TRIVIA AS PASTORAL CARE: DFA ROLE IS IMPORTANT TO ALL FILIPINOS AS WE WILL CELEBRATE THE FEAST OF ST. PEDRO CALUNSOD, THE SECOND FILIPINO SAINT AS MARTYR BEING CATHOLIC MISSIONARY. April 02, 2014 This important pastoral care in respect to our ARCHDIOCESE OF LIPA with our Archbishop of Lipa Most Rev. Msgr. Ramon C. Arguelles, D.D., as far as DIOCESE OF BALAYAN in the coming feast of ST. PDERO CALUNSOD on April 02, 2014 is important to all Filipinos especially to the role of the DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS (DFA) as far as our Religious Missionaries or even of our Migrant Workers and OFW’s are concerned with either of having new passport or renewal of passport that is important to any Filipinos who are going to other countries or abroad. With this, I remembered when I have my first missionary assignment outside of the Philippines being the chosen witnessed of our LORD JESUS RESURRECTION inside the EUCHARIST to the Pontifical Religious Congregation of fathers and brothers of the SONS OF HOLY MARY IMMACULATE CONGREGATION (SHMI) in the year 1991-1992 as I was sent to ROME, ITALY with my visa as student and my own passport being a seminarian into my NOVITIATE PERIOD located in Poiano, Verona, Italy. Going home after nine (9) months from Year 1991 immediately by following the WILL OF GOD being sent and brought in the Philippines the GOOD NEWS as far as my arrival with my passport in Manila International Airport last May 24, 1992 after the terms of office of the People Power President MRS. CORAZON C. AQUINO as clearly to end the EDSA PEOPLE POWER 1 through the GOSPEL OF LIFE being religious missionary through the RISEN LORD JESUS as your bishop and priest like of the Twelve Apostles in the LAST SUPPER of the LORD is an important to be informed as we will celebrate the feast of ST. PEDRO CALUNSOD on April 02, 2014 as far as Department of Foreign Affairs is also concerned. But how is ST. PEDRO CALUNSOD as missionary catechist of the Jesuit Fathers became saint as trivia and pastoral care of the DIOCESE OF BALAYAN? Pedro Calunsod was born on July 21, 1654. He is actually from Visaya region but historical research identifies him that he came in Ginatian in Cebu, and Hinundayan in Southern Leyte, and the Molo District in Iloilo City as the possible places of origin. His missionary life started in 1668, when St. Pedro Calunsod, then around 14, was amongst the exemplary young catechist chosen to accompany Spanish Jesuit missionaries to the Islas de los Ladrones, (Isles of Thieves), which have since been renamed the Mariana Islands the year before to honor both the Virgin Mary and the mission’s benefactress, Maria Ana of Austria, Queen Regent of Spain. St. Pedro Calunsod accompanied the priest Diego San Vitores to Guam to catechize the native chamorros. Missionary Life on the Island was difficult as provisions did not arrive regularly, the jungles and terrain was difficult to traverse, and the Marianas were frequently devastated by typhoon. The mission nevertheless perversed, and a significant number of locals were baptized into the faith. He is a martyr who died a catholic missionary in Guam. St. Pedro Calunsod beatification was year 2000 by late BLESSEDPOPE JOHN PAUL II and described the Filipino martyr as “good soldier of Christ”…. And officially became the second Filipino saint being canonized by Emeritus Ret. POPE BENEDICT XVI in the Vatican. With this as pastoral care the saints long to help onward to heaven all souls, whose precious value they now realize as never before. And if the PRAYER of a good man on earth has power with GOD, there is no estimating the power of the PRAYERS which the saints offer for us like of ST. PEDRO CALUNSOD. The saints in heaven PRAY for the souls in purgatory and for us. The saints are masterpiece of God’s grace. HAPPY FEAST DAY OF ST. PEDRO CALUNSOD to all of us Filipinos as far as important role of the Department of Foreign Affairs is concerned on April 02, 2014. May God bless us especially our Religious Missionaries and Migrant workers especially our OFW’s. + CRISOSTOMO TANGLAO ARADA, D.D. Diocese of Balayan St. John the Baptist of the Immaculate Conception Cathedral Parish Plaza Mabini St., Balayan, Batangas St. Francis De Sales Major Seminary Lipa – year 1982-1985 Sons of Holy Mary Immaculate Congregation Seminary (SHMI) Manila year 1989-1991 Figli Di Santa Maria Immacolata Novitiate House Verona, Italy – year 1991-1992 Graduate of Master of Arts (M.A.) in Theology Major in Pastoral Ministry Divine Word School of Theology Divine Word Seminary Tagaytay City, Philippines – year 2003-2006 (April 01, 2006)
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 03:09:13 +0000

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