of southern New England. Okanagan The Interior Salish Indians, the Okanagans were salmon fishermen and traders. Omaha The Omaha were the Plains Indians of the prairie, buffalo hunters for food. Oneida Members of the powerful Iroquois Confederacy, the Oneida tribe are Native Americans of the northern state of New York. Onondaga Members of the powerful Iroquois Confederacy, the Onondaga are American Indians of the northern state of New York. Osage The Osage Indians are the plains of the prairie, known for their tribal tattoos. Otoes Along with their cousins the Ioway and Missouri Native Americans, Plains Indians and Otoe are buffalo hunters. Ottawa The national capital of Canada is named after the tribe of Ottawa who are relatives of the Ojibway. Passamaquoddies The people of Native American Passamaquoddy are originally from Maine, where they still live today. Pawnees The Pawnee Indians were known as explorers and American allies. Penobscot Penobscot Indians are originally from Maine, where they still live today. Pequot One of the many small tribes of Algonquian Native Americans of southern New England. Pocumtuck A sub-tribe of Native American Mohican tribe, Pocumtuc had distinguished leadership and a unique history. Poncas The Poncas were Indians of the plains prairie, buffalo hunters for food. Potawatomi The Potawatomi, their name means the people of the place of fire, were closely related to the Ottawa and Chippewa. Powhatan The Powhatan Confederacy is the most popular because it is the tribe of the real Pocahontas, were a powerful empire with the control of a large part of Virginia. Pueblos This name is indicated both tribes, and their cities built of bricks baked in the sun. The Pueblo Indians are native to New Mexico. Quapaw The Quapaw Indian tribe was known to white Americans as the Akansea, and it is this that has to be searched by the name of the state of Arkansas. Quileute The Indians were not the Quileute werewolves, but taking into account their tribal ancestors: the lupi.Vivevano on the coast of Washington state, they were very combative and courageously resisted the aggressions of the hostile tribes who wanted to drive them out of their territory. They were hunters of whales and seals. Sac and Fox These two American Indian tribes joined forces in 1700, when the Sac helped their relatives Fox by a French attempt to exterminate them. Even today, many live together. Seminole The Seminoles were originally a confederation of various tribes of the south-east. Today, the Seminoles are one tribe. Seneca Members of the powerful Iroquois Confederacy, the Seneca Indians are America Upstate New York. Shawnee The Shawnee tribe was nomadic, they had settlements from New York to Georgia, were gathered in a tribe, when the United States government deported them all in Oklahoma .. Shinnecock One of the many small tribes of Algonquian Native Americans of southern New England. Shoshonis The Shoshone tribes lived in Wyoming and Idaho. They allied themselves with the Americans who helped against their old enemies Lakota and Cheyenne. Sioux The Sioux Indians, who call themselves Lakota or Dakota, are the largest and best known tribes of the Great Plains. Tlingit American Indians of the northwest coast, were surfers, fishermen and traders, Alexander lived in the archipelago, on the border with Alaska. Tonkawas The Tonkawa were originally Native Americans of Texas, but were forced to move Oklahoma along with many other Indians of Texas. Tuscaroras Originally from the American Southeast, the Tuscaroras joined the Iroquois Confederacy. utes The Ute Indians are Native Americans of the Great Basin area between the Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Nevada. Wabanakis The Wabanaki Confederacy was a powerful alliance of the Indians of the American east coast. Wampanoag Native Americans who lived in villages that arose in todays Massachusetts were skilled farmers, the Wampanoag tribe met a sad fate at the hands of the British. Wappingers A sub-tribe of Native American Mohican, the Wappinger tribe had distinct leadership and a unique history. Wichitas The Wichita Native Americans were originally from Texas, but were forced to move Oklahoma along with many other Indians of Texas. Wiyots The Wiyots are Indians of northern California who were tragically killed during the Gold Rush era. Only a few Wiyot descendants remain today merged with neighboring Yurok and Hupa. Yakama Native Americans of the great plateau, the Yakamas were fishermen and traders. Yuchis Although the American government believes that the Yuchi people is part of the Creek tribe, are always were politically independent and have a unique culture all their own. Yuroks Relatives of the Wiyot, the two peoples have merged after ethnic violence against them in 1800. Zunis American Indians of New Mexico, the Zunis speak a different language than the other tribes Pueblos.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 08:54:56 +0000

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