TRINIDADIAN-BORN GEOFFREY HOLDER, THE 7-UP MAN, JUST DIED this past Sunday from complications of pneumonia! Even at the moment of death, the saga of life oftentimes evinces a sort of dark irony, for the belov-ed actor/painter/dancer had no clue that the very lemons, limes and kola nuts he used to hold in his hands in the Uncola commercials are all that he needed to mitigate the pneumonia that ultimately took his life. Indeed, Holder, over time, became so Americanized that he lost that sense of West Indian folk wisdom which would have led him to take those kola nuts and make some Bissy tea out of them--a powerful detoxifying herbal tea that would have flushed that pneumonia virus right out of his body. And if, for whatever reason, he were not able to get any kola nuts here in the States, at the time, he could have turned to fresh lemons and limes which contain powerful limonins. If he would have taken the time to simply drink a glass of lemon or lime water each day, a few times each day, the limonins would have gone directly in to Holders bloodstream and flushed those dangerous pneumonia microbes right out of his body. And he would still be here with us today. Tragically, what we dont know can hurt us badly, even to the point of fatality. Also, that the soul be without knowledge, it is not good (Proverbs 19:2).
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 08:42:39 +0000

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