TRIBUTE TO BABA ALADURA EBENEZER SUNDAY OLA-OLUWA ILORI Life is short, life is a journey, life is a season, life, life, oh life, life is sweet and also bitter….life in the real sense of the world is transient…we are bound to live and death is inevitable… However, we are all shrouded in secrecy as to when, how, where… we would meet death. To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: 2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; 3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; Ecclesiastes’3:1-4 Death is a universal phenomenon that marks the end of a phase. It cuts across all strata of human race which does not have any bearing whatsoever with age. Such a phase it was on 17th June 2014 when you breathe your last breath. The news of your death came to me as a rude shock while I was far away. Prior to my journey, I felt it was better to minimize the frequency of the rush to your hospital bed while you are recuperating. I had consistently followed your health progress and all the information I got was “Baba is getting better”. It was a dream I nurse earnestly to come back and meet you hale and hearty. But my dream was nothing other than a mere wish, as such my dream and aspiration was shattered. I had a great ambition to engage you in an interview and possibly write a story around your life that would serve as an inspiration to our generation and many generations to come. I have buckled up a lot in my mind which I look forward to engage you with when such occasions permit. Without mincing word, I am one of your “troublesome son”…the reason for this is not far-fetched, my world revolve round “Ore Ofe” the foundation of my faith in Christ Jesus. I recall the story around your ascension to the leadership position of Ore Ofe C & S Church as divinely induced and providence made it a reality The goodness, success, progress, achievement and enviable height members of Ore Ofe and the church of God accomplished under your leadership is a testimony of God’s anointing over you. You are indeed “Joshua of our time” as you led the church from the shackles of oblivion in the wilderness wandering, to our land of greatness which the Lord has promised us. Baba Aladura, you are undoubtedly a great lover of children and youth…a disciplinarian and ardent fan and enforcer of Seraph tradition (some of those I am not in agreement with). You held the pillar of Ore Ofe firm; you remained fervent in the call of Mama Aladura. I say unequivocally that you are a “youth in elder’s robe”. You are front runner of the youth as you will never hesitate against all odd to give in all your energy, time and passion to all youth programme. Your regular prayer to God is for the success of the Youth “Ojo Ola Ijo Ore Ofe (The future of Ore Ofe Church). You always show a great sense of pride in yourself that if we are highly placed in the society (President, Doctor, Senator, Lawyer, Bank Manager e.t.c), you need no visa or advance notice to pay us a visit…all you needed was, a message at the reception desk “Baba Aladura is here to see you”, and you would walk majestically in to see us… That dream though fulfilled to an extent….but the depth of its fulfilment is shattered as you were taken away from us. It is however sad that time never permit you to eat as much as we would have loved from the good prayer investment you made in the life of us all (Youth). You gave up yourself to the service of God in Ore Ofe C & S Church, you lived, wined and dined Ore Ofe….as one of your regular slogan….”Ile Olorun mi ni, emi o ma wa ire re” (the house of my God, I will seek its good). While I would not claim you were perfect in all things….your humility and servant leadership style is worthy of mentioning… Your position as Baba Aladura was never an impediment to give yourself to service when such need arise. You are never tired of vigil…you would lead service when no one is available…you would even remind us that you have not lost your drumming skills as you would never hesitate to beat the drum at such service when no one is available to take-up the role. You have left at a time we needed you most…you have left us in the dream and aspiration of a better Ore Ofe. You have left us at this critical point that we needed you most…we cannot query your exit but remained grateful and thankful to God for the excellent achievement of your service in the Lord’s vineyard. You gave us your farewell message but we are short-sighted of it…I can remember vividly that faithful day at one of the Lenten service. You charged us all to keep the flag of Ore Ofe flying…“Ise idagba s’oke Ijo Olorun wa ni owo omode ati agba,…(the growth of the church of God rest on the shoulders of the elders and youth. We shall keep to this responsibility and give all it takes to see to the growth and development of the Church…we shall build on your legacy. Your death is indeed an end of a colossus and the beginning of a new era. This is not an era we looked forward to so soon…but I believe God has a purpose for taking you home at this time. You have fought a great battle and you are indeed a conqueror….rest in the blossom of your God…till we meet to part no more Adieu Baba Aladura…. Osilaja Oluwadamisi Ademidotun
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 15:38:31 +0000

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