TRIUMPH IN ADVERSITY ( A MANCHESTER CHILDHOOD) Oh my God! Lesley, look at what youve done? Youve broke mams glass fish. You are dead! You can wipe that smirk off your face or youll be dead an all. Just shurrup a minute. Let me think?...If we balance it like this, shell never know. Its only snapped at the tail. You cant even tell Til someone tries to turn the telly over. And what do you mean We ? I didnt do it. You did! Karin. Youre in the room, thats guilt by association...I tell you what, Ive got three Buntys that I havent cut the dolls out of yet. If you keep your mouth shut you can have em Why cant I have your recorder? Youre not having me recorder. Im in the school orchestra. What am I suppose to do in assembly? Whistle?...You can have the Buntys and some of me Maltesers after tea...and I WONT tell mam that you were showing boys your knickers in the sand park I wasnt though Yeah but mam punishes first and investigates later Tut!...Alright *Sisters 1 and 2 walk slowly away from the Telly, and practice looks of innocence, til they are rudely interrupted by sister number 3* Mam says youve got to play with me Mam doesnt know how horrible you are. And youre rubbish at playing anything. Int she our karin? Yeah. She broke the dice thingy on me Frustation game the other day MAM? OUR LESLEY AND KARIN WONT PLAY WITH ME Shurrup! Aw shes coming now (And Ive just had an idea) I cant have five minutes peace. Whats going on in here? They wont play with me (sob) We didnt say we wouldnt play with her. We said lets ask mam if we can watch telly No you never! Yes we di- Right shut it! the lot of youse. Get sat on the settee and Ill put the telly on NO! We do it in turns mam. We always have turns for turning the telly on...Its Amandas turn now Since when? Dont even bother answering...Get sat on that settee. Amanda go and switch the telly on Can I turn over the channels too? Lets see whats on first...Be careful!!!...I dont believe it. How many times have I told you to be gentle when youre pushing the button in? I was! Well explain how youve just managed to break my bloomin glass fish? It took me weeks to pay for that. I cant have anything...and you two can shut up sniggering, or it wont be just our Amanda getting done!
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 12:20:43 +0000

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