TRISERVICE BRAVE HEARTS SAVE SIX LIVES OF KULGAM BOYS KULGAM, 30 JUN 13. Pilots of Air Force, Commandos from Navy and air crew cum ground troops of Army set a fine example of commitment towards the awaam of Valley when they successfully performed the feat of saving the lives of six boys from Kulgam district who were struck amid the land slide, in the freezing waters of kausernag Lake. The joint Army- Navy-Air Force rescue mission was launched at the behest of Div Commissioner who promptly requisitioned the tri services rescue effort on hearing about the life threatening situation that the six trekkers from places belonging to Kulgam District had got themselves into. A group of six boys had gone on an adventure trip to Kausernag which is located on the Pir Panjal Ranges of Kashmir. While trekking, a land slide occurred enroute, trapping the group into the Lake. To their good fortune, one of the members was safe and was able to communicate with the civil administration. On being spoken to by the Div Commissioner, the Army and Air Force launched a joint rescue mission on war footing. While Army launched the ground troops on a 5 KM long trek, the Air Force Helicopters took off to undertake one of the most challenging rescue tasks through winching and the Naval Commandos were prepared to be launched through the lake in case the Air Force effort did not materialise due to bad weather. However, the Air Force Helicopter team successfully winch lifted the group of boys struck inside the lake and dropped them at the shore. In a simultaneous effort, the Army Aviation inserted the ground teams suitably into the nearby places to reach out to the affected boys, resuscitate and bring them to the place of safety. The prompt effort by the troops from all the three services, disregarding their personal safety, saved the lives of six boys of Kashmir. Lt Gen Gurmit Singh, Chinar Corps Commander and the senior most tri-service officers in the Valley dedicated this rare feat by brave hearts to the people of Valley and conveys his congratulations to the families of the boys whose lives were saved. He also commended the tri-service troops who participated in the rescue operation. This effort by the defence forces were well appreciated by the Div Commissioner.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 06:43:46 +0000

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