TRIED AND TESTED FOR A PURPOSE In real life we normally test - TopicsExpress


TRIED AND TESTED FOR A PURPOSE In real life we normally test products before buying. Women, we normally find cosmetics, things like lipsticks that are opened with a sticker “Tester” to help us test before buying. And for products that are to be tried for a while sometimes you find a note that says “If you don’t see results in three weeks you will get your money back” The people who made the product has so much confidence in it for them to even be bold enough to say we will give you your money back should the product fail. God said to Satan “Have you considered my servant Job? – Try him and see if he will deny me or curse me” So we face testing and trying in life for a reason and for God’s purpose. We are tested to be bought for His glory. Challenges are there to give you a testimony that will give God glory. And we are tried when God has much confidence in us. Job said “He knows the way I take; When He has tried me I shall come out as gold” Job 23:10 You have to be tested to be used, and you have to be tried to prove your durability and strength. After passing the testing and the trying you will be standing on the other side as GOLD. Do not be discourage if you feel like everything is just falling apart, like God is not in whatever you are faced with, hold on and pass the test. You are coming out as Gold.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 05:13:52 +0000

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